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Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) was a Swedish philosopher and scientist who, at 56, had a spiritual awakening and wrote numerous books on his theological views and related topics. He advocated a version of Christianity where works count as much as faith, with the trinity existing in Jesus, instead of three separate entities. Swedenborg derived inspiration from dreams and visions, and claimed to be able to visit heaven and hell at will. His works were widely read after his death and highly regarded by poets, writers and mystics such as Blake, Baudelaire, Strindberg, Balzac, Yeats, Jung, and William James.
The following electronic texts have been converted automatically for sacred-texts by a volunteer. Swedenborg’s writings are indexed by paragraph number. Each of the texts have been arbitrarily separated into 50-paragraph files.
Spiritual Diary
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1747-65] tr. by George Bush, John H. Smithson and James F. Buss [1883-9]
Arcana Coelestia
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1749-56] tr. by John F. Potts [1905-10]
Apocalypse Explained
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1757-9] tr. by John Whitehead [1911]
Last Judgment Posthumous
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1757-9] tr. by John Whitehead [1914]
Last Judgment
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1758] tr. by John Whitehead [1892]
Last Judgment Continued
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1758] tr. by John Whitehead [1892]
Heaven and Hell
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1758] tr. by John C. Ager [1900]
White Horse
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1758] tr. by John Whitehead [1892]
The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1758] tr. by John Whitehead [1892]
Earths in the Universe
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1758] tr. by John Whitehead [1892]
Athanasian Creed
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1759] tr. by Samuel H. Worcester [1885]
De Domino
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1760] tr. by Samuel H. Worcester [1885]
Prophets and Psalms
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1761] tr. by J.E. Schreck [1900]
De Verbo
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1762] tr. by John Whitehead [1914]
Divine Love
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1762-3] tr. by John Whitehead [1914]
Divine Wisdom
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1762-3] tr. by John Whitehead [1914]
Divine Love and Wisdom
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1763] tr. by John C. Ager [1890]
Doctrine of Faith
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1763] tr. by John F. Potts [1904]
Doctrine of Life
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1763] tr. by John F. Potts [1904]
Doctrine of Sacred Scriptures
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1763] tr. by John F. Potts [1904]
Doctrine of the Lord
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1763] tr. by John F. Potts [1904]
Divine Providence
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1764] tr. by William Frederic Wunsch [1851]
Apocalypse Revealed
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1766] tr. by John Whitehead [1912]
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1766] tr. by John Whitehead [1914]
De Conjugio
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1766] tr. by John Whitehead [1914]
Conjugial Love
by Emanuel Swedenborg [1768]
God the Savior
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1768] tr. by John Whitehead [1914]
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1769] tr. by John Whitehead [1914]
Brief Exposition
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1769] tr. by John Whitehead [1892]
Interaction of the Soul and Body
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1769] tr. by John Whitehead [1892]
True Christian Religion
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1771] tr. by John Whitehead [1906]
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1771] tr. by John Whitehead [1914]
Invitation to the New Church
by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1771] tr. by John Whitehead [1914]
The Gist of Swedenborg
by Julian K. Smyth and William F. Wunsch [1920]
A little anthology of Swedenborg’s writings.