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Etext Bibliograpy

This is a comprehensive bibliography of all
complete books scanned at, or for, the Internet Sacred Text Archive.
If a file is listed here, it normally indicates that this
is the first place it was posted anywhere on the Internet,
as far as we can determine.
This does not list etexts of journal articles, nor files scanned elsewhere
and posted or reformatted for sacred-texts.
All of these texts are believed to be in the public domain.
Their files may be used for any non-commercial purpose freely, as long
as they are attributed correctly.
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with the Internet Sacred Text Archive per the
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Staff members: John Bruno Hare [JBH]; Melissa Ellen Casey [MEC]
(past and present)
[CW] is Chris Weimer.
[Some Dude (BT)] is a volunteer who wishes to remain anonymous.
[HG] is a volunteer who wishes to remain anonymous.
[PB] Phillip Brown, who ran the belinus.co.uk Celtic folklore site
for many years, has donated his collection to sacred-texts.
[CJ] is Chetan Jain at BharatLiterature.
[SS] is Srinivasan Sriram (as part of the sripedia.org initiative).
[MC] is Mantra Caitanya.
[DP] is Distributed Proofing.
[EY] is Eliza Yetter from sacredspiral.com.
[NV] is northvegr.org,
[SM] is the volunteer known as ‘Simon Magus’.
[MR] is a volunteer from www.reuniting.info.
[BAR] is Jason Barrera
J.B. Hare is responsible for the transcription of all books listed here which are otherwise unattributed.
Age of Reason
The Heroic Enthusiasts by Giordano Bruno; L. Williams, translator;
London, Part I: George Redway [1887]; Part II: Bernard Quaritch [1889]
Friar Bacon: His Discovery of the Miracles Of Art, Nature, And Magick
by Roger Bacon [1659]
[contributed by Dr. Alan R. Young, Ph.D.]
The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci (original title, The Literary
Works of Leonardo Da Vinci), translated by Jean Paul Richter.
Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, London [1883]
African, Afro-Caribbean, and African-American
Jamaica Anansi Stories by Martha Warren Beckwith [1924]
Specimens of Bushman Folklore by W.H.I. Bleek and L.C. Lloyd [1911]
The Religious System of the Amazulu, by Henry Callaway;
Springvale, Natal [1870]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/afr/rsa/index.htm [CW]
Folk Stories From Southern Nigeria, West Africa by Elphinstone Dayrell [1910]
Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort (French Congo). by Richard Edward Dennett [1898]
At the Back of the Black Man’s Mind by R. E. Dennett [1906]
The Negro, by W.E.B. Du Bois, New York: Henry Holt and Company [1915]
Yoruba-Speaking Peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa by A. B. Ellis [1894]
Drums and Shadows;
Survival Studies Among the Georgia Coastal Negroes;
Savannah Unit, Georgia Writer’s Project;
Work Projects Administration;
Mary Granger, District Supervisor;
University of Georgia Press
[1940, copyright not renewed]
South-African Folk-Tales by James A. Honeÿ [1910]
Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire, Book I.,
by Drusilla Dunjee Houston;
The Universal Publishing Company, Oklahoma City, OK [1926, copyright not renewed]
Stolen Legacy, by George G. M. James; New York: Philosophical Library [1954]
Religion and Myth, by James Macdonald; London: D. Nutt; New York: Scribner [1883]
The Promised Key, by G.G. Maragh (Leonard Percival Howell) [1935?]
Fetichism in West Africa, Forty Years’ Observation of Native Customs and Superstitions by Robert Hamill Nassau [1904]
Yoruba Legends, by M.I. Ogumefu, London [1929]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/afr/yl/index.htm [SM]
The Royal Parchment Scroll of Black Supremacy, by Fitz Balintine Pettersburg [1926?]
The Holy Piby, by Robert Athlyi Rogers;
Newark, New Jersey [1924-8, no renewal]
Hausa Folk-Lore by Maalam Shaihu, translated by R. Sutherland Rattray [1913]
Woman’s Mysteries of a Primitive People by D. Amaury Talbot, London [1915]
Kaffir {Xhosa} Folk-lore: A Selection from the Traditional Tales by George McCall Theal [1886]
Myths and Legends of the Bantu by Alice Werner [1933]
Voodoos and Obeahs, by Joseph J. Williams, S.J. New York [1932]
Psychic Phenomena of Jamaica, by Joseph J. Williams, S.J. New York [1934]
Myths of Ífè, by John Wyndham. London [1921]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/afr/ife/index.htm [CW]
Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored, by A. Cockren; Philadelphia, David McKay [1941, copyright not renewed]
The Hermetic Museum, tr. by Arthur Edward Waite; London, J. Elliot and Co. [1893]
Collectanea Chemica, ed. by A.E. Waite, London: J. Elliot and Co. [1893]
Little Known Facts about the Amish and the Mennonites,
By Ammon Monroe Aurand, Jr.
The Aurand Press; Harrisburg, Pennsylania. [1938, copyright not renewed]
The Realness of Witchcraft in America, By Ammon Monroe Aurand, Jr.
The Aurand Press; Lancaster, Pennsylania. [1942, copyright not renewed]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/ame/row/index.htm [EY]
Early Life of the Pennsylvania Germans, By Ammon Monroe Aurand, Jr.
The Aurand Press; Lancaster, Pennsylania. [194?, copyright not renewed]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/ame/elpg/index.htm [EY]
Coffee in the Gourd, edited by Frank Dobie;
Texas Folk-Lore Society [1924]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/ame/cig/index.htm [EY]
Pow-wows or Long-Lost Friend by John George Hohman [1820].
Native American
The Delight Makers, by Adolf F. Bandelier;
New York, Dodd, Mead and Company
Pomo Bear Doctors, by S.A. Barrett, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 12:11 pp. 443-465
University of California Press, Berkeley [1917]
Tales of the Cochiti Indians, by Ruth Benedict;
U.S. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin no. 98;
US Government Printing Office;
Chinook Texts, by Franz Boas;
U.S. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin no. 20;
US Government Printing Office;
Kwakiutl Tales, by Franz Boas;
(Columbia University Contributions to Anthropology, Volume II)
New York: Columbia University Press;
Tsimshian Texts (Nass River Dialect), by Franz Boas;
U.S. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin no. 27., USGPO, Washington D.C.; [1902]
Tsimshian Texts (New Series), by Franz Boas;
(Publications of the American Ethnological Society Volume III, Part 2);
Late E. J. Brill, Publishers and Printers, Leyden [1912]
A Historical Account of the Origin, Customs, and Traditions of the Indians at the Missionary Establishment of St. Juan Capistrano, Alta-California;
By the Reverend Father Friar Geronimo Boscana;
Translated by Alfred Robinson; Wiley and Putnam, New York [1846]
The Walam Olum.
From The Lenâpé and Their Legends, by Daniel G. Brinton.
Brinton’s Library of Aboriginal Literature number V.
Phildelphia, [1885].
Rig Veda Americanus: Sacred Songs of the Ancient Mexicans, with a Gloss
in Nahuatl by Daniel G. Brinton; Illustrations.
Vol VIII of Brinton’s Library of Aboriginal Literature.
Philadelphia, [1890].
Zuñi Religion, by Ruth Bunzel.
From The Forty-Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of American
Ethnology, 1929-1930. Includes complete text of the following
papers: Introduction to Zuñi Ceremonialism,
Zuñi Origin Myths, and
Zuñi Ritual Poetry. Smithsonian, Washington D.C. [1930].
Indians of the Yosemite Valley and Vicinity, by Galen Clark;
Yosemite Valley, California, Galen Clark [1904]
American Indian Fairy Tales: Snow Bird, the Water Tiger, etc., by Margaret Compton; Dodd, Mead & Company, New York [1907]
The Path on the Rainbow, ed. by George W. Cronyn; New York: Boni and Liveright, Inc. [1918]
Creation Myths of Primitive America, by Jeremiah Curtin; Boston; Little, Brown [1898]
Seneca Indian Myths, by Jeremiah Curtin; New York; E.P. Dutton & Company [1922]
Zuñi Folk Tales, by Frank Hamilton Cushing [1901].
Introduction by John Wesley Powell.
Yucatan Before and After the Conquest, by Diego de Landa, translated, with notes by William Gates, Publication 20 of the Maya Society; Baltimore, the Maya Society [1937]
Maidu Texts, by Roland B. Dixon;
Publications of the American Ethnological Society, Volume IV;
Late E. J. Brill Publishers and Printers, Leyden, [1912]
The Religion of the Luiseño Indians of Southern California, by Constance Goddard Du Bois; University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 8:3, pp. 69-186 [1908]
Dancing Gods: Indian Ceremonials of New Mexico and Arizona,
by Erna Fergusson.
New York, Alfred A. Knopf, [1931, copyright not renewed]
Coos Texts, by Leo J. Frachtenberg;
Columbia University Contributions to Anthropology, Volume I;
Columbia University Press, New York; [1913]
Yaqui Myths and Legends, by Ruth Warner Giddings; Illustrated by Laurie Cook;
University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ
(Univ. Ariz. Anthropological Paper No. 2) [1959]
Hupa Texts, by Pliny Earle Goddard; (University of California
Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 1:2); [1904]
Jicarilla Apache Texts, by Pliny Earle Goddard;
New York: Anthropological Papers of the American
Museum of Natural History, Vol. VIII; [1911]
In the Beginning: A Navaho Creation Myth, told by Frank Goldtooth,
recorded by Stanley A. Fishler;
Anthropological Papers, Department of Anthropology, University of Utah
No. 13, [January 1953, copyright not renewed]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/nav/itb/index.htm [SM]
The Punishment of the Stingy and Other Indian Stories, by George Bird Grinnell;
New York; London: Harper & Brother Publishers [1901]
The Iroquois Book of Rites by Horatio E. Hale.
Volume II of Brinton’s Library of Aboriginal American Literature.
Philadelphia, [1883]
Iroquoian Cosmology, by J. N. B. Hewitt;
Twenty-First Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1899-1900
Washington D.C., Government Printing Office [1903]
Navajo Creation Myth, The Story of the Emergence, By Hasteen Klah,
Recorded by Mary C. Wheelwright;
Navajo Religion Series, Volume I, Santa Fe, [1942, no renewal]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/nav/ncm/index.htm [SM]
Two Myths of the Mission Indians, by A. L. Kroeber;
Journal of American Folklore Vol. XIX, No. 75, pp. 309-21.
Religion of the Indians of California, by A. L. Kroeber;
University of California Publications in American Anthropology and Ethnography Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 319-356 [1907]
Indian Myths of South Central California, by A. L. Kroeber;
University of California Publications in American Anthropology and Ethnography Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 167-250 [1907]
A Mission Record of the California Indians, by A. L. Kroeber;
University of California Publications in American Anthropology and Ethnography Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1-27 [1908]
Ethnography of the Cahuilla Indians, by A. L. Kroeber; University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 8:2, pp. 29-68 [1908]
Notes on the Shoshoean Dialects of Southern California, by A. L. Kroeber; University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 8:5, pp. 235-269 [1908]
Algonquin Legends of New England, or Myths and Folk Lore of the Micmac,
Passamaquoddy, and Penobscot Tribes;
by Charles G. Leland;
Boston and New York; Houghton, Mifflin and Company, [1884]
Aw-aw-tam Indian Nights; The Myths and Legends of the Pimas of Arizona,
by J. William Lloyd;
The Lloyd Group, Westfield, N.J. [1911]
Pueblo Indian Folk-Stories, by Charles F. Lummis;
New York: Century Co., [1910]
Apu Ollantay; translated by Clements Markham; London, J. Murray [1910]
Narratives of the Rites and Laws of the Yncas;
trans. and ed. by Clements R. Markham
London, the Hakluyt Society [1873]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/inca/rly/index.htm [CW]
The Mountain Chant: A Navajo Ceremony by Washington Matthews.
from Fifth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1883-84;
Washington, D.C.; [1887]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/nav/tmc/index.htm [SM]
Navaho Myths, Prayers, and Songs With Texts and Translations;
by Washington Matthews;
Edited by Pliny Earle Goddard; (University of California
Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 5:2); [1906]
The Old North Trail, or Life, Legends and Religion of the Blackfeet Indians,
by Walter McClintock; London: Macmillan and Co. [1910]
Mission Memories, by John Steven McGroarty, illustrations by Frederick V. Carpenter, Neuner Corporation, Los Angeles [1929, not renewed]
The Dawn of the World;
Myths and Weird Tales Told by the Mewan [Miwok] Indians of California;
Collected and Edited by C. Hart Merriam;
Cleveland: Arthur H. Clarke Co., [1910]
Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees by James Mooney.
7th Annual report, Bureau of American Ethnology. pp. 302-97 [1891].
Myths of the Cherokee by James Mooney.
From the Nineteenth Annual Report of the Bureau
of American Ethnology 1897-98, Part I. [1900]
Truth of a Hopi, by Edmund Nequatewa;
Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin No. 8.
[1936, copyright not renewed]
The Dîné: Origin Myths of the Navaho Indians,
by Aileen O’Bryan. Bulletin 163 of the Bureau of American
Ethnology of the Smithsonian Institution [1956].
The Code of Handsome Lake, the Seneca Prophet
by Arthur C. Parker [1913].
The Peyote Cult, by Paul Radin; from The Winnebago Tribe, ch. xvi, pp. 340-78 (ARBAE 37); Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. [1925]
Eskimo Folk-Tales, collected by Knud Rasmussen,
translated and edited by W. Worster; London [1921]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/inu/eft/index.htm [CW]
Spider Woman, by Glady A. Reichard; New York: Macmillan [1934]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/nav/sws/index.htm [MEC]
Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo, by Henry Rink; London [1875]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/inu/tte/index.htm [CW]
The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel, by Ralph L. Roys;
Washington D.C., Carnegie Institution of Washington
Yana Texts, by Edward Sapir.
University of California Publications in American Archaeology and
Ethnology Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 1-235 [1910]
The Myths of Mexico and Peru, by Lewis Spence [1913]
The Culture of the Luiseño Indians, by Philip Stedman Sparkman; University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 8:4, pp. 187-234 [1908]
Songs of the Tewa, tr. by Herbert Joseph Spinden; New York: The Exposition of Indian Arts [1933]
Some Western Shoshoni Myths,
by Julian H. Steward;
Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 136,
pp. 249-299;
Anthropological Papers No. 31;
Washington D.C., Smithsonian Institution;
US Government Printing Office [1942]
Origin Myth of Acoma and Other Records, by Matthew W. Stirling
(Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 135);
Washington D.C., Smithsonian Institution;
US Government Printing Office [1942]
When the Storm God Rides: Tejas and other Indian Legends,
by Florence Stratton, collected by Bessie M. Reid, Illustrated by
Berniece Burrough, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, etc. [1936, not renewed]
Tlingit Myths and Texts, by John R. Swanton;
Smithsonian Institution; Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 39;
Washington, Government Printing Office; [1909]
Haida Songs, by John R. Swanton;
(Publications of the American Ethnological Society Volume III, Part 1);
Late E. J. Brill, Publishers and Printers, Leyden [1912]
Myths and Tales of the Southeastern Indians, by John R. Swanton;
Smithsonian Institution, USGPO, Washington, D.C.;
Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 88 [1929]
Maya Hieroglyphic Writing, by J. Eric S. Thompson; Publication 589
of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C. [1950] (selections: Work in progress)
Tales of the North American Indians, by Stith Thompson [1929]
Traditions of the Hopi, by H.R. Voth.
Field Columbian Museum Publication 96, Anthropological Series Vol VIII.
