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p. 115




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1. Onenh weghniserade wakatyerenkowa desawennawenrate ne kenteyurhoton. Desahahishonne donwenghratstanyonne ne kentekaghronghwanyon. Tesatkaghtoghserontye ronatennossendonghkwe yonkwanikonghtaghkwenne, konyennetaghkwen. Ne katykenh nayoyaneratye ne sanikonra? Daghsatkaghthoghseronne ratiyanarenyon onkwaghsotsherashonkenhha; neok detkanoron ne shekonh ayuyenkwaroghthake jiratighrotonghkwakwe. Ne katykenh nayuyaneratye ne sanikonra desakaghserentonyonne?

2. Niyawehkowa katy nonwa onenh skennenji thisayatirhehon. Onenh nonwa oghseronnih denighroghkwayen. Hasekenh thiwakwekonh deyunennyatenyon nene konnerhonyon, "Ie henskerighwaghtonte." Kenyutnyonkwaratonnyon, neony kenyotdakarahon, neony kenkontifaghsoton. Nedens aesayatyenenghdon, konyennedaghkwen, neony kenkaghnekonyon nedens aesayatyenenghdon, konyennethaghkwen, neony kenwaseraketotanese kentewaghsatayenha kanonghsakdatye. Niyateweghnise rakeh yonkwakaronny; onidatkon yaghdekakonghsonde oghsonteraghkowa nedens aesayatyenenghdon, konyennethaghkwen.

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1. Now 1 to-day I have been greatly startled by your voice coming through the forest to this opening. You have come with troubled mind through all obstacles. You kept seeing the places where they met on whom we depended, my offspring. How then can your mind be at ease? You kept seeing the footmarks of our fore fathers; and all but perceptible is the smoke where they used to smoke the pipe together. Can then your mind be at ease when you are weeping on your way?

2. Great thanks now, therefore, that you have safely arrived. Now, then, let us smoke the pipe together. Because all around are hostile agencies which are each thinking, "I will frustrate their purpose." Here thorny ways, and here falling trees, and here wild beasts lying in ambush. Either by these you might have perished, my offspring, or, here by floods you might have been destroyed, my offspring, or by the uplifted hatchet in the dark outside the house. Every day these are wasting us; or deadly invisible disease might have destroyed you, my offspring.

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3. Niyawenhkowa kady nonwa onenh skennenjy thadesarhadiyakonh. Hasekenh kanoron jinayawenhon nene aesahhahiyenenhon, nene ayakotyerenhon ayakawen, "Issy tyeyadakeron, akwah deyakonakorondon!" Ayakaweron oghnonnekenh niyuterenhhatye, ne konyennedaghkwen.

4. Rotirighwison onkwaghsotshera, ne ronenh, "Kenhenyondatsjistayenhaghse. Kendeyughnyonkwarakda eghtenyontatitenranyon orighokonha." Kensane yeshotiriwayen orighwakwekonh yatenkarighwentaseron, nene akwah denyontatyadoghseronko. Neony ne ronenh, "Ethononweh yenyontatenonshine, kanakdakwenniyukeh yenyontatideron."

5. Onenh kady iese seweryenghskwe sathaghyonnighshon:


Etho ne niwa ne akotthaghyonnishon.

6. Onenh nene shehhawah deyakodarakeh ranyaghdenghshon:

Etho ne niwa ne ranyaghdenshon.

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3. Great thanks now, therefore, that in safety you have come through the forest. Because lamentable would have been the consequences had you perished by the way, and the startling word had come, "Yonder are lying bodies, yea, and of chiefs!" And they would have thought in dismay, what had happened, my offspring.

4. Our forefathers made the rule, and said, "Here they are to kindle a fire; here, at the edge of the woods, they are to condole with each other in few words." But they have referred thither 1 all business to be duly completed, as well as for the mutual embrace of condolence. And they said, "Thither shall they be led by the hand, and shall be placed on the principal seat."

5. Now, therefore, you who are our friends of the Wolf clan:

In John Buck's MS.

Supposed Meaning.

Ka rhe tyon ni.
Ogh ska wa se ron hon.
Gea di yo.
De se ro ken.
O nen yo deh.
Te ho di jen ha ra kwen.
Ogh re kyon ny.
Te yo we yen don.

The broad woods.
Grown up to bushes again.
Beautiful plain.
Between two lines.
Protruding stone.
Two families in a long-house, one at each end.
Drooping wings.


Such is the extent of the Wolf clan.

6. Now, then, thy children of the two clans of the Tortoise:

Ka ne sa da keh.
Onkwi i ye de.
Wegh ke rhon.
Kah ken doh hon.
Tho gwen yoh.
Kah he kwa ke.

On the hill side.
A person standing there.

