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This page indexes resources at this site about parapsychology (the study of ESP), including telepathy, clairvoyance, and other psychic phenomena.
by Charles Webster Leadbeater [1899]
A Theosophical manual of remote viewing in space and time.
Mental Radio
by Upton Sinclair [1930]
A rationalist confronts overwhelming evidence of psychic power in his own household.
Extra-Sensory Perception
by Joseph Banks Rhine [1934]
The breakout study of telepathy and clairvoyance in a laboratory setting.
Elsewhere at Sacred-texts
The Varieties of Religious Experience
by William James [1902]
A comprehensive study of the psychology of conversion, saintliness, and mysticism.
From India to the Planet Mars
by Théodore Flournoy, tr. Daniel B. Vermilye [1900]
Psychic contact with Mars at the dawn of the 20th century.
Celtic Twilight
by W. B. Yeats [1902 edition]
A collection of essays by Yeats on supernatural Celtic themes.
True Irish Ghost Stories
by St. John D. Seymour and Harry L. Neligan [1914]
Bone-chilling tales of Irish ghosts, haunted houses, banshees, poltergeists, and more.
The Candle of Vision
by AE (George William Russell) [1918]
Essays on Celtic mysticism.
Psychic Phenomena of Jamaica
By Joseph J. Williams. [1934]
A study of supernatural activity in Jamaica, including the abusive duppy…