Chicago. [1905]
The Sun Dance and Other Ceremonies of the Oglala Division of the Teton Dakota,
by J. R. Walker;
American Museum of Natural History, [1917]
(Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural
History Vol. XVI, Part II)
The Religious Practices of the Diegueño Indians, by T. T. Waterman; Berkeley: UC Press, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 271-358. [1910]
The Thunder Bird “Tootooch” Legends, by W.L. Webber; Seattle Wash., Ace Printing Co. [1936]
The Lore and the Lure of the Yosemite:
The Indians, Their Customs, Legends and Beliefs, and the Story of Yosemite;
by Herbert Earl Wilson;
San Francisco; A. M. Robertson [1922]
King Arthur: Tales of the Round Table, by Andrew Lang;
Illustrations by H.J. Ford;
Longmans, London [1902]
The Vita Merlini
Latin text by Geoffrey of Monmouth, Bishop of St. Asaph;
Translated by John Jay Parry;
The University of Illinois, Urbana, IL. [1925, copyright not renewed]
The Story of the Champions of the Round Table,
Written and Illustrated by Howard Pyle;
New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons [1905]
The Religions of South Vietnam in Faith and Fact,
by the US Department of the Navy, Bureau of Naval Personnel,
Chaplains Division; NAVPERS 15991,
US Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. [1967]
The Laughable Stories of Bar-Hebraeus, tr. by E.A.W. Budge; London: Luzac and Co. [1897]
Chukchee Mythology, by Waldemar Bogoras;
The Jessup North Pacific Expedition;
Memoir of the American Museum of Natural History, New York, Volume VIII, No I.
Leiden & New York, [1910]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/asia/cm/index.htm [CW]
Koryak Texts, by Waldemar Bogoras;
Publications of the American Ethnological Society vol. V; Leyden [1917].
The Eskimo of Siberia, by Waldemar Bogoras;
The Jessup North Pacific Expedition;
Memoir of the American Museum of Natural History, New York, Volume VIII, No III.
Leiden & New York, [1913]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/inu/eos/index.htm [CW]
Tales of Yukaghir, Lamut, and Russianized Natives of Eastern Siberia,
by Waldemar Bogoras;
Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History,
Vol. XX, Part I;
New York; [1918]
An Inquiry into the Religious Tenets of the Yezeedees,
from The Nestorians and their Rituals, Volume I. (pp. 111-134);
by the Rev. George Percy Badger,
London; Joseph Masters [1852]
Armenian Legends and Poems, by Zabelle C. Boyajian;
London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., New York: Columbia University Press [1916]
A Journey in Southern Siberia, by Jeremiah Curtin;
Little, Brown and Company, Boston [1909]
Folk-lore of the Holy Land; Moslem, Christian and Jewish;
by J. E. Hanauer; Edited by Marmaduke Pickthall; London, Duckworth & Co. [1907]
Devil Worship: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz,
by Isya Joseph; Boston, R.G. Badger [1919]
The Origins of the Druze People and Religion with Extracts from their Sacred Writings, by Philip K. Hitti; New York, Columbia University Press [1928]
Forty-four Turkish Fairy Tales,
by Ignácz Kúnos, Illustrations by Willy Pogany;
London, George G. Harrap & Co. [1913]
Tibetan Folk Tales, by A.L. Shelton; Edited by Flora Beal Shelton;
Illustrated by Mildred Bryant; St. Louis, MO, United Christian Missionary
Society [1925, not renewed]
Folklore and Legends: Oriental, by Charles John Tibbitts; London: W.W. Gibbings [1889]
The Man in the Panther’s Skin, A Romantic Epic by Shot’ha Rust’haveli,
A Close Rendering from the Georgian, attempted by Marjory Scott Wardrop;
The Royal Asiatic Society; London [1912]
Georgian Folk Tales, translated by Marjory Wardrop; Published by
David Nutt in the Strand, London [1894]
Atlantis, etc.
Atlantida (L’Antlantide), by Pierre Benoit; tr. by Mary C. Tongue and Mary Ross; New York: Duffield and Company [1920]
The Sacred Symbols of Mu, by James Churchward;
Ives Washburn, New York [1933, copyright not renewed]
Atlantis the Antediluvian World, by Ignatius Donnelly [1882]
Ragnarok: The Age of Fire and Gravel, by Ignatius Donnelly [1883]
The Treasure of Atlantis, by J. Allan Dunn; Originally published in All Around Magazine [1916]
The Lost Continent, by Cutcliffe Hyne; New York and London, Harper and Brothers [1900]
A Dweller on Two Planets, by Frederick S. Oliver [1905]
The Oera Linda Book, by William R. Sandbach; London: Trübner and Co. [1876]
How I Found the Lost Atlantis, The Source of All Civilization;
by Dr. Paul Schliemann (New York American, October 20, 1912) [1912]
The Story of Atlantis, A Geographical, Historical and Ethnological Sketch by W. Scott-Elliot [1896]
The Lost Lemuria, by W. Scott-Elliot;
The Theosophical Publishing House, Ltd.; London [1904]
Selestor’s Men of Atlantis, by Clara Iza von Ravn; Boston: The Christopher Publishing House [1937]
The Aborigines of Western Australia, by Albert F. Calvert.
London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. [1894].
Australian Legendary Tales: Folk-Lore of the Noongahburrahs,
by K. Langloh Parker [1897]
The Euahlayi Tribe; A Study of Aboriginal Life in Australia
by K. Langloh Parker [1905]
Australian Legends by C. W. Peck [1925]
Some Myths and Legends of the Australian Aborigines by William Jenkyn Thomas [1923]
Native Tribes of the Northern Territory of Australia, by Baldwin Spencer;
MacMillan and Co., London; [1914]
The Native Tribes of Central Australia, by Baldwin Spencer and F.J. Gillen;
MacMillan and Co., Limited, London [1899]
The Customs and Traditions of the Aboriginal Natives of
North Western Australia; by John G. Withnell; Roebourne, Australia [1901].
Legends and Popular Tales of the Basque People, by Mariana Monteiro,
with illustrations by Harold Copping; London: Fisher Unwin [1887]
Basque Legends: Collected, Chiefly in the Labourd,
by Wentworth Webster; London:
Griffith and Farran [1879]
Bible and Apocrypha
The Biography of the Bible, by Ernest Sutherland Bates; New York: Simon and Shuster [1937]
Self-Contradictions of the Bible, by William Henry Burr,
A. J. Davis & Company, New York [1860]
The Book of Enoch, translated by R. H. Charles, with an Introduction by
W. O. E. Oesterley; London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge [1917]
The Book of Jubilees, translated by R. H. Charles,
with an Introduction by G. H. Box;
London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge [1917]
Chronicles of Jerahmeel, tr. by Moses Gaster; London: Oriental Translation Fund new ser., vol. 11 [1899]
The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors, by Kersey Graves; Sixth Edition, Revised and Enlarged; Boston, Colby and Rich [1875]
The Legends of Genesis, by Hermann Gunkel, Translated by W.H. Carruth;
Open Court, Chicago [1901].
The Complete Sayings of Jesus, by Arthur Hinds, Introduction by Norman Vincent Peale; Williamsburg, Mass., D.H. Pierpont and Company [1927]
The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth (The Jefferson Bible);
by Thomas Jefferson; N. D. Thompson Publishing Co. St. Louis, Chicago and New York [1902]
The Biblical Antiquities of Philo,
translated by M. R. James; London: S.P.C.K., [1917]
The Book of Enoch the Prophet, translated by Richard Laurence, London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Co. [1883]
The Forgotten Books of Eden, edited by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr.;
New York, N.Y.; Alpha House [1926]
The Lost Books of the Bible, edited by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr.;
New York, N.Y.; Alpha House [1926]
Pagan Christs: Studies in Comparative Hierology, by John M. Robertson; 2nd ed.; London: Watts & Co.; pp. 456+xxvi. [1911]
Prolegomena to the History of Ancient Israel,
by Julius Wellhausen, Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black [1885]
The Splendour of God, by Eric Hammond; New York: E.P. Dutton and Company [1909]
Jataka Tales, by Ellen C. Babbitt; illustrations by Ellsworth Young;
New York, The Century Co. [1912]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/jt/index.htm [EY]
The Path of Light, by L.D. Barnett, New York: E.P. Dutton and Company; [1909]
Buddhism and Immortality, by William Sturgis Bigelow; Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company [1908]
The Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King:
A Life of Buddha by Asvaghosha Bodhisattva,
translated from Sanskrit into Chinese by Dharmaraksha A.D. 420,
and From Chinese into English,
by Samuel Beal;
(Sacred Books of the East Vol. 19)
Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1883]
The She-rab Dong-bu (The Tree of Wisdom) by Nagarjuna;
edited and translated by W. L. Cambell; Calcutta, [1919]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/srdb/index.htm [CW]
Buddhist Mahâyâna Texts; (Sacred Books of the East, vol. 49)
pt. 1. The Buddha-karita of Asvaghosha,
translated from the Sanskrit by E. B. Cowell.
pt. 2. The larger Sukhâvatî-vyûha,
the smaller Sukhâvatî-vyûha, the Vagrakkedikâ,
the larger Pragñâ-pâramitâ-hridaya-sûtra,
the smaller Pragñâ-pâramitâ-hridaya-sûtra,
translated by F. Max Müller.
The Amitâyur dhyâna-sûtra,
translated by J. Takakusu. Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1894]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/sbe49/index.htm [CW]
The Jātaka, Volume I. Translated by Robert Chalmers; edited by E. B. Cowell, Cambridge University Press [1895]
The Jātaka, Volume II. Translated by W.H.D. Rouse; edited by E. B. Cowell, Cambridge University Press [1895]
The Jātaka, Volume III. tr by H.T. Francis and R.A. Neil; ed. by E. B. Cowell, Cambridge University Press [1897]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/j3/index.htm [MEC]
The Jātaka, Volume IV. tr by W.H.D. Rouse; ed. by E. B. Cowell, Cambridge University Press [1901]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/j4/index.htm [MEC]
The Jātaka, Volume V. tr by H.T. Francis; ed. by E. B. Cowell, Cambridge University Press [1905]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/j5/index.htm [MEC]
The Jātaka, Volume VI. tr by E. B. Cowell and W.H. D. Rouse, Cambridge University Press [1907]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/j6/index.htm [MEC]
Buddhist Suttas;
(Sacred Books of the East Vol. 11);
The Mahâ-parinibbâna Suttanta,
The Dhamma-kakka-ppavattana Sutta,
The Tevigga Suttanta,
The Âkankheyya Sutta,
The Ketokhila Sutta,
The Mahâ-Sudassana Suttanta,
The Sabbâsava Sutta;
Translated from Pâli by T. W. Rhys Davids.
Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1881]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/sbe11/index.htm [CW]
Vinaya Texts (Part 1 of 3);
(Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 13);
The Pâtimokkha and The Mahâvagga, I-IV;
Translated from the Pâli by T.W. Rhys Davids
and Herman Oldenberg; Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1881]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/sbe13/index.htm [CW]
Vinaya Texts (Part 2 of 3);
(Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 17);
The Mahâvagga, V-X, and the Kullavagga, I-III,
Translated from the Pâli by T.W. Rhys Davids
and Herman Oldenberg; Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1882]
Vinaya Texts (Part 3 of 3);
(Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 20);
the Kullavagga, IV-XII,
Translated from the Pâli by T.W. Rhys Davids
and Herman Oldenberg; Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1885]
The Questions of King Milinda, translated by T. W. Rhys Davids.
Part I of II; the Sacred Books of the East volume 35.
Oxford, The Clarendon Press [1890]
The Questions of King Milinda, translated by T. W. Rhys Davids.
Part II of II; the Sacred Books of the East volume 36.
Oxford, The Clarendon Press [1894]
Dialogues of the Buddha
(The Dîgha-Nikâya)
Translated from the Pâli by T.W. Rhys Davids;
London, H. Frowde; Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1899]
(Volume II of the Sacred Books of the Buddhists).
https://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/dob/index.htm [CW]
Chinese Buddhism, A Volume of Sketches, Historical, Descriptive and Critical,
by Joseph Edkins; London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd. [1893]
A Buddhist Bible, by Dwight Goddard (1st ed.); Thetford, Vermont [1932, copyright not renewed]
Gleanings In Buddha-Fields, by Lafcadio Hearn; London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Company; [1897]
The Life of Buddha, by Andre Ferdinand Herold, translated from the French by Paul C. Blum; New York, A. & C. Boni [1927]
The Creed of Buddha, by Edmond Holmes, New York: J. Lane [1908]
Saddharma-Pundarika or The Lotus of the True Law, Translated by H. Kern,
(Sacred Books of the East, Vol 21.) [1884]
India in Primitive Christianity, by Arthur Lillie; London: Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd. [1909]
Shinran and His Work: Studies in Shinshu Theology, by Arthur Lloyd; Tokyo: Kyobunkwan [1910]
The Creed of Half Japan, by Arthur Lloyd; London: John Murray [1911]
The Dhammapada and The Sutta Nipâta;
(Sacred Books of the East, vol. 10);
Dhammapada tr. by Max Müller;
Sutta-Nipâta tr. by V. Fausböll;
Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1881]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/sbe10/index.htm [CW]
Esoteric Teachings of the Tibetan Tantra, by C.A. Musés; Indiana Hills, Colorado: The Falcon’s Wing Press [1961]
The Gateless Gate, by Ekai, called Mu-mon, transcribed by
Nyogen Senzaki and Paul Reps; Los Angeles, John Murray [1934]
The Religion of the Samurai by Kaiten Nukariya [1913]
The Buddhist Catechism, by Henry S. Olcott (42nd ed.); London and Benares, The Theosophist Publishing Society [1908].
Principal Teachings of the True Sect of Pure Land, by Yejitsu Okusa; Kyoto, the Otaniha Hongwanji [1915]
The Way to Nirvana, by L. de la Vallée Poussin; Cambridge: at the University Press [1917]
The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana Doctrine: The New Buddhism by the
Patriarch Ashvagosha, Translated into Chinese by Paramartha,
Translated into English in 1894 by Timothy Richard;
Shanghai, Christian Literature Society [1907]
Açvaghosha’s Discourse on the Awakening of Faith in
the Mahâyâna,
translated by Teitaro Suzuki;
Preface by Paul Carus; Open Court; Chicago [1900]
Amitabha, A Story of the Buddhist Theology, by Paul Carus; Chicago: Open Press [1906]
Sermons of a Buddhist Abbot [Zen For Americans], by Soyen Shaku,
tr. by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki.
