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New Thought
![Starry Night, by Van Gogh [1889] (Public Domain Image)](https://sacred-texts.com/nth/snight.jpg)
What All the World’s A-Seeking
by Ralph Waldo Trine [1896]
Compassion for all life and meditation as keys to mental power and success.
A Common-Sense View of the Mind Cure
by Laura M. Westall [1908]
Can some diseases be cured simply by thought?
The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science
by Thomas Troward [1909]
The Dore Lectures on Mental Science
by Thomas Troward [1909]
In Tune with the Infinite
by Ralph Waldo Trine [1910]
The Science of Geting Rich
by Wallace Delois Wattles [1910]
Unity Church books now have their own page.
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy [1910]
The central text of Christian Science.
Your Forces and How to Use Them
by Christian D. Larson [1912]
Secrets of the master minds: charisma, focus, and character building.
Creative Mind and Success
by Ernest Holmes [1919]
Holmes’ take on “Prosperity Consciousness”.
The Master Key System
by Charles F. Haanel [1919]
The secret behind the Secret; the law of attraction, the universal key to prosperity.
The Quimby Manuscripts
by Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, edited by Horatio W. Dresser [1921]
Writings of the originator of New Thought and an early influence on Christian Science.
The Law and the Word
by Thomas Troward [1921]
Troward on the ‘Promise’ of the Bible: Eternal Life, and the Word made Real.
The Hidden Power
by Thomas Troward [1921]
A collection of Troward essays.
Dynamic Thought
by Henry Thomas Hamblin [1921]
Creative Mind
by Ernest Holmes [1923]
A succinct resume of Holmes’ New Thought philosophy.
Works of Florence Scovel Shinn
The Game of Life and How to Play It [1925]
Your Word Is Your Wand [1928]
The Secret Door To Success [1941]
The Science of Mind
by Ernest Holmes [1926]
This early book by Ernest Holmes is representative of many of the strands of New Thought beliefs, including mental healing, the use of affirmations, and a universal consciousness.
The Secret of the Ages
by Robert Collier [1926]
Can we learn to be perfectly healthy, stop aging, and attract wealth?
The Secret of the Universe
by Nathan R. Wood [1932]
The Trinity and its universal implications.
Think and Grow Rich
by Napoleon Hill [1938]
A motivational classic from the Great Depression.
Life and Its Mysteries
by Frank L. Hammer [1945]
Plain answers to the big metaphysical questions, including “Where do animals go when they die?”.
An Eternal Career
by Frank L. Hammer [1947]
Hammer’s second (and only other) book addresses the immortality of the soul.
Know Your Magnetic Field
by William E. Gray [1947]
A look inside psychic healing.
The Secret Science Behind Miracles
by Max Freedom Long [1948]
Fire-walking, psychic powers, instant healing and other secrets of the Hawaiian Kahunas.
by Max Freedom Long [1958]
A manual of self-suggestion, using Huna methods.