10. THERE be many Places called Fairie-hills, which the Mountain People think impious and dangerous to peel or dicover, by taking Earth or Wood from them; upertitiouly beleiving the Souls of their Prediceors to dwell there. 1 And for that End (ay they) a Mote or Mount was dedicate beide every Church-yard, to receive the Souls till their adjacent Bodies arie, and o become as a Fairie-hill; they ueing Bodies of Air when called Abroad. They alo affirme thoe Creatures that move inviibly in a Houe, and cat hug great Stones, but do no much Hurt, becaue counter-wrought by ome more courteous and charitable Spirits that are everywhere ready to defend Men, (Dan. 10. 13.) to be Souls that have not attained their Ret, thorough a vehement Deire of revealling a Murther or notable Injurie done or receaved,
or a Treaure that was forgot in their Liftyme on Earth, which when diclo'd to a Conjurer alone, the Ghot quite removes.
IN the nixt Country to that of my former Reidence, about the Year 1676, when there was ome Scarcity of Graine, a marvelous Illape and Viion trongly truck the Imagination of two Women in one Night, living at a good Ditance from one another, about a Treaure hid in a Hill, called SITHBHRUAICH, or Fayrie-hill. The Appearance of a Treaure was firt repreented to the Fancy, and then an audible Voyce named the Place where it was to their awaking Senes. Whereupon both aroe, and meitting accidentallie at the Place, dicovered their Deigne; and joyntly digging, found a Veell as large as a Scottih Peck, full of mall Pieces of good Money, of ancient Coyn; which halving betuixt them, they old in Dih-fulls for Dih-fulls of Meall to the Countrey People. Very many of undoubted Credit aw, and had of the Coyn to this Day. But whither it was a good or bad Angell, one of the ubterranean People, or the reles Soul of him who hid it,
that dicovered it, and to what End it was done, I leave to the Examination of others.