Chicago, The Open Court Publishing Company; [1906]
Mysticism, Christian and Buddhist, by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki;
New York; Harper & Brothers Publishers [1957, copyright not renewed]
Manual of Zen Buddhism by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki [1935]
The Udâna; Translated from the Pali by Dawsonne Melanchthon Strong;
Luzac & Co., London; [1902]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/udn/index.htm [CW]
Buddhist Scriptures, by E.J. Thomas; London: John Murray, Wisdom of the East Series [1913]
The Buddha’s “Way of Virtue”, A Translation of the Dhammapada from the Pali Text by W.D.C. Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders; London: John Murray [1920]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/wov/index.htm [MEC]
Buddhism in Translations by Henry Clarke Warren [1896]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/bits/index.htm [CW]
Buddhist Psalms, translated from the Japanese of Shinran Shonin, by S. Yamabe and L. Adams Beck; London: John Murray, Wisdom of the East [1921] [MEC]
On the Study of Celtic Literature, by Matthew Arnold;
London, Smith, Elder and Co. [1867]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/scl/index.htm [PB]
A Book of Folk-Lore, by Sabine Baring-Gould; London,
Collins’-Clear-Type-Press [1913]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/bof/index.htm [PB]
Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall, Volume 1, by William Bottrell; Penzance, Printed for the Author [1870]
Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall, Volume 2, by William Bottrell; Penzance, Printed for the Author, by Beare and Son [1873]
The Phynodderree and Other Legends of the Isle of Man,
by Edward Callow; Illustrations by W. J. Watson;
London; J. Dean & Son [1882]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/phy/index.htm [EY]
Popular Tales of the West Highlands,
by John Francis Campbell, Volume I; Second Edition;
Alexander Gardner; Paisley and London; [1890]
Popular Tales of the West Highlands,
by John Francis Campbell, Volume II; Second Edition;
Alexander Gardner; Paisley and London; [1890]
Popular Tales of the West Highlands,
by John Francis Campbell, Volume III; Second Edition;
Alexander Gardner; Paisley and London; [1890]
Popular Tales of the West Highlands,
by John Francis Campbell, Volume IV; Second Edition;
Alexander Gardner; Paisley and London; [1890]
The Celtic Dragon Myth, by John Francis Campbell and George Henderson; Edinburgh: J. G. Grant [1911]
Carmina Gadelica, Ortha Nan Gaidheal, Volume I, by Alexander Carmichael;
T. and A. Constable, Edinburgh [1900]
Carmina Gadelica, Ortha Nan Gaidheal, Volume II, by Alexander Carmichael;
T. and A. Constable, Edinburgh [1900]
Tom Tit Tot, An Essay on Savage Philosophy in Folk-Tale, by Edward Clodd
London, Duckworth and Co., [1898]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/ttt/index.htm [PB]
The King of Ireland’s Son, by Padraic Colum;
illustrations and decorations by Willy Pogány;
New York, H. Holt and Company [1916]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/kis/index.htm [PB]
Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland, by Thomas Crofton Croker; London, J. Murray [1825-8]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/flat/index.htm [PB]
Myths and Folk-lore of Ireland, by Jeremiah Curtin; Boston: Little, Brown [1890]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/mfli/index.htm [PB]
Tales of the Fairies and of the Ghost World,
Collected From Oral Tradition in South-West Munster, by Jeremiah Curtin;
Boston; Little, Brown & Co. [1895]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/tfgw/index.htm [PB]
Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales, by Sir George Douglas;
A. L. Burt Company, New York [1901?]
The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries, by W.Y. Evans-Wentz; London, New York: Oxford, The Clarendon Press [1911]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/ffcc/index.htm [PB]
The Cattle Raid of Cualgne, by L. Winifred Faraday; London: David Nutt [1904]
Fairies, by Gertrude M. Faulding; Fellowship Books, Edited by Mary Stratton;
London: B.T. Batsford; Printed at the Ballantyne Press; [1913]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/fau/index.htm [PB]
Notes on the Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland,
by Walter Gregor,
London: The Folk-Lore Society [1881]
Cuchulain of Muirthemne, by Lady Augusta Gregory,
with a preface by W. B. Yeats; London, J. Murray; [1902]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/cuch/index.htm [PB]
Gods and Fighting Men; The Story of the Tuatha De Danaan and
of the Fianna of Ireland, arranged and put into English
by Lady Augusta Gregory with a preface by W. B. Yeats;
London, J. Murray; [1904]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/gafm/index.htm [PB]
A Book of Saints and Wonders,
Put Down Here by Lady Gregory
According to the Old Writings and Memory of the People of Ireland;
Dundrum, Ire.: The Dun Emer Press, [1906]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/saw/index.htm [PB]
Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland;
Collected and Arranged by Lady Augusta Gregory;
with Two Essays and Notes by W.B. Yeats;
G. P. Putman’s sons, New York and London [1920]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/vbwi/index.htm [PB]
The Mabinogion (2nd Edition), by Lady Charlotte Guest;
London: Bernard Quartich [1877]
The Science of Fairy Tales: An Enquiry Into Fairy Mythology,
by Edwin Sidney Hartland; New York: Scribner & Welford [1891]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/sft/index.htm [PB]
Survivals in Belief Among the Celts, by George Henderson;
James Maclehose and Sons, Glasgow [1911]
The Ancient Irish Goddess of War, by WM Hennessey; Revue Celtique, Vol. 1, pp. 27-57, Paris [1870]
Beside the Fire, by Douglas Hyde; Additional Notes by Alfred Nutt;
London, David Nutt; Second Edition [1910]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/btf/index.htm [PB]
Celtic Fairy Tales, by Joseph Jacobs; London, D. Nutt;
Illustrated by John D. Batten [1892]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/cft/index.htm [PB]
More Celtic Fairy Tales, by Joseph Jacobs; London, D. Nutt [1894]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/mcft/index.htm [PB]
The Fairy Mythology, Illustrative of the Romance and
Superstition of Various Countries. by Thomas Keightley
London, H. G. Bohn, [1870]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/tfm/index.htm [PB]
Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts, by Patrick Kennedy;
New York and London, Macmillan; [1891]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/lfic/index.htm [PB]
Traces of the Norse Mythology in the Isle of Man,
by P.M.C. Kermode; London: Bemrose & Sons, Ltd. [1904]
The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns & Fairies;
by Robert Kirk, [1691]. Introduction and notes by Andrew Lang;
David Nutt; London [1893]
The Voyage of Bran, Son of Febal, to the Land of the Living,
by Kuno Meyer; London, David Nutt [1895]
Heroic Romances of Ireland, by A. H. Leahy. (2 Vols.) [1905-6]
Legends and Stories of Ireland, by Samuel Lover;
Baldwin and Cradock, London [1831, 1834]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/lasi/index.htm [PB]
The Religion of the Ancient Celts, by John Arnott MacCulloch;
T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh [1911]
The Feuds of the Clans, by Alexander MacGregor; Stirling: Eneas MacKay [1907]
Wonder Tales from Scottish Myth and Legend,
by Donald Alexander Mackenzie;
Illustrations by John Duncan;
Frederick A. Stokes Co., NY [1917]
The Prophecies of the Brahan Seer,
by Alexander MacKenzie; Introduction by Andrew Lang;
Eneas Mackay, Stirling, Scotland [1899]
The Poems of Ossian, by James Macpherson;
Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Company,
[1851] (Reprint of 1773 edition)
Folk Tales of Brittany, by Elsie Masson;
Edited by Amena Pendleton; With drawings by Thornton Oakley;
Macrae-Smith Company, Philadelphia [1929, copyright not renewed]
The Barddas of Iolo Morganwg, Volume I, edited by J. Williams Ab Ithel;
published for the Welsh Manuscript Society by D.J. Roderic, London [1862]
The Barddas of Iolo Morganwg, Volume II, edited by J. Williams Ab Ithel;
Bernard Quaritch, London [1874]
The Folk-Lore of the Isle of Man,
by A. W. Moore;
Brown & Son, Isle of Man, David Nutt, London [1891]
Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race, by Thomas Rolleston; London, G. G. Harrap & Company [1911]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/mlcr/index.htm [PB]
Celtic Folklore, Welsh and Manx, by John Rhys; Oxford, The Clarendon Press [1901]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/cfwm/index.htm [JBH & PB]
The Candle of Vision, by AE (George William Russell);
London, Macmillan and Co., limited, [1918]
The Druid Path, by Marah Ellis Ryan; Decorated by Will Vreeland;
A.C. McClurg & Co. Chicago [1917]
True Irish Ghost Stories, by St. John D. Seymour and Harry L. Neligan; Dublin, Hodges, Figgis & Co., ltd. [1914]
The Four Ancient Books of Wales, by William F. Skene;
Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas [1868]
Legends and Romances of Brittany, by Lewis Spence;
Illustrations by W. Otway Cannell;
New York, Frederick A. Stokes Company [1917]
Celtic Myth and Legend, Poetry and Romance, by Charles Squire; Gresham
Publishing Company; London [n.d., 191?]
Originally published as
The Mythology of the British Islands,
and Introduction to Celtic Myth, Legend, Poetry and Romance;
London; Blackie and Son Limited [1905]
The Crock of Gold, by James Stephens; London, Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1912 [1912]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/cog/index.htm [PB]
Irish Fairy Tales, by James Stephens; New York, The Macmillan company [1920]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/ift/index.htm [PB]
The Book of Kells, by Edward Sullivan; London, Paris, New York: The Studio, Ltd. [1920]
The Aran Islands, by John M. Synge; drawings by Jack B. Yeats;
Dublin, Maunsel & Co., Ltd.; [1907]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/tai/index.htm [PB]
In Wicklow and West Kerry, by John M. Synge.
Dublin, Maunsel & Co., Ltd.; [1912]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/iwwk/index.htm [PB]
The Irish Sketch-book, by William Makepeace Thackeray;
illustrations by the author; London, Chapman and Hall [1845]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/isb/index.htm [PB]
British Goblins: Welsh Folk-lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions,
by Wirt Sikes; illustrations by T. H. Thomas;
London: S. Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington [1880]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/wfl/index.htm [PB]
The Welsh Fairy Book, by W. Jenkyn Thomas; New York, F. A. Stokes [1908]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/wfb/index.htm [PB]
Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms, and Superstitions of Ireland
by Lady Francesca Speranza Wilde; London: Ward & Downey; [1887]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/ali/index.htm [PB]
Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry,
Edited and Selected by W. B. Yeats;
London and New York; Walter Scott [1888]
The Celtic Twilight; by William Butler Yeats [1893 and 1902]
In The Seven Woods, by William Butler Yeats;
New York, The Macmillan Company,
London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd.
Later Poems, by William Butler Yeats;
London: MacMillan and Co. [1922]
Celtic Wonder Tales, by Ella Young; Illustrations by Maud Gonne;
Dublin, Maunsel & Company [1910]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/cwt/index.htm [PB]
Comparative Mythology
The Myth of the Birth of the Hero
A Psychological Interpretation of Mythology
(Translation of Der Mythus von der Geburt des Helden:
Versuch einer Psychologischen Mythendeutung. Leipzig, Deuticke, 1909),
by Otto Rank;
Translated from the German by Drs. F. Robbins and Smith Ely Jelliffe;
Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph Series No. 18.
The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company, New York [1914]
The Earthly Paradise, A Poem, by William Morris. March-August.
Boston: Roberts, Brothers. [1868]
The Earthly Paradise, A Poem, by William Morris. September-November.
Boston: Roberts, Brothers. [1868]
The Earthly Paradise, A Poem, by William Morris. December-February.
London: F.S. Ellis. [1870]
Confucianism / Chinese traditional beliefs
The Book of Filial Duty, by Ivan Chen, London: John Murray [1908]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/cfu/bfd/index.htm [MEC]
The Book of Odes, by L. Cranmer-Byng, The Wisdom of the East series; London: John Murray [1908] [MEC]
A Feast of Lanterns, by L. Cranmer-Byng, The Wisdom of the East series; London: John Murray [1916] [MEC]
The Ethics of Confucius, by Miles Menander Dawson;
New York, London: G.P. Putnam’s sons, [1915]
Feng Shui, or the Rudiments of Natural Science in China; by Ernest J. Eitel;
Hong Kong, Trubner and Co., [1873]
Confucianism and Its Rivals, by Herbert Allen Giles; Hibbert Lectures, 2nd ser.; London: Williams and Norgate [1916]
Sacred Places in China, by Carl F. Kupfer; Cincinnati: Press of the Western Methodist Book Concern [1911]
I Ching, The Book of Changes, translated by James Legge [1882]
The Book of Poetry, tr. James Legge, London: Trübner & Co. [1876]
The Sacred Books of China: The Texts of Confucianism,
(Sacred Books of the East, Volume 3).
Includes Shu King, the Book of Historical Documents;
Shih King, the Book of Odes;
Hsiao King, the Classic of Filial Piety.
Translated by James Legge.
Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1879]
The Sacred Books of China; The Lî Kî,
(Sacred Books of the East vol. 27)
The Book of Rites, Part I,
Translated by James Legge.
Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1885]
The Sacred Books of China; The Lî Kî,
(Sacred Books of the East vol. 28)
The Book of Rites, Part II,
Translated by James Legge.
Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1885]
The Shundai Zatsuwa (A Japanese Philosopher) by Kyuso (Muro Naokiyo),
translated and edited by George Wm. Knox; Tokyo, [1892]. [CW]
More Translations from the Chinese, by Arthur Waley; New York: Alfred A. Knopf [1919]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/cfu/mtc/index.htm [MEC]
The New England Primer, (Anonymous); Massachusetts Sabbath School Society, Boston [1843]
The Love Letters of Abelard and Heloise;
Translated by Anonymous, edited by Israel Gollancz and Honnor Morten;
Temple Classics, J.M. Dent and Co., London
The Interior Castle, or The Mansions, by St. Teresa of Avila, translated
by The Benedictines of Stanbrook; Revised, with notes and an Introduction,
by the Very Rev. Fr. Benedict Zimmerman; Third Edition with Additional
Notes; Thomas Baker, London [1921]
The Trial of Christ, by David K. Breed; St. Louis, Mo., Thomas Law Book Company [1948]
The Book of the Bee; Edited and translated by Earnest A. Wallis Budge;
Oxford, The Clarendon Press [1886]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/bb/index.htm [CW]
The Book of the Cave of Treasures;
translated from the Syriac by E. A. Wallis Budge;
London, the Religious Tract Society [1927]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/bct/index.htm [CW]
The Kebra Nagast; translated by E. A. Wallis Budge;
Oxford, The Clarendon Press, [1922]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/afr/kn/index.htm [CW]
Lives of the Saints, With Reflections for Every Day in the Year,
by Alban Butler, ed. John Gilmary Shea, Benziger Brothers, [1894]
Notes on the Book of the Revelation (2nd ed.), by John Nelson Darby;
London, W.H. Broom; [1876]
The Man of Sorrows, as set forth in the Gospel of Luke, by John Nelson Darby,
Pickering and Inglis, Glasgow, etc. [no date, prior to 1882]
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, by Levi H. Dowling; London [1920].
The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
From the Meditations of Anne Catherine Emmerich;
London, Burns and Lambert [1862]
Pageant of the Popes, by John Farrow; New York: Sheed & Ward [1942]
The Political Aspects of S. Augustine’s ‘City of God’,
by John Neville Figgis; Longmans, Green & Company;
New York and London; [1921].
https://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/pasa/index.htm [Some Dude (BT)]
Bunyan, by James Anthony Froude; Harper & Brothers Publishers;
New York and London; [1901].
https://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/froude/index.htm [Some Dude (BT)]
The Little Flowers of the Glorious Messer St. Francis and of His Friars; Done into English with Notes by W. Heywood, Introduction by A. G. Ferrers Howell.
London: Methuen and Co. [1906]
The Didache, by Charles H. Hoole, London: David Nutt; [1894]
The Seeming Unreality of the Spiritual Life,
by Henry Churchill King;
New York, The Macmillan Company [1908]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/sus/index.htm [Some Dude (BT)]
The Book of Revelation, A Study of the Last Prophetic Book of Holy Scripture,
by Clarence Larkin [Self-Published], Philadelphia, PA [1919]
Hymns of the Eastern Church, by J.M. Neale, 5th ed.; London: J.T. Hayes [1884]
Jesus An Essene, by Edward Planta Nesbit; London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd. [1895]
The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ,
by Nicolas Notovitch, translated by J. H. Connelly and L. Landsberg;
R.H. Fenno & Company, New York [1890]
The Doctrine of the Last Things; Jewish and Christian, by W.O.E. Oesterley; London, John Murray [1908].
