5. THEIR Apparell and Speech is like that of the People and Countrey under which they live: o are they een to wear Plaids and variegated Garments in the Highlands of Scotland, and Suanochs therefore in Ireland. They peak but litle, and that by way of whitling, clear, not rough. The verie Divels conjured in any Countrey, do anwer in the Language of the Place; yet ometimes the Subterraneans peak more ditinctly than at other times. Ther Women are aid to Spine very fine, to Dy, to Toue, and Embroyder: but whither it is as manuall Operation of ubtantiall refined Stuffs, with apt and olid Intruments, or only curious Cob-webs, impalpable Rainbows, and a fantatic Imitation of the Actions of more terretricall Mortalls, ince it trancended all
the Senes of the Seere to dicerne whither, I leave to conjecture as I found it.