Sacred Texts
Early Church Fathers
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XIII
Gregory the Great (II), Ephraim Syrus, Aphrahat
Title Page.
Title Page.
Selected Epistles of Gregory the Great.
Selected Epistles of Gregory the Great.
Title Page.
General Literature of Gregory's Life and Times.
Regula Pastoralis (Notes).
Registrum Epistolarum (Notes).
Book IX
Epistle I
To Vitalis, Guardian (Defensorem) of Sardinia.
To Januarius, Bishop of Caralis (Cagliari).
To Januarius, Bishop of Caralis (Cagliari).
To Marcellus, Pro-Consul of Dalmatia.
To Januarius, Bishop of Caralis (Cagliari).
To Januarius, Bishop of Caralis (Cagliari).
To the Bishops of Sardinia.
To Callinicus, Exarch of Italy.
To Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna.
To Brunichild, Queen.
To John, Bishop of Syracuse.
Epistle XVII
To Romanus, Guardian (Defensorem).
To the Husbandmen (Colonos) of the Syracusan Patrimony.
Epistle XXIII
To Romanus, Guardian (Defensorem).
Epistle XXVI
To Romanus, Guardian (Defensorem).
Epistle XXXIII
Epistle XXXVI
Epistle XLI
To Agilulph, King of the Lombards.
To Theodelinda, Queen of the Lombards.
Epistle XLIX
Epistle LV
Epistle LVIII
To John, Bishop of Syracuse.
To Romanus and other Guardians (defensores) of the Ecclesiastical Patrimony.
The epistle of Rechared, King of the Goths, addressed to the blessed Gregory, Bishop of Rome.
To Romanus, Guardian (Defensorem).
Epistle LXV
Epistle LXVII
To Eusebius of Thessalonica.
To Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna.
To Castorius, Notary.
To Maximus, Bishop of Salona.
To Anatolius, Constantinopolitan Deacon.
Epistle XCI
Epistle XCIII
To Romanus the Guardian (Defensorem).
Epistle XCVIII
Epistle CV
To Syagrius, Ætherius, Virgilius, and Desiderius, Bishops.
To Aregius, Bishop of Vapincum.
To Syagrius, Bishop.
To Brunichild, Queen of the Franks.
To Theoderic and Theodebert, Kings of the Franks.
To Virgilius, Bishop of Arelate (Arles).
Epistle CXIV
To Syagrius, Bishop of Augustodunum (Autun).
To Theoderic and Theodebert, Kings of the Franks.
To Brunichild, Queen of the Franks.
Epistle CXX
To Leander, Bishop of Hispalis (Seville).
To Rechared, King of the Visigoths.
To Venantius and Italica.
Epistle CXXV
Epistle CXXVII
Book X
Epistle X
Epistle XV
Epistle XVIII
To Anthemius, Subdeacon.
Epistle XXIII
To Fortunatus, Bishop of Neapolis (Naples).
Epistle XXXI
Epistle XXXV
To Maximus, Bishop of Salona.
To Innocent, Præfect of Africa.
Epistle XXXIX
Epistle XLII
Epistle LXII
To Dominicus, Bishop of Carthage.
Book XI
Epistle I
Epistle XII
To Serenus, Bishop of Massilia (Marseilles).
Epistle XXV
Epistle XXVIII
To Bertha, Queen of the Angli.
To Venantius, Ex-Monk, Patrician of Syracuse.
Epistle XXXII
To Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna.
Epistle XXXV
To John, Bishop of Syracuse.
To Romanus, Guardian (Defensorem).
To Vitus, Guardian (Defensorem).
Epistle XL
Epistle XLIV
To Theoctista, Patrician.
To Isacius, Bishop of Jerusalem.
To Anatolius, Deacon at Constantinople.
Epistle L
Epistle LIV
To Virgilius, Bishop of Arelate (Arles).
To Ætherius, Bishop of Lugdunum (Lyons.)
To Aregius, Bishop of Vapincum.
To Divers Bishops of Gaul.
To Theoderic, King of the Franks.
To Theodebert, King of the Franks.
To Clotaire, King of the Franks.
To Brunichild, Queen of the Franks.
To Brunichild, Queen of the Franks.
To Augustine, Bishop of the Angli.
To Augustine, Bishop of the Angli.
To Edilbert, King of the Angli.
To Quiricus, Bishop, &c.
To Virgilius, Bishop of Arelate (Arles).