Human Nature in the Bible; by William Lyon Phelps;
Charles Scribner’s Sons; New York and London [1922]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/hnb/index.htm [Some Dude (BT)]
The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi. Translated by Paschal Robinson; Philadelphia, The Dolphin Press [1905]
The Gist of Swedenborg, compiled by Julian K. Smyth and William F. Wunsch;
J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia [1920]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/swe/gos.htm [Some Dude (BT)]
Earth Mysteries
The House of the Hidden Places. A clue to the creed of early Egypt,
from Egyptian sources, by W. Marsham Adams; John Murray, London [1895]
The Sacred Theory of the Earth, by Thomas Burnet;
London, Walter Kettilby [1691]
The Smoky God, by Willis George Emerson, illustrations by John A. Williams; Chicago: Forbes & Company [1908]
Mythical Monsters, by Charles Gould; London, W.H. Allen and company [1886]
Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic, by Thomas Wentworth Higginson;
The Macmillan Company, New York [1898]
Fusang, or The Discovery of America by Chinese Buddhist Priests
in the Fifth Century, by Charles G. Leland, New York: J.W. Bouton [1875]
Architecture, Mysticism and Myth, by W.R. Lethaby; Percival and Co., London [1892]
Etidorhpa, or the End of the Earth, by John Uri Lloyd; Cincinnati, The Robert Clarke Company, Eighth Edition [1897]
Cosmas Indicopleustes: The Christian Topography of Cosmas,
an Egyptian Monk, translated by J. W. McCrindle;
Hakluyt Society; London [1897]
A Journey to the Earth’s Interior, or Have the Poles Really Been Discovered,
by Marshall B. Gardner;
Published by the Author, Aurora, Illinois (2nd ed.) [1920]
Pale Ink: Two Ancient Records of Chinese Exploration in America,
by Henriette Mertz; Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago [1953]
The Book of Earths, by Edna Kenton;
New York: William Morrow & Company [1928, not renewed]
The Cellular Cosmogony, or The Earth a Concave Sphere;
By Koresh [pseudonym of Cyrus Reed Teed];
The Guiding Star Publishing House; Estero, Lee County, Florida [1922]
Zetetic Astronomy; Earth Not a Globe,
by Parallax [pseudonym of Samuel Birley Rowbotham],
Illustrations by George Davey.
(3rd Edition) London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. [1881]
The Phantom of the Poles, by William Reed;
Walter S. Rocky Company, New York [1906]
Symzonia; Voyage of Discovery, by Adam Seaborn (pseud. John Cleves Symmes?); New York: John Seymour [1820]
A Miracle in Stone: or, The Great Pyramid of Egypt,
by Joseph A. Seiss; Philadelphia: Porter & Coates [1877]
The Origin and Significance of the Great Pyramid, by C. Staniland Wake;
London, Reeves and Turner [1882]
Paradise Found, by William F. Warren, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company [1885]
The Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt, by James Henry Breasted; London: Hodder & Stoughton [1912]
The Wisdom of the Egyptians, by Brian Brown; New York: Brentano’s [1923] (copyright not registered or renewed)
The Egyptian Book of the Dead (The Papyrus of Ani),
by E. A. Wallis Budge [1895]
Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life, by E. A. Wallis Budge [1900]
Egyptian Magic, by E. A. Wallis Budge [1901]
The Book of the Am-Tuat, by E. A. Wallis Budge;
London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd. [1905]
The Short Form of the Book of Am-Tuat and The Book of Gates,
by E. A. Wallis Budge;
London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd. [1905]
The Contents of the Books of the Other World Described and Compared,
by E. A. Wallis Budge;
London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd. [1905]
The Liturgy of Funerary Offerings, by E. A. Wallis Budge;
London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd. [1909]
Legends of the Gods: The Egyptian Texts, by E. A. Wallis Budge;
London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Trübner & Co. Ltd.
Tutankhamen: Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism, by E. A. Wallis Budge;
New York: Dodd, Mead & Co. [1923, not renewed]
The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo Nilous, translated by Alexander Turner Cory;
London, Chthonios Books [1840]
The Burden of Isis, by James Teackle Dennis [1910]
The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden,
by Francis Llewellyn Griffith and Herbert Thompson;
H. Grevel & Co.; London [1904]
Egyptian Myth and Legend, by Donald A. Mackenzie [1907]
The Pyramid Texts, by Samuel A. B. Mercer; Longmans, Green & Co., New York, Toronto, [1952]
Ancient Egyptian Legends, by Margaret Alice Murray; (Wisdom of the East) London: John Murray [1920]
Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity by Samuel Sharpe;
London, J.R. Smith [1863]
A Book of Old English Ballads, by Anonymous;
Illustrated by George Wharton Edwards,
Introduction by Hamilton W. Mabie;
New York, The Macmillan Company [1896]
Songs of Innocence and of Experience, by William Blake [1789-1794]
A Peep at the Pixies, or Legends of the West, by Anna Eliza Bray;
Illustrations by Hablot K. Browne; London, Grant and Griffith [1854]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/eng/ppx/index.htm [PB]
Tales from Chaucer, by Charles Cowden Clarke, London: Effington Wilson [1833]
The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, by Francis James Child;
Boston, New York; Houghton, Mifflin and Company [1886-98]
Robin Hood, by Paul Creswick;
Illustrations by Newell Convers Wyeth (from the 1917 edition);
New York, E.P. Dutton [1903]
Tales of the Dartmoor Pixies, by William Crossing; London, Hood [1890]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/eng/index.htm [PB]
The Coming of the Fairies, by Arthur Conan Doyle;
Hodder & Stoughton; New York, Toronto and London [1922]
Hero-Myths and Legends of the British Race, by
Maud Isabel Ebbutt; London, G.G. Harrap and Company [1910]
Geoffrey of Monmouth, [Histories of the Kings of Britain], translated by Sebastian Evans; London: J.M. Dent and Co., The Temple Classics [1904]
English Fairy and Other Folk Tales, by Edwin Sidney Hartland,
Illustrations by C. E. Brock; London: Walter Scott; [1890]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/eng/efft/index.htm [PB]
Popular Romances of the West of England, by Robert Hunt; 3rd ed., rev. and enl.
London, Chatto and Windus, [1903].
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/eng/index.htm [PB]
English Fairy Tales, by Joseph Jacobs;
Illustrated by John D. Batten; London; D. Nutt [1890]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/eng/eft/index.htm [PB]
More English Fairy Tales, by Joseph Jacobs;
Illustrated by John D. Batten; London; D. Nutt [1894]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/eng/meft/index.htm [PB]
The Origins of Popular Superstitions and Customs,
by T. Sharper Knowlson; London, T. Werner Laurie Ltd. [1910]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/eng/osc/index.htm [EY]
Stonehenge and Other British Stone Monuments Astronomically Considered,
by Norman Lockyer; MacMillan and Co., Limited, London [1906]
Stories from the Faerie Queene, by Mary Macleod;
Introduction by John W. Hales;
Drawings by A. G. Walker;
London, Wells Gardner, Darton & Co. Ltd.
The Story of Beowulf, by Strafford Riggs, illustrations by Henry Pitz,
D. Appleton-Century Company Incorporated, New York [1933]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/eng/tsb/index.htm [EY]
The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, by Joseph Strutt
(original publication 1801);
A New Edition, Much Enlarged and Corrected by J. Charles Cox;
London, Methuen & Co. [1903]
Stonehenge, A Temple Restor’d to the British Druids, by William Stukeley;
London: W. Innys and R. Manby [1740]
Early British Trackways, Moats, Mounds, Camps, and Sites.
by Alfred Watkins; Hereford [UK]: The Watkins Meter Co. [1922]
From Ritual to Romance, by Jessie L. Weston. Cambridge University Press [1920]
Esoteric, New Thought
The Philosophy of Natural Magic, by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Henry Morley, and L.W. de Laurence; Chicago, Ill.: Scott de Laurence [1913]
The Science of Breath, by Yogi Ramacharaka (pseud. William Walker Atkinson); Chicago: The Yogi Publication Society [1904] [MEC]
Raja Yoga, by Yogi Ramacharaka (pseud. William Walker Atkinson); Chicago: The Yogi Publication Society [1906]
Yoga Lessons for Developing Spiritual Consciousness, by A. P. Mukerji (pseud. William Walker Atkinson?); Chicago: The Yogi Publication Society [1911]
The Kybalion, by Three Initiates (pseud. William Walker Atkinson); Chicago: The Yogi Publication Society [1912]
I.N.R.I.: De Mysteriis Rosæ Rubeæ et Aureæ Crucis, by Frater Achad (Charles Robert Stansfeld Jones), Chicago, Ill., Published for the Collegium ad Spiritum Sanctum by the New Æon Publishing Co. [1924]
The Consciousness of the Atom, by Alice A. Bailey; New York: Lucifer Publishing Co., First Edition [1922]
Initiation, Human and Solar, by Alice A. Bailey; New York: Lucifer Publishing Co. [1922]
Unveiled Mysteries, by Godfré Ray King (pseud. of Guy Ballard);
Saint Germain Press, Chicago [1934]
Mankind United by Arthur Bell; International Registration Bureau, Pacific Coast Division of North America, Oakland, California [1936]
The Way of Power, Studies in the Occult, by Lily Adams Beck,
Cosmopolitan Book Corporation, New York, [1928, not renewed]
The Life and Doctrines of Jacob Boehme, by Franz Hartmann; London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, and Co., Ltd. [1891]
The Signature of All Things and other Writings by Jacob Boehme; London, J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., New York, E.P. Dutton [1912]
Cosmic Consciousness, by Richard Maurice Bucke; New York: E.P. Dutton and Company [1901]
The Goal of Life, or Science and Revelation, by Hiram E. Butler, Applegate, CA: Esoteric Publishing Company [1908]
The Secret of the Ages, by Robert Collier, New York: self-published [1926]
The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary, by Karl von Ekartshausen, tr. by Isabel de Steiger, Intro. by A.E. Waite; London: William Rider & Son [1909]
A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands, by Franchezzo (A. Farnese); London, W.J. Sinkins [1896]
Wisdom of the Ages: Revelations from Zertoulem, the Prophet of Tlaskanata, automatically transcribed by George A. Fuller, Introduction by Susie C. Clark; Second Edition; Boston: Christopher Publishing House [1916]
Brother of the Third Degree, by Will L. Garver; Alhambra, CA: Borden Publishing Co. [1894]
Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah, by Elias Gewurz; Chicago: Yogi Publication Society [1918]
Mysteries of the Qabalah, by Elias Gewurz; Chicago: Yogi Publication Society [1922]
The Most Holy Trinosophia, by the Comte de St.-Germain, commentary by
Manly Palmer Hall, The Phoenix Press, Los Angeles CA [1933]
The Art of Worldly Wisdom, by Balthasar Gracian,
Translated from the Spanish by Joseph Jacobs,
Macmillan and Co., Limited, London [1892]
Know Your Magnetic Field, by William E. Gray, Boston: The Christopher Publishing House [1947]
The Master Key System, by Charles F. Haanel, Saint Louis, MO: Inland Printery [1919]
The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus,
in xvii. Books, Translated formerly out
of the Arabick into Greek, and thence into Latine,
and Dutch, and now out of the original into English;
by Doctor [John] Everard.
London: Printed by Robert White, for Tho. Brewster, and Greg. Moule, [1650]
Tilak of Tibet Reveals Life’s Purpose, by Ann Hackett; Sentinel Press, San Francisco [1944]
The Secret Teachings of All Ages, by Manly Palmer Hall,
San Francisco: self-published [1928, copyright not renewed]
Dynamic Thought, by Henry Thomas Hamblin, Yogi Publication Society, New York [1923, copyright not renewed]
Life and Its Mysteries, by Frank L. Hammer; Dorrance and Company, Philadelphia [1945]
An Eternal Career, by Frank L. and Lydia Hammer; Dorrance and Company, Philadelphia [1947]
Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill; The Ralston Society; Meriden, Connecticut [1938]
Creative Mind, by Ernest Shurtleff Holmes;
New York: R.M. McBride [1923, not renewed]
Creative Mind and Success, by Ernest Shurtleff Holmes;
New York: Robert M. McBride [1919]
The Science of Mind:
A Complete Course of Lessons in the Science of Mind and Spirit,
by Ernest Shurtleff Holmes;
New York, R. M. McBride & Company [1926]
Occult Science in India, by Louis Jacolliot, tr. William L. Felt; London: William Rider & Son, Limited [1919]
The Human Atmosphere, by Walter J. Kilner (second edition); London, K. Paul Trench [1920]
Your Forces and How to Use Them, by Christian D. Larson, Chicago: The New Literature Publishing Company [1912]
The Virgin of the World of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus,
translated by Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland; London: G. Redway [1885]
Paradoxes of the Highest Science, by Éliphas Lévi;
translated by Anonymous; comments by an Eminent Occultist (H.P. Blavatsky?);
Adyar, Madras Theosophical Publishing House [1922]
The Secret Science Behind Miracles, by Max Freedom Long; Los Angeles: Kosmon Press [1948]
Self-Suggestion, by Max Freedom Long; Vista, CA: Huna Research Publications [1958]
Tertium Organum: The Third Canon of Thought,
A Key to the Enigmas of the World, by P. D. Ouspensky;
Translated by Nicholas Bessaraboff and Claude Bragdon;
(Second Edition) New York; Alfred A Knopf [1922]
The Quimby Manuscripts, by Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Edited by Horatio W. Dresser; New York: Thomas Y. Crowell company [1921]
Jesus, the Last Great Initiate, by Edouard Schuré, tr. by F. Rothwell; Chicago, Ill.: Yogi Publication Society [1908]
The Game of Life and How to Play It, by Florence Scovel Shinn; New York, Self-published [1925]
Your Word Is Your Wand, by Florence Scovel Shinn; New York, Self-published [1928]
The Secret Door To Success, by Florence Scovel Shinn; New York, Self-published [1941]
Theosophy, by Rudolf Steiner; Chicago, New York: Rand McNally & Company, Publishers [1910]
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment, by Rudolf Steiner, tr. by George Metaxa; New York: Anthroposophic Press [1947]
What All the World’s A-Seeking, by Ralph Waldo Trine; New York, Thomas Y. Crowel & Co. [1896]
In Tune with the Infinite, by Ralph Waldo Trine, Dodge Publishing Company, New York [1910]
The Law and the Word, by Thomas Troward; New York, R.M. McBride and company [1917]
The Hidden Power, and Other Papers on Mental Science, by Thomas Troward;
New York, R. M. McBride & company [1921]
Comte de Gabalis, by the Abbé N. de Montfaucon de Villars;
Translated with Commentary, and Published by “The Brothers”
London [1913]
A Common-Sense View of the Mind Cure, by Laura M. Westall, Funk & Wagnalls Company; New York and London [1908]
The Isiac Tablet of Cardinal Bembo, by W. Wynn Westcott; Bath: Robt. H. Fryar [1887]
The Chaldæan Oracles of Zoroaster, edited by W. Wynn Westcott;
London, Theosophical Pub. Society; Collectanea Hermetica Volume 6 [1895]
Numbers, Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues, by W. Wynn Westcott; London, Benares: Theosophical Pub. society, 3rd Edition [1911]
The Secret of the Universe, “God, Man and Matter”, by Nathan R. Wood; New York: F. H. Revel & Co. [1932]
The History of the Devil and the Idea of Evil from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, by Paul Carus; Open Court ; [1900]
The Evil Eye:
An Account of this Ancient and Widespread Superstition;
by Frederick Thomas Elworthy; J. Murray; London [1895]
The Devils of Loudun, translated edited by Edmund Goldsmid, Edinburgh [1887]
Devil Worship in France, by Arthur Edward Waite;
George Redway, London [1896]
Book of the Damned, by Charles Fort, New York: Boni and Liveright, Inc. [1919]
New Lands, by Charles Fort, New York: Boni and Liveright, Inc. [1923]
Lo!, by Charles Fort, New York: Claude Kendall [1931]
Wild Talents, by Charles Fort, New York: Claude Kendall [1933]
The Kalevala, translated by John Martin Crawford [1888]
Magic Songs of the West Finns, Vol. I; by John Abercromby; London: David Nutt [1898]
Magic Songs of the West Finns, Vol. II; by John Abercromby; London: David Nutt [1898]
Gnostic and Hermetica
Fragments of a Faith Forgotten, by G.R.S. Mead;
The Theosophical Publishing Society, London [1900]
Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 1, by G.R.S. Mead; London and Benares: The Theosophical Publishing Society [1906]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/gno/th1/index.htm [BAR]
Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 2, by G.R.S. Mead; London and Benares: The Theosophical Publishing Society [1906]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/gno/th2/index.htm [BAR]
Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 3, by G.R.S. Mead; London and Benares: The Theosophical Publishing Society [1906]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/gno/th3/index.htm [BAR]
The Hymn of Jesus, Echoes from the Gnosis;
Translated by G.R.S. Mead;
The Theosophical Publishing Society, London and Benares; [1907].
https://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/gno/hoj.htm [CW]
Pistis Sophia, translated by G.R.S. Mead; London: J. M. Watkins [1921]
Gnostic John the Baptizer
Selections from the Mandæan John-Book, G.R.S. Mead trans.;
Watkins, London; [1924]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/gno/gjb/index.htm [CW]
The Gnostics and Their Remains, Ancient and Mediæval,
by Charles William King; Second Edition, David Nutt; London [1887]
The Vampire, his Kith and Kin, by Montague Summers,
London K. Paul Trench, Trubner [1928, copyright not renewed]
The Book of the Were-Wolf, by Sabine Baring-Gould,
Smith, Elder & Co., London [1865]
Classics (Greek and Roman)
Apollonius of Tyana, by George Robert Stowe Mead; London and Benards, Theosophical Publishing Society [1901]
The Life of Apollonius of Tyana, by Philostrates, tr. F.C. Conybeare; Cambridge MA; Harvard University Press [1912]
The Sand Reckoner of Archimedes, tr. by Thomas L. Heath, Cambridge University Press [1897]
The Argonautica, by Apollonius Rhodius, translated by R.C. Seaton,
with parallel English and Greek text [1912]
The Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale
of The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche, by Apuleius.
