6. THERE Men travell much abroad, either preaging or aping the dimall and tragicall Actions of ome amongt us; and have alo many diatorous Doings of their own, as Convocations, Fighting, Gahes, Wounds, and Burialls, both in the Earth and Air. They live much longer than wee; yet die at lat, or [at] leat vanih from that State. 'Tis ane of their Tenets, that nothing periheth, but (as the Sun and Year) every Thing goes in a Circle, leer or greater, and is renewed and refrehed in its Revolutions; as 'tis another, that every Bodie in the Creation moves, (which is a ort of Life;) and that nothing moves, but [h]as another Animal moving on it; and o on, to the utmot minutet Corpucle that's capable to be a Receptacle of Life.