To Brunichild, Queen of the Franks.
Epistle LXXVI
To Boniface, Guardian (Defensorem), in Corsica.
To Barbara and Antonina.
Book XII
Epistle I
Epistle VIII
Epistle XXIV
To Romanus, Guardian (Defensorem).
Epistle XXVIII
To Victor, Bishop.
Epistle XXXII
Epistle L
Epistle I
Epistle V
To Brunichild, Queen of the Franks.
To Theoderic, King of the Franks.
To Senator, Abbot.
To Thalassia, Abbess.
To Lupo, Abbot.
Epistle XII
Epistle XVIII
Epistle XXII
Epistle XXVI
To Anthemius, Subdeacon.
Epistle XXXI
Epistle XXXIV
To Leontia, Empress.
To Cyriacus, Patriarch of Constantinople.
To Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria.
To Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria.
Book XIV
Epistle II
Epistle IV
Epistle VII
To Boniface, Deacon.
Epistle XII
To Alcyson, Bishop of Corcyra.
Epistle XVI
To Felix, Bishop of Messana.
Selections from the Hymns and Homilies of Ephraim the Syrian and from the Demonstrations of Aphrahat the Persian Sage.
Selections from the Hymns and Homilies of Ephraim the Syrian and from the Demonstrations of Aphrahat the Persian Sage.
Title Page.
Introductory Dissertation: Ephraim the Syrian and Aphrahat the Persian Sage.
Part I
Section I
Materials for His Biography.
The Life, as Amplified by Mediaeval Biographers.
Recapitulation of Authentic Facts of Life.
Historical Criticism of Mediæval Amplifications.
Rectification of the Vatican Text of the Life.
Chronology of the Life of Ephraim.
His Writings: Their Characteristics.
The Selections Included in the Present Collection.
Probable Dates of His Works.
Part II
Ephraim Syrus: The Nisibene Hymns.
Title Page.
Hymn I
Hymn II
Hymn III
Hymn IV
Hymn V
Hymn VI.
Hymn VII.
Hymn XIII.
Hymn IX.
Hymn X.
Hymn XI.
Hymn XII.
Hymn XIII. Concerning Mar Jacob and his Companions.
Hymn XIV.
Hymn XV.
Hymn XVI.
Hymn XVII. Concerning Abraham, Bishop of Nisibis.
Hymn XIX.
Hymn XX.
Hymn XXI.
Hymn XL.
Hymn XLI.
Hymn XLII.
Hymn LII
Hymn LIII.
Hymn LIV.
Hymn LV.
Hymn LVI.
Hymn LVII.
Hymn LIX.
Hymn LX.
Hymn LXI.
Hymn LXII.
Hymn LXIV.
Hymn LXV.
Hymn LXVI.
Ephraim Syrus: Nineteen Hymns on the Nativity of Christ in the Flesh.
Title Page.
Hymn I
Hymn II.
Hymn III.
Hymn IV.
Hymn V.
Hymn VI.
Hymn VII.
Hymn VIII.
Hymn IX.
Hymn X.
Hymn XI. The Virgin Mother to Her Child.
Hymn XII.
Hymn XIII.
Hymn XIV.
Hymn XV.
Hymn XVI.
Hymn XVII.
Hymn XIX.
Ephraim Syrus: Fifteen Hymns For the Feast of the Epiphany.
Title Page.
Hymn I
Hymn II.
Hymn III.
Hymn IV.
Hymn V.
Hymn VI.
Hymn VII.
Hymn VIII.
Hymn IX.
Hymn X.
Hymn XI.
Hymn XII.
Hymn XIII. Hymn of the Baptized.
Hymn XIV.
Hymn XV.
Ephraim Syrus: The Pearl. Seven Hymns on the Faith.
Title Page.
Hymn I
Hymn II.
Hymn III.
Hymn IV.
Hymn V.
Hymn VI.
Hymn VII
Ephraim Syrus: Three Homilies.
Title Page.
Homily I
On Admonition and Repentance.
On the Sinful Woman.
Aphrahat: Select Demonstrations.
Title Page.
Letter of an Inquirer.
Demonstration I
Demonstration V
Of Monks.
Demonstration VIII
Demonstration X
Demonstration XVII
Demonstration XXI
Demonstration XXII
Index of Scripture References
Greek Words and Phrases
French Words and Phrases
Index of Pages of the Print Edition