Translated by William Adlington. Illustrations by Dorothy Mullock;
Chatto and Windus, London; [1914] [PB]
Taboo, Magic, Spirits:
A Study of Primitive Elements in Roman Religion,
by Eli Edward Burriss;
New York, Macmillan Company;
[1931, Copyright not renewed]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/tms/index.htm [EY]
The Authoress of the Odyssey, by Samuel Butler, London: Jonathan Cape [1922]
Pagan & Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning, by Edward Carpenter;
Harcourt, Brace and Company; New York [1920]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/pcc/index.htm [EY]
The Works of Julius Caesar (parallel English/Latin),
translated by W.A. McDevitte and W.S. Bohn;
Harper’s New Classical Library: Harper and Brothers, New York [1869]
The Religion of Numa, and Other Essays on the Religion of Ancient Rome;
by Jesse Benedict Carter; London: Macmillan and Co., Limited,
New York: The Macmillan Company [1906]
The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy;
by Padraic Colum; Illustrated by Willy Pogany; Macmillan Company; New York [1918]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/homer/aoo/index.htm [EY]
Ancient Fragments by I. P. Cory; (2d ed.) London: W. Pickering [1832]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/af/index.htm [CW]
The Mysteries of Mithra, by Franz Cumont;
translated from the second revised French edition by Thomas J. McCormack;
Chicago, Open Court; [1903]
The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism, by Franz Cumont;
Chicago: Open Court, London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner [1911]
The Trojan Women of Euripides, translated by Gilbert Murray;
Oxford, The Clarendon Press [1915].
https://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/eurip/trojan.htm [EY]
Euripides and His Age, by Gilbert Murray; New York, Henry Holt and Company [1913]
Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers, by Kathleen Freeman; Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press [1948]
Fairy Tales of Modern Greece, by Theodore P. Gianakoulis and Georgia H. MacPherson; New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc. [1930]
Ancient Art and Ritual, by Jane Ellen Harrison;
London, Thornton Butterworth Ltd., [1913]
Myths of Greece and Rome, by Jane Harrison;
Garden City, New York; Doubleday, Doran & Company Inc. [1928, not renewed]
The History of Herodotus; (parallel English/Greek) English tr. by
G. C. Macaulay; Macmillan, London and NY [1890]
Two Orations of the Emperor Julian, translated by Thomas Taylor;
Printed for Edward Jeffrey, Pall Mall, London [1793]
The Heroes, Or, Greek Fairy Tales for my Children,
By Charles Kingsley; Illustrations by M. H. Squire & E. Mars;
New York: R. H. Russell [1901]
The Songs of Bilitis, by Pierre Louÿs;
translated from French by Alvah C. Bessie,
Illustrations by Willy Pogany.
Macy-Masius, New York [1926, copyright not renewed]
Aphrodite [Ancient Manners], by Pierre Louÿs, translated by Willis L. Parker, Illustrations by Frank J. Buttera; New York: Three Sirens Press [1932]
The Syrian Goddess, Being a Translation of Lucian’s “De Dea Syria,” With
A Life of Lucian by Professor Herbert A. Strong,
Edited With Notes and an Introduction by John Garstang;
Constable & Company, Ltd., London [1913]
The Works of Lucian of Samosata, Translated by H. W. Fowler and F. G. Fowler;
Oxford at the Clarendon Press [1905]
A True Story, by Lucian of Samosata; translated by A.M. Harmon
(with parallel English/Greek text),
Loeb Classical Library No. 14, pp. 247-357, New York, G.P. Putnam’s Sons [1913]
The Mimes of the Courtesans (Lucian); translated by A.L.H.,
Privately Printed for Rarity Press, New York, 1931, [c. 1928].
Epictetus: The Discourses and Manual, Together with Fragments of his Writings,
tr. by P.E. Matheson; Oxford: The Clarendon Press [1916]
Myths of Crete and Pre-Hellenic Europe, by Donald A. Mackenzie;
Gresham Publishing Company, London [1917]
Lives of the Greek Heroines, by Louisa Menzies;
London, George Bell and Sons [1880]
The Mycenaean Origin of Greek Mythology, by Martin P. Nilsson; University of California Press: Berkeley, California. Sather Classical Lectures Volume 8 [1932, copyright not renewed]
Greek Popular Religion, by Martin P. Nilsson; New York, Columbia University Press [1940, copyright not renewed]
The Love Books of Ovid; An English translation of the
Amores, Ars Amatoria, Remedia Amoris and Medicamina Faciei Femineae
by J. Lewis May [1925]
The Hymns of Orpheus, translated with commentary by Thomas Taylor;
London [1792]
The Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries, by Thomas Taylor; 4th ed., New York: J.W. Bouton [1891]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/ebm/index.htm [BAR]
Plutarch’s Morals: Theosophical Essays, tr. by Charles William King; London: George Bell and Sons [1908]
The Roman and Greek Questions of Plutarch, tr. Frank Cole Babbitt. Originally published in Plutarch’s Moralia, volume IV, pp. 1-249. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, The Loeb Classical Library. [1936]
The Golden Verses of Pythagoras, by Fabre d’Olivet, tr. by Nayán Louise Redfield; New York, London, G.P. Putnam’s Sons [1917]
The Golden Verses of Pythagoras and Other Pythagorean Fragments,
by Florence M. Firth, introduction by Annie Besant.
Theosophical Publishing House; Hollywood CA [1904]
The Fragments that Remain of the Lost Writings of Proclus, Surnamed the Platonic Successor, translated from the Greek by Thomas Taylor; London: Printed for the Author [1825]
The Secret History of Procopius, tr. by Richard Atwater;
Covici-Friede, Publishers, New York [1927]
The Poems of Sappho, translated by Edwin Marion Cox [1925]
The Poems of Sappho, An Interpretive Rendition into English, by John Myers O’Hara; Portland, Maine: Smith and Sale, Publishers [1910]
Pythagoras and the Delphic Mysteries, by Edouard Schuré,
translated by F. Rothwell; London: Philip Wellby [1906]
Tacitus: Annals, Histories, Germany, Agricola and Oratory, with
parallel English/Latin text.
tr. by Alfred John Church and William Jackson Brodribb;
Macmillan, London [1864-1877]
The Sibylline Oracles, translated by Milton S. Terry [1899]
The Eclogues of Virgil, translated by J.W. MacKail [1934]
The Georgics of Virgil, translated by J.W. MacKail [1934]
Pagan Regeneration:
A Study of Mystery Initiations in the Graeco-Roman World;
by Harold R. Willoughby;
Chicago., Ill., The University of Chicago Press; [1929, not renewed]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/pr/index.htm [EY]
How To Be A Yogi, by Swâmi Abhedânanda,
The Vedanta Society, New York, [1902].
The Gospel of Ramakrishna, ed. by Swami Abhedananda; New York: The Vedanta Society [1907]
Indian Idylls, from the Mahabharata, translated by Edwin Arnold [1907]
Love and Death, by Sri Aurobindo, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, India [1921]
Thirty Minor Upanishads, by K. Narayanasvami Aiyar; Madras: Vasanta Press [1914]
The Sánkhya Aphorisms of Kapila, translated by James R. Ballantyne;
London, Trübner and Co.; [1885]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/sak/index.htm [CW]
The Descent of the Sun, by F.W. Bain; James Parker & Co., London [1903]
A Heifer of the Dawn, by F.W. Bain; James Parker & Co., London [1904]
Brahma-Knowledge, by L. D. Barnett; London: John Murray (Wisdom of the East) [1911]
Hymns of the Atharva-Veda, (Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 42);
translated by Maurice Bloomfield;
Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1897]
The Sacred Laws of the Âryas part I, (Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 2),
translated by George Bühler;
Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1879]
The Sacred Laws of the Âryas part II, (Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 14),
translated by George Bühler;
Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1882]
Hindu Mysticism, by S.N. Dasgupta; Chicago, Open Court Publishing Co. [1927, not renewed]
The Ramayana and Mahabharata, translated by Romesh Dutt [1899]
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part I: Books I and II (SBE 12),
translated by Julius Eggeling; Oxford, the Clarendon Press [1882]
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part II: Books III and IV (SBE 26),
translated by Julius Eggeling; Oxford, the Clarendon Press [1885]
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part III: Books V, VI and VII (SBE 41),
translated by Julius Eggeling; Oxford, the Clarendon Press [1894]
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part IV: Books VIII, IX and X (SBE 43),
translated by Julius Eggeling; Oxford, the Clarendon Press [1897]
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part V: Books XI, XII, XIII and XIV (SBE 44),
translated by Julius Eggeling; Oxford, the Clarendon Press [1900]
Old Deccan Days, by Mary Frere,
With an Introduction and Notes by Sir Bartle Frere,
Illustrated by Catherine Frances Frere; London, J. Murray; [1868]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/odd/index.htm [PB]
The Mahabharata,
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 1: Adi Parva,
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/index.htm [DP]
The Mahabharata, Book 2: Sabha Parva,
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m02/index.htm [DP]
The Mahabharata, Book 3: Vana Parva,
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/index.htm [DP]
The Mahabharata, Book 4: Virata Parva,
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m04/index.htm [DP]
The Mahabharata, Book 5: Udyoga Parva,
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 6: Bhishma Parva,
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 7: Drona Parva,
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 8: Karna Parva,
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/index.htm [MC]
The Mahabharata, Book 9: Shalya Parva,
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m09/index.htm [MC]
The Mahabharata, Book 10: Sauptika Parva,
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m10/index.htm [MC]
The Mahabharata, Book 11: Stri Parva,
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m11/index.htm [MC]
The Mahabharata, Book 12: Santi Parva,
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 13: Anusasana Parva,
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 14: Aswamedha Parva,
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 15: Asramavasika Parva,
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 16: Mausala Parva,
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m16/index.htm [MC]
The Mahabharata, Book 17: Mahaprasthanika Parva,
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m17/index.htm [MC]
The Mahabharata, Book 18: Svargarohanika Parva,
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m18/index.htm [MC]
Yoga Vashisht or Heaven Found, by Rishi Singh Gherwal; Santa Barbara, CA, self-published [1930]
Kundalini, the Mother of the Universe, by Rishi Singh Gherwal; Santa Barbara, CA, self-published [1930]
The Rámáyan (Ramayana) of Válmíki,
translated by Ralph T. H. Griffith;
London: Trübner & Co.,
Benares: E. J. Lazarus and Co. [1870-1874]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/rama/index.htm [DP]
Hymns of the Samaveda, translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith [1895]
The Hymns of the Atharvaveda, translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith;
Benares, E. J. Lazarus & Co. [1895-6]
The Rig Veda, translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith. [1896]
The Texts of the White Yajurveda, translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith; Benares: E.J. Lazarus and Co. [1899]
The Prem Sagur (Prem Sagar) of Lallu Lal, translated by W. Hollings;
Calcutta, W. Ridsdale, Military Orphan Press [1848].
Indian Fairy Tales, by Joseph Jacobs, Illustrations by John D. Batten;
London, David Nutt and New York, G.P. Putnam’s Sons; [1912]
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From the Upanishads, by Charles Johnston; Portland, Maine: Thomas R. Mosher [1899]
The Institutes of Vishnu, (Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 7);
translated by Julius Jolly;
Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1880]
The Minor Law Books, (Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 33);
translated by Julius Jolly;
Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1889]
The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom,
and other writings of Śankarâchârya;
translation and commentaries by Charles Johnston;
Theosophicial University Press, Covina CA
[1946, copyright not renewed]
The Yajur Veda (Taittiriya Sanhita),
translated by Arthur Berriedale Keith [1914]
Hymns of the Tamil Saivite Saints, by F. Kingsbury and G.P. Phillips; Calcutta: Association Press; London, NY: Oxford University Press [1921]
Relax With Yoga, by Arthur Liebers; New York: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. [1960]
Black Marigolds, by Edward Powys Mathers;
[Translation of the Caurapañcāśikā of Bilhana Kavi]
B. H. Blackwell, Oxford, UK [1919]
A Vedic Reader For Students by Arthur Anthony Macdonell [1917]
Indian Myth and Legend, by Donald A. Mackenzie, Gresham Publishing Company,
London [1913]
The Upanishads, (Sacred Books of the East, Vols. 1, 15);
translated by Max Müller, vol. 1 and 2;
Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1879, 1884]
The Upanishads, (Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 1);
translated by Max Müller, Part I;
Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1879]
The Upanishads, (Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 15);
translated by Max Müller, Part II;
Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1884]
Vedic Hymns, Part I: Hymns to the Maruts, Rudra, Vâyu, and Vâta; (Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 32); translated by F. Max Müller; Clarendon: Oxford University Press [1891]
Vedic Hymns, Part II: Hymns to Agni (Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 46); translated by Hermann Oldenberg; Clarendon: Oxford University Press [1897]
His Life and Sayings, by F. Max Müller;
Longmans, Green, and Co.; London, New York, (etc.) [1898]
Kali the Mother, by Sister Nivedita (Margaret E. Noble);
London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Ltd. [1900]
The Web of Indian Life, by Sister Nivedita (Margaret E. Noble);
Introduction by Rabindranath Tagore;
London: Longmans, Green and Co. [1904]
Studies from an Eastern Home, by Sister Nivedita (Margaret E. Noble);
London: Longmans, Green and Co. [1913]
THe Grihya Sutras, Part I (SBE29), by Hermann Oldenberg;
Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 29;
Clarendon: Oxford University Press [1886]
THe Grihya Sutras, Part II (SBE30), by Hermann Oldenberg;
Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 30;
Clarendon: Oxford University Press [1892]
The Little Clay Cart, by King Shudraka, translated by Arthur W. Ryder;
Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University, Harvard Oriental Series Vol. 9 [1905]
Kalidasa: Translations of Shakuntala and other Works; by Arthur W. Ryder;
London, J.M. Dent and Sons, New York; E.P. Dutton & Co. [1914]
Twenty-two Goblins, by Arthur W. Ryder; London, J.M. Dent [1917]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/ttg/index.htm [PB]
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika, tr. by Panchma Sinh; Allahabad, Panini Office [1914]
Dakshinamurti Stotra, tr. by Alladi Mahadeva Sastri; Madras: Samata Books [1920]
Srimad-Bhagavad-Gita, tr. and comm. by Swami Swarupananda; Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati, Almora, Himalayas [1909]
Songs of Kabîr, Translated by Rabindranath Tagore [1915]
The Vedântâ-Sûtras
(Sacred Books of the East, Volume 48),
with commentary by Râmânuja,
translated by George Thibaut;
Oxford, The Clarendon Press [1904]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/sbe48/index.htm [SS/DP]
The Vedântâ-Sûtras
(Sacred Books of the East, Volume 34),
with commentary by Sankarâkârya (Part I),
translated by George Thibaut;
Oxford, The Clarendon Press [1890]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/sbe34/index.htm [SS/DP]
The Vedântâ-Sûtras
(Sacred Books of the East, Volume 38),
with commentary by Sankarâkârya (Part II),
translated by George Thibaut;
Oxford, The Clarendon Press [1896]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/sbe38/index.htm [SS/DP]
Select Works of Sri Sankaracharya, tr. by S. Venkataramanan; Madras: G.A. Natesan [1921]
Sadhana, The Realisation of Life by Rabindranath Tagore;
New York, The Macmillan Company; [1915]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/tagore/sadh/index.htm [CJ]
Thought Relics, by Rabindranath Tagore;
New York, The Macmillan Company [1921]
The Bhagavadgîtâ,
with the Sanatsugâtîya and the Anugîtâ;
(Sacred Books of the East, vol. 8);
translated by Kâshinâth Trimbak Telang;
Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1882]
The Transmigration of the Seven Brahmans: A Translation from the Harivansa of Langois, by Henry David Thoreau; Edited by Arthur Christy; New York: William Edwin Rudge [1932]
The S’rîmad Devî Bhâgawatam,
translated by Swami Vijñanananda
(pseud. of Hari Prasanna Chatterji). Allahabad, Panini Office [1921-1922]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/db/index.htm [Sahaji]
Karma-Yoga, by Swami Vivekananda; Mayavati: Prabuddha Bharata Office [1921]
Verses of Vemana, translated from the Telugu,
by Charles Phillip Brown (1798-1884) [1829]
Hindu Mythology: Vedic and Puranic; by W.J. Wilkins; Calcutta: Thacker, Spink & Co.; London: W. Thacker & Co. [1900]
The Vishnu Purana, translated by Horace Hayman Wilson; John Murray, London [1840]
The Garuda Purana, translated by Ernest Wood, and S.V. Subrahmanyam;
Allahabad: Panini Office [1911]
Great Systems of Yoga, by Ernest Wood; Philosophical Library, New York, [1954]
Mahanirvana Tantra: The Tantra of the Great Liberation: Translated by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe) [1913]
Shakti and Shâkta by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe) [1918]
Hymns to the Goddess, by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe) London: Luzac [1913]
Hymn to Kâlî: Karpûrâdi-Stotra,
by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe) London: Luzac [1922]
The Poetic Edda, Translated by Henry Adams Bellows [1936]
The Prose Edda of Snorri Sturlson, Translated by Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur [1916]
The Children of Odin, The Book of Northern Myths, by Padraic Colum,
Illustrated by Willy Pogany; MacMillan Publishing Co., New York [1920]
The Story of Gisli the Outlaw; from the Icelandic by George Webbe Dasent;
Illustrations by C. E. St. John Mildmay;
Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas [1866]
The Orkneyingers Saga, by George W. Dasent (Icelandic Sagas, Vol. III),
H.M. Stationery Office, London [1894] [NV]
Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, (2nd edition)
New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons;
Edinburgh: David Douglas [1904]
The Saga of Viga-Glum, translated by Sir Edmund Head;
Williams and Norgate, London and Edinburgh [1866]
[Beau Salsman, Northern Way (www.northvegr.org), by permission]
Old Norse Poems, by Lee M. Hollander; Columbia University Press
New York: Morningside Heights; [1936, no renewal]
Teutonic Myth and Legend,
An Introduction to the Eddas & Sagas, Beowulf, The Nibelungenlied, etc.;
by Donald A. Mackenzie;
London, Gresham Publications [1912?]
The Story of Grettir the Strong, translated by
Eiríkr Magnússon and Willam Morris;
F. S. Ellis, London [1869]
The Norse Discovery of America,
by Arthur Middleton Reeves, North Ludlow Beamish, and Rasmus B. Anderson;
Norrœna Society; London, etc. [1906]
Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine, by Lewis Spence; London, George G. Harrap and Company [1915]
Richard Wagner’s
The Ring of the Niblung;
Siegfried and the Twilight of the Gods;
translated by Margaret Armour;
illustrations by Arthur Rackham;
New York: Abaris Books [1910]
A Manual of Hadith,
by Maulana Muhammad Ali, Lahore, Pakistan [1944]
The Holy Quran, by Abdullah Yusuf Ali; Lahore, Pakistan [1934]
The Diwan of Abu’l-Ala, tr. by Henry Baerlin; New York, E.P. Dutton and Company [1909] [MEC]
Poems from the Divan of Hafiz, tr. by Gertrude Lowthian Bell; London: Heinemann [1897]
The Kasîdah of Hâjî Abdû El-Yezdî,
by Sir Richard Burton [1880].
Arabian Poetry for English Readers, Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by W. A. Clouston; Glasgow: printed privately, M’Laren and Son, Printers [1881]
The Secrets of the Self (Asrár-i Khudí), by Muhammad Iqbal, tr. by Reynold A. Nicholson, London: Macmillan and Co., Limited [1920]
Studies in Islamic Mysticism, by Reynold Alleyne Nicholson; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [1921]
History of Philosophy in Islam, by T.J. De Boer, translated by
Edward R. Jones; London, Luzac and Co. [1903]
The Alchemy of Happiness by al-Ghazzali,
Translated by Claud Field [d. 1941],
published in London [1909].
Bird Parliament [Conference of the Birds] by Farid ud-Din Attar;
translated by Edward FitzGerald; first published in Letters and
Literary Remains of Edward FitzGerald, William Aldis Wright, ed.;
London and New York: Macmillan and Co. [1889]
Salámán and Absál, An Allegory translated from the Persian of Jámi, by Nur ad-Din Abd ar-Rahman Jami, translated by Edward FitzGerald, London: The De La More Press [1904]
The Mishkat al-Anwar of al-Ghazzali (The Niche for Lights),
Translated by W.H.T. Gairdner [d. 1928],
first published as Monograph XIX
by the Royal Asiatic Society, London [1924].
The Maqámát of Badí‘ al-Zamán al-Hamadhání translated by W.J. Prendergast; London: Luzac & Co. [1915]
The Philosophy of Alfarabi, and its Influence on Medieval Thought,
by Robert Hammond; The Hobson Book Press, New York [1947, not renewed]
A Sufi Message of Spiritual Liberty, by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan;
London [1914]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/isl/msl/msl.htm [Sergey Moskalev]
The Secret Rose Garden of Sa’d Ud Din Mahmud Shabistari,
by Florence Lederer, London, J. Murray [1920]
Development of Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory
by Duncan B. MacDonald; New York: Charles Scribner [1903]
The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq, by Ibn al-Arabi, tr. Reynold A. Nicholson; London, Theosophical Publishing House [1914]
The Mystics of Islam by Reynold A. Nicholson. [1914].
https://www.sacred-texts.com/isl/moi/moi.htm [CW]
Arabic Thought and Its Place in History, by De Lacy O’Leary, London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd.; New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., [1922]
Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 6: The Qur’ân, part I (Chapters I-XVI), Translated by E.H. Palmer; Oxford, the Clarendon Press [1880]
Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 9: The Qur’ân, part II (Chapters XVII-CXIV), Translated by E.H. Palmer; Oxford, the Clarendon Press [1880]
Oriental Mysticism, by E.H. Palmer. Cambridge: Deighton, Bell, and Co.; London: Bell and Daldy [1867]
The Gospel of Barnabas, translated by Lonsdale and Laura Ragg; London, [1907]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/isl/gbar/index.htm [CW]
Selections from the Poetry of the Afghans, by H.G. Raverty, London: Williams and Norgate [1867]
The Mesnevi (Book I) by Jelalu-‘d-din Rumi, and The Acts of the Adepts,
by Shemsu-‘d-din Eflaki, tr. and ed. by James W. Redhouse; London, Trübner & Co. [1881]
Christ In Islâm; by Rev. James Robson; London, John Murray; [1929].
https://www.sacred-texts.com/isl/cii/index.htm [CW]
The Bustan of Sadi, tr. by A. Hart Edwards, London: John Murray [1911]
The Enclosed Garden of the Truth
(The Hadîqatu’ l-Haqîqat of
Hakîm Abû’ L-Majd Majdûd Sanâ’î);
Translated by J. Stephenson; Calcutta, Baptist Mission Press; [1910].
The Glory of the Shia World, The Tale of a Pilgrimage, Translated and Edited from a Persian Manuscript, by P.M. Sykes and Khan Bahadur Ahmad Din Khan; London: Macmillan and Co., Limited [1910]
The Bible, The Koran, and the Talmud;
or, Biblical Legends of the Mussulmans.
by Dr. G. Weil; New York [1863]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/isl/bkt/index.htm [CW]
Islam, by John Alden Williams; George Braziller, New York 1962 [c.1961, not renewed]
Sadi’s Scroll of Wisdom, by Arthur N. Wollaston; Wisdom of the East; New York: E.P. Dutton and Company [1906]
The Religion of the Koran, by Arthur N. Wollaston; Wisdom of the East; London: John Murray [1911]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/isl/rok/index.htm [MEC]
Arabian Wisdom, by John Wortabet; New York: E.P. Dutton and Company [1913]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/isl/arw/index.htm [MEC]
The Diwan of Zeb-un-Nissa, by Magan Lal and Jessie Duncan Westbrook; London: John Murray (The Wisdom of the East) [1913]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/isl/zun/index.htm [MEC]
Jaina Sutras, Part I, Translated from the Prakrit
by Hermann Jacobi, Oxford, The Clarendon Press;
(Sacred Books of the East vol. 22) [1884]
Jaina Sutras, Part II, Translated from the Prakrit
by Hermann Jacobi, Oxford, The Clarendon Press;
(Sacred Books of the East vol. 45) [1895]
Jewish Mysticism, by J. Abelson; London: G. Bell and Sons [1913]
The Babylonian Talmud in Selection, by Leo Auerbach; New York: Philosophical Library [1944]
The Duties of the Heart, by Rabbi Bachye, tr. by Edwin Collins; London, John Murray (Wisdom of the East) [1909]
The Wisdom of Israel, by Edwin Collins; London, John Murray (Wisdom of the East) [1910]
The Talmud, by Joseph Barclay, London: John Murray [1878]
The Wisdom of the Talmud, by Ben Zion Bokser; New York: Philosophical Library [1951]
Ancient Jewish Proverbs, by Abraham Cohen; London: John Murray [1911] [MEC]
The Union Haggadah, ed. by The Central Conference of American Rabbis, illus. by Isidore Lipton [1923]
The Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus,
Together With the Early Versions and an English Translation,
Followed by The Quotations From Ben Sira in Rabbinical Literature,
by A. E. Cowley and A. Neubauer; Oxford, at the Clarendon Press [1897]
Tractate Sanhedrin, Mishnah and Tosefta,
by Herbert Danby; London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge,
New York, The Macmillan Company [1919]
The Kabbalah, or The Religious Philosophy of the Hebrews,
by Adolphe Franck; Revised and Enlarged Translation by I. Sossnitz;
New York, The Kabbalah Publishing Company; First French
edition 1843; Second French edition 1889;
English translation [1926, not renewed]
Selected Religious Poems of Solomon ibn Gabirol;
tr. by Israel Zangwill; from a critical text edited by Israel Davidson;
Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society of America [1923]
The Fountain of Life (Fons Vitae), by Solomon ibn Gabirol;
tr. by the Latin by Harry E. Wedeck; with an introduction by Theodore E. James;
New York: Philosophical Library [1962]
Judah Hallevi’s Kitab al Khazari,
Translated from the Arabic by Hartwig Hirschfeld;
New York, E. P. Dutton [1905]
The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East, Vol. IV: Medieval Hebrew;
Various authors, introduction by Charles F. Horne;
Parke, Austin, and Lipscomb, Inc., New York and London [1917]
Sepher Yezirah; A Book On Creation; or The Jewish Metaphysics of Remote
Antiquity; translated by Isidor Kalisch (includes Unicode transcription
of pointed Hebrew text); New York, L.H. Frank & Co. [1877]
A Rabbi’s Impressions of the Oberammergau Passion Play, by Joseph Krauskopf; Philadelphia: Rayner, Publishers [1901]
The Golden Mountain, by Meyer Levin, New York: Behrman House Inc. Publishers [1932]
The Great March, by Rose G. Lurie; Illustrations by Todros Geller;
The Union of American Hebrew Congregations, New York
[1931, copyright not renewed]
Jewish Fairy Tales and Legends, by Aunt Naomi (pseud. Getrude Landa);
New York; Bloch Publishing Co., Inc. [1919]
Guide for the Perplexed, by Moses Maimonides, translated by
M. Friedländer, 2nd edition; London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. [1904]
The Zohar: Bereshith to Lekh Lekha, by Nurho de Manhar (pseud.)
New York, Theosophical Publishing Company [1900-14]
The Kabbalah Unveiled by S.L MacGregor Mathers;
New York: Theosophical Pub. Co., [1912]
The Cabala, Its Influence on Judaism and Christianity,
by Bernhard Pick; Chicago and London:
The Open Court Publishing Company [1913]
The Talmud: Selections from the Contents of that Ancient Book,
Its Commentaries, Teachings, Poetry, and Legends. Also,
Brief Sketches of the Men who made and commented upon it.
Translated from the Original By H. Polano,
Philadelphia: Leary’s Book Store, [1876]
Tales and Maxims from the Midrash, by Samuel Rapaport; London, George Routledge and Sons; New York: E.P. Dutton & Co. [1907]
Babylonian Talmud, Book 1.: Tract Sabbath:
Michael L. Rodkinson, tr.; Boston, The Talmud Society; [1903]
Babylonian Talmud, Book 2.: Tracts Erubin, Shekalim, Rosh Hashana:
Michael L. Rodkinson, tr.; Boston, The Talmud Society; [1918]
Babylonian Talmud, Book 3.: Tracts Pesachim, Yomah and Hagiga:
Michael L. Rodkinson, tr.; Boston, The Talmud Society; [1918]
Babylonian Talmud, Book 4.:Tracts Betzh, Succah, Moed Katan,
Taanith, Megilla and Ebel Rabbathi or Semahoth;
Michael L. Rodkinson, tr.; Boston, The Talmud Society; [1918]
Babylonian Talmud, Book 5.: Tracts Aboth, Derech Eretz-Rabba, Derech Eretz-Zuta, and Baba Kama (First Gate);
Michael L. Rodkinson, tr.; Boston, The Talmud Society; [1918]
Babylonian Talmud, Book 6.: Tract Baba Kama (First Gate), Part II and Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate);
Michael L. Rodkinson, tr.; Boston, The Talmud Society; [1918]
Babylonian Talmud, Book 7.: Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate);
Michael L. Rodkinson, tr.; Boston, The Talmud Society; [1918]
Babylonian Talmud, Book 8.: Tract Sanhedrin;
Michael L. Rodkinson, tr.; Boston, The Talmud Society; [1918]
Babylonian Talmud, Book 9.:
Tracts Maccoth, Shebuoth, Eduyoth, Abuda Zara, and Horioth;
Michael L. Rodkinson, tr.; Boston, The Talmud Society; [1918]
Babylonian Talmud, Book 10.: History of the Talmud;
by Michael L. Rodkinson; Boston, The Talmud Society; [1918]
The Standard Prayer Book, tr. by Simeon Singer; New York: Bloch Publishing Company [1915]
Eighteen Treatises from the Mishna, by D.A. Sola and M.J. Raphall; London: Sherwood, Gilbert and Piper [1843]
Sayings of the Jewish Fathers (Pirqe Aboth); Charles Taylor, tr.; Cambridge
University Press; [1897]
Jewish Magic and Superstition: A Study in Folk Religion, by Joshua Trachtenberg, New York: Behrman’s Jewish Book House [1939]
Tractate Berakoth,
by A. Lukyn Williams; London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge,
New York, The Macmillan Company [1921]
Midrash Tanhuma
The Dionysian Artificers, by Hippolyto Joseph Da Costa, London [1820]
Shibboleth: A Templar Monitor, by George Cooper Connor; Fifth Edition; Nashville, Tennessee: Order of the Red Cross [1894]
Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor, by Malcolm C. Duncan, 3rd ed.;
New York: Dick & Fitzgerald [1866]
Symbolical Masonry, by H.L. Haywood, New York: George H. Doran Company [1923]
Illustrations of Masonry, by William Morgan; Chicago: Ezra A. Cook Publications [1827]
The Builders, A Story and Study of Masonry, by Joseph Fort Newton;
Cedar Rapids, Iowa; The Torch Press [1914]
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Socttish Rite of Freemasonry,
by Albert Pike; Charleston, [1871]
The General Ahiman Rezon and Freemason’s Guide; by Daniel Sickels; Masonic
Publishing and Manufacturing Co., New York [1868]
The Official Monitor of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, State of Texas; Waco, TX [1922]
The Meaning of Masonry, by Walter Leslie Wilmshurst, P. Lund, Humphries & Co.; W. Rider & Son: London [1922]
Legendary Creatures
The Evolution of the Dragon, by Grafton Elliot Smith, London: Longmans, Green & Company [1919]
Ficitious and Symbolic Creatures in Art, by John Vinycomb; London: Chapman and Hall Limited [1906]
Abominable Snowmen: Legend Come to Life, by Ivan T. Sanderson; Philadelphia and New York: Chilton Company Book Division [1961] [MEC]
Forty Modern Fables, by George Ade; R.H. Russell, New York [1901]
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Ophiolatreia, by Anonymous; London [1889]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/etc/oph/index.htm [NV]
The Unicorn, A Mythological Investigation, by Robert Brown;
London, Longmans, Green, and Co. [1881]
The Book of Noodles;
by W. A. Clouston;
Elliot Stock, London; [1888]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/etc/bon/index.htm [BT]
Orpheus, Myths of the World, by Padraic Colum;
Illustrations by Boris Artzybasheff;
The Macmillan Company, New York [1930, not renewed]
The Worship of the Serpent, by John Bathurst Deane,
London: J. G. & F. Rivington, [1833]
A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens; London: Chapman and Hall [1843]
Famous Men of the Middle Ages, by John Henry Haaren, American Book Company, New York, etc. [1904]
The Book of Nature Myths,
By Florence Holbrook;
Houghton Mifflin Company;
The Riverside Press; Cambridge [1902]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/etc/bnm/index.htm [EY]
The Grateful Dead, The History of a Folk Story, by Gordon Hall Gerould; London: Published for the Folk-Lore Society by David Nutt [1908]
Dragons and Dragon Lore, by Ernest Ingersoll; Payson & Clarke Ltd., New York [1928, copyright not renewed]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/etc/ddl/index.htm [EY]
The Wandering Host, by David Starr Jordan,
Boston, American Unitarian Association [1904]
A Study of Fairy Tales, by Laura F. Kready;
Houghton Mifflin Company; Boston, etc.; The Riverside Press; [1916]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/etc/sft/index.htm [EY]
Tower Legends, by Bertha Palmer Lane, illustrated by Rosamond Lane Lord;
Beacon Press, Boston [1932, copyright not renewed]
The Magic of the Horse-Shoe, with other Folk-Lore Notes,
by Robert Means Lawrence; Boston and New York;
Houghton, Mifflin and Company; The Riverside Press, Cambridge [1898]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/etc/mhs/index.htm [EY]
Mazes & Labyrinths, A General Account of Their History and Development,
by W. H. Matthews; London: Longmans, Green and Co. [1922]
A Visit from St. Nicholas, by Clement C. Moore [1823]
Funeral Customs, Their Origin and Development
by Bertram S. Puckle; London [1926]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/etc/fcod/index.htm [EY]
Bygone Beliefs:
Being A Series of Excursions in the Byways of Thought,
by Herbert Stanley Redgrove; London, William Rider & Son, Ltd. [1920]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/etc/bb/index.htm [EY]
The Lore of the Unicorn, by Odell Shepard;
London: George Allen & Unwin; Boston: Houghton Mifflin [1930, copyright not renewed]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/etc/lou/index.htm [EY]
Festivals of Western Europe, by Dorothy Gladys Spicer;
The H. W. Wilson Company, New York [1958, not renewed]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/etc/fwe/index.htm [EY]
The New Word: An Open Letter Addressed to the Swedish Academy in Stockholm on the Meaning of the Word Idealist, by Allen Upward; Mitchell Kennerly, New York [1910]
Manners, Customs, and Observances: Their Origin and Significance,
by Leopold Wagner, London: William Heinemann [1894]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/etc/mco/index.htm [EY]
History of Utah, 1540-1886, by Hubert Howe Bancroft, San Francisco, History Co. [1889]
Tenderfoot Days, by George Robert Bird [1918]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/mor/tfd/index.htm [Some Dude (BT)]
Under the Prophet in Utah, by Frank J. Cannon and Harvey J. O’Higgins;
Boston, Mass.; The C. M. Clark publishing Co. [1911]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/mor/upu/index.htm [Some Dude (BT)]
The Angel of the Prairies; A Dream of the Future, by Parley Parker Pratt,
A. Pratt, Publisher. Salt Lake City, Utah:
Deseret News Printing and Publishing Establishment. [1880]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/mor/aoftp/aoftp.htm [Some Dude (BT)]
The Book of Abraham.
Its Authenticity Established as a Divine and Ancient Record.
With Copious References to Ancient and Modern Authorities;
by George Reynolds;
Salt Lake City, Utah;
Deseret News Printing and Publishing Establishment.
https://www.sacred-texts.com/mor/tboa/index.htm [Some Dude (BT)]
Ancient Near East
Descent of the Goddess Ishtar Into the Lower World, from “The Civilization of Babylonia and Assyria” by M. Jastrow [1915]
The Seven Tablets of Creation by L.W. King; Luzac and Co., London;
Luzac’s Semitic text and translation series, vol. xii-xiii. [1902].
Enuma Elish, The Epic of Creation, from “The Seven Tablets of Creation” translated by L.W. King [1902]
Sumerian Mythology, by Samuel Noah Kramer;
University of Pennsylvania Press,
Philadelphia PA [1944, revised 1961, not renewed]
Ishtar and Izdubar, by Leonidas Le Cenci Hamilton.
London, New York, W.H. Allen & Co. [1884]
(Scanned from “Babylonian and Assyrian Literature”
pp. 3-156, New York; The Colonial Press [1901])
Myths of Babylonia and Assyria, by Donald A. Mackenzie; Gresham Publishing Company, London [1915]
The Philistines, Their History and Civilization, by R.A. Stewart Macalister; The Schweich Lectures [1911]
Adapa and the Food of Life, from “Cuneiform Parallels to the Old Testament” by R.W. Rogers [1912]
The Chaldean Account of Genesis, by George Smith; London: Thomas Scott [1876]
The Seven Evil Spirits from “The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia” by R.C. Thompson [1903]
The Epic of Gilgamish, by R. Campbell Thompson; Luzac & Co.; London [1928]
Records of the Past, ed. A.H. Sayce; London: Samuel Bagster and Sons [1888-90]
Neo-Pagan / Wicca / Family Traditions / Ceremonial Magic
The Magus, by Francis Barrett; London [1801]
Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions by James Bonwick;
London: Griffith, Farran [1894]
Dæmonologie by King James I [1597] and Newes from Scotland [1591]
The Book of Hallowe’en, by Ruth Edna Kelley;
Boston, Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co. [1919]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/pag/boh/index.htm [EY]
Etruscan Roman Remains in Popular Tradition, by Charles G. Leland;
New York, C. Scribner’s Sons, and London, T. F. Unwin; [1892]
Aradia or the Gospel of the Witches by Charles G. Leland;
London, David Nutt; [1899]
The Sorceress, by Jules Michelet,
as translated by Alfred Richard Allinson from the French
(original title quot;La Sorcière,quot; Paris: E. Dentu [1862].
Originally published as “Satanism and Witchcraft”, New York: Citadel Press [1939],
Also reprinted unaltered as “Witchcraft, Sorcery and Superstition”,
New York: Citadel/Carol Publishing [1995]) [1939]
The Witch-Cult in Western Europe by Margaret Alice Murray [1921]
The Key of Solomon The King (Clavicula Salomonis) S.L. MacGregor Mathers, tr. [1888]
The Lesser Key of Solomon, by S.L. MacGregor Mathers, and Aleister Crowley [1904]
The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, translated by
S.L. MacGregor Mathers. London, John M. Watkins. [1900]
The Veil of Isis; or, Mysteries of the Druids by W. Winwood Reade. [1861]
Pagan Prayers, by Marah Ellis Ryan; Chicago, A.C. McClurg &Co. [1913]
Irish Witchcraft and Demonology, by St. John D. Seymore; Baltimore: Norman, Remington [1913]
The Book of Ceremonial Magic, by Arthur Edward Waite; London, [1913]
Hawaiian Mythology, by Martha Beckwith,
Yale University Press [1940, copyright not renewed]
The Kumulipo: A Hawaiian Creation Chant.
translated with commentary by Martha Warren Beckwith
[1951, copyright not renewed].
Oceanic Mythology, by Roland B. Dixon;
Marshall Jones Company, Boston; [1916]
Unwritten Literature of Hawaii:
The Sacred Songs of the Hula;
by Nathaniel B. Emerson; Smithsonian Institution,
Bulletin of the Bureau of American Ethnology, no. 38;
Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office [1909]
The Samoan Story of Creation by John Fraser
(Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol. 1 164-88) [1891]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/pac/jpolys/ssc.htm [CW]
Noa Noa, by Paul Gauguin, translated by Otto Frederick Theis,
New York: Nicholas L. Brown [1919]
Polynesian Mythology & Ancient Traditional History of the New Zealanders by Sir George Grey [1854]
An Account of the Creation of the World according to the Hawaiian Tradition….,
[The Kumulipo], translated by Queen Liliuokalani;
Lee and Shepard, Boston [1897]
Baloma; the Spirits of the Dead in the Trobriand Islands,
by Bronislaw Malinowski;
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland,
Volume 46. [1916]
Maori Religion and Mythology by Edward Shortland;
London: Longmans, Green, and Co. [1882]
The Lore of the Whare-Wananga, by S. Percy Smith; New Plymouth, N.Z., [1913]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/pac/lww/index.htm [CW]
Te Pito Te Henua, or Easter Island, by William J. Thomson;
Washington D.C., Government Printing Office, [1891]
Hawaiian Folk Tales, A Collection of Native Legends, Collected by Thomas G. Thrum, Chicago, A.C. McClurg & Co. [1907]
Legends of Maui, A Demi God of Polynesia and of His Mother Hina. by W. D. Westervelt. [1910]
Hawaiian Legends of Old Honolulu, by W.D. Westervelt. Boston, G.H. Ellis Press [1915]
Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes, by W.D. Westervelt. Boston, G.H. Ellis Press [1916]
Hawaiian Legends of Ghosts and Ghost-Gods, by W.D. Westervelt. Boston, G.H. Ellis Press [1916]
Hawaiian Historical Legends, by W.D. Westervelt, Fleming H. Revell Co., New York
Mother Shipton, the Yorkshire Sibyl Investigated;
by William H. Harrison [1881]
The Prophecies of Paracelsus, by J.K.; London; William, Rider and Son [1915]
Nostradamus, The Man Who Saw Through Time,
by Lee McCann, Creative Age Press, New York [1941]
The Oracles of Nostradamus, by Charles A. Ward;
London, The Leadenhall Press; New York, C. Scribner & Welford
Clairvoyance, by Charles Webster Leadbeater, Adyar, Madras, India: Theosophical Pub. House [1899]
Mental Radio, by Upton Sinclair, introduction by William McDougall; New York: Albert & Charles Boni [1930]
Extra-Sensory Perception, by Joseph Banks Rhine; Boston: Society for Psychic Research [1934]
Roma (Gypsy)
Gypsy Folk Tales, by Francis Hindes Groome; London: Hurst and Blackett, Ltd. [1899]
Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling by Charles G. Leland;
London: T. Fisher Unwin; [1891]
Sacred Sexuality
The Ananga Ranga, Translated by Sir Richard F. Burton [1885]
The Priapeia, translated by L.C. Smithers and Sir Richard Burton [1890]
Love’s Coming-of-Age:
A Series of Papers on the Relations of the Sexes,
by Edward Carpenter; London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co. Ltd.,
Fifth Edition (Enlarged) [1906]
Ioläus, An Anthology of Friendship; by Edward Carpenter;
New York, Mitchell Kennerley [1917]
Intermediate Types among Primitive Folk: a Study in Social Evolution,
By Edward Carpenter; London: George Allen & Co. [1914]
The Royal Museum at Naples,
Being Some Account of the Erotic Paintings, Bronzes, and Statues
Contained in That Famous “Cabinet Secret”;
by Colonel Fanin. (Stanislas Marie César Famin); London; [1871]
The Sacred Fire, by Ben Zion Goldberg; New York, Horace Liveright [1930]
A Discourse On The Worship of Priapus, by Richard Payne Knight; London, [1786]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/sex/dwp/index.htm [EY]
The Karezza Method or Magnetation: The Art of Connubial Love,
by J. William Lloyd; Privately Printed for the Author, Roscoe, CA [1931]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/sex/krz/index.htm [MR]
Male Continence, by John Humphrey Noyes;
Published by the Oneida Community
Office of the Oneida Circular, Oneida, N.Y. [1872]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/sex/mc/index.htm [MR]
Karezza, Ethics of Marriage,
by Alice B. Stockham (2nd e.d); Stockham Publishing, Chicago [1903]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/sex/eom/index.htm [MR]
The Masculine Cross and Ancient Sex Worship,
by Sha Rocco (pseudonym of Hargrave Jennings); New York, A.K. Butts & Co. [1874]
A Problem in Modern Ethics, by John Addington Symonds; London, (no publ.) [1896]
A Problem in Greek Ethics, by John Addington Symonds; London, (no publ.) [1901]
The Worship of the Generative Powers:
During the Middle Ages of Western Europe;
by Thomas Wright, assisted by J. E. Tennent and George Witt;
London, J. C. Hotten;
https://www.sacred-texts.com/sex/wgp/index.htm [EY]
Shamanism in Siberia [Excerpts from] Aboriginal Siberia, A Study in Social Anthropology by M. A. Czaplicka [1914]
Shaman, Saiva And Sufi; A Study of the Evolution of Malay Magic by R. O. Winstedt [1925]
Animism or, Thought Currents of Primitive Peoples, by George William Gilmore [1919]
Shinto / Japan
The Nihongi, translated by W.G. Ashton [1896]
Specimens of Ainu Folk-lore, by John Batchelor; Tokyo; [1888-93] [CW]
Japanese Haiku, translated by Peter Beilenson, Peter Pauper Press, Mount Vernon, New York [1955]
A Translation of the “Ko-ji-ki”, or “Records of Ancient Matters,”
translated by B.H. Chamberlain [1919];
Supplement to Vol. X of
Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan;
(first printed 1882, second edition 1919).
Aino Folk-Tales, by Basil Hall Chamberlain; London; [1888] [CW]
The Yengishiki, The Harvest Ritual
In Ghostly Japan, by Lafcadio Hearn; Little, Brown and Co, Boston [1899]
Japan, An Attempt at Interpretation, by Lafcadio Hearn;
The Macmillan Company, New York, [1904]
Genji Monogatari, by Murasaki Shikibu, tr. by Suematsu Kencho; New York: Colonial Press [1900] [MEC]
Bushido, The Soul of Japan; by Inazo Nitobe;
New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons [1905]
The Ideals of the East, with Special Reference to the Art of Japan,
by Kakuzo Okakura; E.P. Dutton & Co., New York [1904]
A Hundred Verses from Old Japan,
being a translation of the Hyaku-nin-isshiu,
by William N. Porter;
The Clarendon Press, London [1909]
Ancient Tales and Folk-lore of Japan, by Richard Gordon Smith;
London, A. and C. Black [1918]
The Story of Gio, from the Heike Monogatari, Retold by Ridgely Torrance;
Japan Society, New York [1935, Copyright not renewed]
The Nō Plays of Japan, by Arthur Waley; Unwin; London [1921]
The Master-Singers of Japan, by Clara A. Walsh; London: John Murray, Wisdom of the East Series [1914]
Japanese Fairy Tales, Second Series.
By Teresa Peirce Williston, Illustrated By Sanchi Ogawa;
Rand McNally & Co.; Chicago, New York [1911]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/jft2/index.htm [EY]
Folk-lore of Shakespeare, by T.F. Thiselton Dyer; London: Griffith & Farran [1883]
The Sikh Religion, by Max Arthur MacAuliffe, Volume 1.
Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1909]
The Religion of the Sikhs, by Dorothy Field; London: John Murray, Wisdom of the East series [1914]
Sky Lore / Astrology
Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos, trans. by J.M. Ashmand, London, Davis and Dickson [1822]
Solar Biology, by Hiram E. Butler, Boston: Esoteric Publishing Company, [1887]
Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans, by Franz Cumont,
New York and London, G. P. Putnam’s sons [1912]
Moon Lore, by Timothy Harley;
London; Swan Sonnenschein, Le Bas & Lowry [1885]
Harmonies of the World (1619), by Johannes Kepler, tr. by Charles Glenn Wallis,
Annapolis, MD: The St. John’s Bookstore [1939]
From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe, by Alexandre Koyré, Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins Press [1957]
An Introduction to Astrology, by William Lilly, edited by ‘Zadkiel’ (pseudonym);
London, G. Bell [1852]
Sun Lore of All Ages, by William Tyler Olcott, New York and London: G.P. Putnam’s Sons [1914]
The Hindu Book of Astrology, by Bhakti Seva, New York: The New York Magazine of Mysteries [1902]
Slavic, Eastern European, Baltic
The Key of Gold: 23 Czech Folk Tales, translated by Dr. Josef Baudis; London,
George Allen & Unwin Ltd. [1917]
Folk Tales From the Russian,
by Verra Xenophontovna Kalamatiano de Blumenthal,
Rand, McNally & Company; Chicago, New York [1903]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/ftr/index.htm [BT]
Stories of Russian Folk-Life, by Donald A. Mackenzie; London, Blackie and Son, Limited. [1916]
The Tale of the Armament of Igor, by Leonard A. Magnus; London, Oxford
University Press [1915]
Roumanian Fairy Tales and Legends, by E.B. Mawr;
London, H.K. Lewis, [1881]
The Hero of Esthonia, by W.F. Kirby; London, John C. Nimmo (2 vols.) [1895]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/hoe/index.htm [SM]
Heroic Ballads of Servia, translated by George Rapall Noyes and Leonard Bacon;
Boston, Sherman, French & Company [1913]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/hbs/index.htm [SM]
Wonder Tales From Baltic Wizards; by Frances Jenkins Olcott;
Longmans, Green and Co. [1928]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/bw/index.htm [EY]
The Songs of the Russian People, by W. R. S. Ralston;
London, Ellis & Green (2nd ed.) [1872]
Sixty Folk-Tales From Exclusively Slavonic Sources, by A. H. Wratislaw;
Houghton, Mifflin and Company, Boston [1890]
Spain and Portugal
Legends and Romances of Spain, by Lewis Spence;
N. Y., F. A. Stokes Co. [1920]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/lrs/index.htm [HG]
The Lusiad of Luis de Camoens, translated by William Julius Mickle.
Fifth Edition, E. Richmond Hodges, editor.
Originally published 1776, this edition published by G. Bell, London [1877].
Sub Rosa
The History of the Knights Templars, by Charles G. Addison;
Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans; London [1842]
(Code of the Illuminati, Part III of)
Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, by the Abbé Barreul, tr. by Robert Edward Clifford; London: 2nd ed. [1798]
The Comte de St. Germain; The Secret of Kings: A Monograph,
by Isabel Cooper-Oakley; Milano, G. Sulli-Rao [1912]
Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Medieval Mysticism,
by Isabel Cooper-Oakley; London; Theosophical Publishing Society [1900]
In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom, by Franz Hartmann;
Boston and London, by The Theosophical Society and Occult Publishing Company [1890]
With the Adepts: An Adventure Among the Rosicrucians,
by Franz Hartmann; William Rider and Son; London [1910]
The Rosicrucians, Their Rites and Mysteries,
by Hargrave Jennings;
fourth edition, revised, E.P. Dutton and Co., New York 1907;
Originally published London, J.C. Hotten, [1870]
Secret Societies of the Middle Ages, by Thomas Keightley,
Charles Knight & Co., London [1837]
The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians, by Magus Incognito (pseud. William Walker Atkinson), Chicago, Ill., Advanced Thought Publishing Co. [1918]
Proofs of a Conspiracy Against all the Religions and Governments of Europe,
Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati,
and Reading Societies, Collected from Good Authorities, by John Robison;
Fourth Edition, to which is added a postscript; New York, George Forman [1798]
The Real History of the Rosicrucians, by Arthur Edward Waite,
George Redway, London [1887]
The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal, Its Legends and Symbolism,
by Arthur Edward Waite, Rebman Limited, London [1909]
The Migration of Symbols, by Goblet d’Alviella; London, A. Constable and Co. [1894]
The Book of Talismans, Amulets and Zodiacal Gems, by William Thomas and Kate Pavitt; Second and Revised Edition; London; William Rider & Son, Ltd. [1922]
Taoist Texts:
Ethical, Political, and Speculative, by Frederic Henry Balfour;
Shanghai and London, [1884]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/tao/ttx/index.htm [CW]
Yang Chu’s Garden of Pleasure;
Translated by Anton Forke, Introduction by Hugh Cranmer-Byng
London, J. Murray (The Wisdom of the East) [1912]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/tao/ycgp/index.htm [CW]
Kung-Fu, or Tauist Medical Gymnastics, by John Dudgeon. pp. 67-291 in The Beverages of the Chinese; Kung-fu; or, Tauist medical gymnastics; the population of China; a modern Chinese anatomist; and a chapter in Chinese surgery. Tientsin, Tientsin press [1895]
Musings of a Chinese Mystic, by Lionel Giles, London: John Murray [1906]
Taoist Teachings Translated from the Book of Lieh-Tzü.
Translated by Lionel Giles [1912].
The Sayings of Lao Tzŭ, by Lionel Giles;
E. P. Dutton and Company, Inc., New York [1905]
Sun Tzu on the Art of War, the Oldest Military Treatise in the World, tr. Lionel Giles; London: Luzac and Co. [1910]
Taotzu’s Tao and Wu Wei, by Dwight Goddard and Henri Borel;
New York, Brentano’s [1919]
Taotzu’s Tao and Wu Wei, by Dwight Goddard, et al (2nd edition);
Thetford VT, privately printed [1939]
The Texts of Taoism, vol. 1 of 2 (Sacred Books of the East vol. 39).
Translated by James Legge.
Includes The Tao te Ching by Lao-tzu and and Part One of
the Writings of Chuang-tzu. Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1891]
The Texts of Taoism, vol. 2 of 2 (Sacred Books of the East vol. 40).
Translated by James Legge.
Includes Part Two of the Writings of Chuang-tzu,
as well as the Tai Shang Tractate and the index
for SBE vols. 39 and 40. Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1891]
The Tao Teh King: A Short Study in Comparative Religion, translation and commentary by C. Spurgeon Medhurst; Chicago: Theosophical Book Concern [1905]
Tao, The Great Luminant,
Essays from the Huai Nan Tzu;
by Evan S. Morgan; Shanghai, [1933]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/tao/tgl/index.htm [CW]
The Canon of Reason and Virtue (Lao-tze’s Tao Teh King);
Chinese and English; Translated by D.T. Suzuki & Paul Carus;
Open Court; La Salle, Illinois [1913]
T’ai-Shang Kan-Ying P’ien,
Treatise of the Exalted One on Response and Retribution;
Translated by Teitaro Suzuki and Paul Carus;
La Salle, Illinois, The Open Court Publishing Co. [1906]
Yin Chih Wen, The Tract of the Quiet Way;
Translated by Teitaro Suzuki and Paul Carus;
La Salle, Illinois, The Open Court Publishing Co. [1906]
Fortune Telling by Cards, by P.R.S. Foli; R.P. Fenno & Company, New York [1915]
The Symbolism of the Tarot, by P. D. Ouspensky;
Philosophy of Occultism in Pictures and Numbers;
Translated by A. L. Pogossky;
Trood Print. and Pub. Co., St. Petersburg, Russia;
Absolute Key to Occult Science;
The Tarot of the Bohemians,
The Most Ancient Book in the World. For the Exclusive Use of Initiates,
by Papus (Gérard Anaclet Vincent Encausse).
Original Title: Clef absolue de la science occulte;
Translated from the French by A. P. Morton;
London, Chapman and Hall, ltd., [1892]
General Book of the Tarot, by A.E. Thierens, Introduction by A.E. Waite,
D. McKay Co., Philadelphia [1930, not renewed]
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, by Arthur Edward Waite;
Illustrated by Pamela Coleman Smith; London, W. Rider [1911]
A Textbook of Theosophy, by C. W. (Charles Webster) Leadbeater.
Adyar, Madras, India, Theosophical Publishing House [1912]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/the/tot/index.htm [BT]
The Worm Ouroboros, by E. R. Eddison; London, Jonathan Cope [1922]
The Stories of the Months and Days by Reginald C. Couzens;
New York, Frederick A. Stokes & Co.
[1923, Copyright not renewed]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/time/smd/index.htm [EY]
Fifty Christmas Poems for Children: An Anthology Selected by
Florence B. Hyett. D. Appleton-Century Company Incorporated,
New York [1923]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/time/50x/index.htm [EY]
The Secret of the Saucers, by Orfeo M. Angelucci, edited by Ray Palmer; Amherst Press [1955]
In Days To Come, by Ashtar (pseud. Ethel P. Hill), Los Angeles: New Age Publishing Co., [1957?]
The Flying Saucers Are Real, by Donald Keyhoe;
New York, Fawcett Publications [1950, Copyright lapsed from non-renewal].
My Trip to Mars, by William Ferguson;
Saucerian Publications, Clarksburg, WV [1955]
From India to the Planet Mars, by Théodore Flournoy, tr. by Daniel B. Vermilye; New York and London: Harper & Brothers Publishers [1900]
We Met the Space People; the story of the Mitchell Sisters, by Helen
and Betty Mitchell; Saucerian Books, Clarksburg, West Virginia [1959]
The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, by Edward J. Ruppelt; Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc. [1956]
I Remember Lemuria and The Return of Sathanas, by Richard S. Shaver; Evanston, Ill.: Venture Books [1948]
Other Tongues–Other Flesh, by George Hunt Williamson;
Amherst Press, Amherst, WI [1953, copyright lapsed from non-renewal].
Vymaanika-Shaastra Aeronautics;
by Maharshi Bharadwaaja;
Propounded by Venerable Subbaraya Shastry;
Translated into English and Edited, Printed and Published by G.R. Josyer;
Mysore, India [1973: not public domain]
Utopia & Dystopia
Cæsar’s Column, by Ignatius Donnelly. writing as Edmund Boisgilbert;
Chicago, F.J. Shulte & Co. [1890]
The Story of Utopias, by Lewis Mumford; New York, Boni and Liveright, Inc. [1922]
Garden Cities of To-morrow, by Ebenezer Howard; London: S. Sonnenschein & Co., Ltd. (Second ed.) [1902]
Religious Cults Associated with the Amazons, by Florence Mary Bennett;
New York, Columbia University Press [1912].
Woman, Church and State, by Matilda Joslyn Gage;
The Truth Seeker Company, New York, [1893].
Clothed With The Sun, by Anna Bonus Kingsford;
Prefaces and Footnotes by Edward Maitland and Samuel Hopgood Hart;
John M. Watkins, London [1889].
Unveiling a Parallel, A Romance, by Alice Ilgenfritz Jones and Ella Merchant; Boston: Arena Publishing Company [1893]
The Amazons, by Guy Cadogan Rothery; Francis Griffiths; London [1910]
The Woman’s Bible, by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Revising Committee. [1898]
Woman and the New Race, by Margaret Sanger. [1920]
Folk-Lore of Women, by Thomas Firminger Thiselton-Dyer;
A.C. McClurg & Co., Chicago and
Elliot Stock, London; [1906]
https://www.sacred-texts.com/wmn/fow/index.htm [EY]
The Garden of Eden; or The Paradise Lost & Found, by Victoria Claflin
Woodhull, London [1890].
The Zend-Avesta, Part I, by James Darmesteter:
The Vendîdâd.
(Sacred Books of the East Vol. 4); Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1880].
The Zend-Avesta, Part II, by James Darmesteter:
The Sîrôzahs, Yasts and Nyâyis
(Sacred Books of the East Vol. 23); Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1882].
The Teachings of Zoroaster and the Philosophy of the Parsi Religion, by S.A. Kapadia, London: John Murray, Wisdom of the East [1905]
The Zend-Avesta, Part III, by L.H. Mills:
The Yasna, Visparad, Âfrînagân, Gâhs and Miscellaneous Fragments
(Sacred Books of the East Vol. 31); Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1887].
Pahlavi Texts, Part I, by E.W. West:
The Bundahis, Bahman Yast
and Shayâst Lâ-Shâyast.
(Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 5); Oxford, The Clarendon Press; [1880].
Pahlavi Texts, Part II, by E.W. West:
The Dâdistân-î Dînîk and the Epistles of Mânûskîhar; (Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 18);
Oxford University Press
Pahlavi Texts, Part III, by E.W. West:
Dînâ-î Maînôg-î Khirad,
Sikand-gûmânîk Vigâr, and the Sad Dar;
(Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 24);
Oxford University Press [1885]
Pahlavi Texts, Part IV, by E.W. West:
Contents of the Nasks. (Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 37);
Oxford University Press [1892]
Pahlavi Texts, Part V, by E.W. West:
Marvels of Zoroastrianism. (Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 47);
Oxford University Press [1897]