Such is the extent of the Tortoise clan.

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7. Onenh nene jadadeken roskerewake:


8. Onenh nene onghwa kehaghshonha:


Etho ne niwa roghskerewake.

Eghnikatarakeghne orighwakayongh.

9. Ne kaghyaton jinikawennakeh ne dewadadenonweronh, "ohhendonh karighwadeghkwenh" radiyats. Doka enyairon, "Konyennedaghkwen, onenh weghniserade yonkwatkennison. Rawenniyo raweghniseronnyh. Ne onwa konwende yonkwatkennison nene jiniyuneghrakwah jinisayadawen. Onenh onghwenjakonh niyonsakahhawe jinonweh nadekakaghneronnyonghkwe. Akwah kady okaghserakonh thadetyatroghkwanekenh.

10. "Onenh kady yakwenronh, wakwennyonkoghde
okaghsery, akwah kady ok skennen thadenseghsatkaghthonnyonhheke.

11. "Nok ony kanekhere deyughsihharaonh ne sahondakon. Onenh kady watyakwaghsiharako waahkwadeweyendonh tsisaronkatah, kady nayawenh ne skennen thensathondeke enhtyewenninekenneh.

12. "Nok ony kanekhere deyughsihharaonh desanyatokenh. Onenh kady hone yakwenronh watyakwaghsihharanko, akwah kady ok skennen deghsewenninekenne dendewadatenonghweradon.

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7. Now these thy brothers of the Bear clan:

De ya oken.
Jo non de seh.
Ots kwe ra ke ron.
Ogh na we ron.

The Forks.
It is a high hill.
Dry branches fallen to the ground.
The springs.

8. Now these have been added lately:

Ka rho wengh ra don.
Ka ra ken.
De yo he ro.
De yo swe ken.
Ox den ke.

Taken over the woods.
The place of flags (rushes).
Outlet of the river.
To the old place.

Such is the extent of the Bear clan.

These were the clans in ancient times.

9. Thus are written the words of mutual greeting, called "the opening ceremony." Then one will say, "My offspring, now this day we are met together. God has appointed this day. Now, to-day, we are met together, on account of the solemn event which has befallen you. Now into the earth he has been conveyed to whom we have been wont to look. Yea, therefore, in tears let us smoke together.

10. "Now, then, we say, we wipe away the tears, so that in peace you may look about you.

11. "And, further, we suppose there is an obstruction in your ears. Now, then, we remove the obstruction carefully from your hearing, so that we trust you will easily hear the words spoken.

12. "And also we imagine there is an obstruction in your throat. Now, therefore, we say, we remove the obstruction, so that you may speak freely in our mutual greetings.

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13. Onenh are oya, konyennethaghkwen. Nene kadon yuneghrakwah jinesadawen. Niyadeweghniserakeh sanekherenhonh ratikowanenghskwe. Onghwenjakonh niyeskahhaghs; ken-ony rodighskenrakeghdethaghkwe, ken-ony sanheghtyensera, ken-ony saderesera. Akwagh kady ok onekwenghdarihengh thisennekwakenry.

14. Onenh kady yakwenronh wakwanekwenghdarokewanyon jisanakdade, ogh kady nenyawenne seweghniserathagh ne akwah ok skennen then kanakdiyuhake ji enghsitskodake denghsatkaghdonnyonheke.

15. Onenh nene Karenna,


Kayanerenh deskenonghweronne;
Kheyadawenh deskenonghweronne;
Oyenkondonh deskenonghweronne;
Wakonnyh deskenonghweronne.
Ronkeghsotah rotirighwane,--
Ronkeghsota jiyathondek.

16. Enskat ok enjerennokden nakwah oghnaken nyare
enyonghdentyonko kanonghsakonghshon, enyairon:

17. "A-i Raxhottahyh! Onenh kajatthondek onenh enyontsdaren ne yetshiyadare! Ne ji onenh wakarighwakayonne ne sewarighwisahnonghkwe ne kayarenghkowah. Ayawenhenstokenghske daondayakotthondeke.

18. "Na-i Raxhottahyh! Ne kenne iesewenh enyakodenghthe nene noghnaken enyakaonkodaghkwe.

19. "Na-i Raxhottahyh! Onenh nonwa kathonghnonweh dhatkonkoghdaghkwanyon jidenghnonhon nitthatirighwayerathaghkwe."

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13. "Now again another thing, my offspring. I have spoken of the solemn event which has befallen you. Every day you are losing your great men. They are being borne into the earth; also the warriors, and also your women, and also your grandchildren; so that in the midst of blood you are sitting.

14. "Now, therefore, we say, we wash off the blood marks from your seat, so that it may be for a time that happily the place will be clean where you are seated and looking around you."

15. Now the Hymn,


I come again to greet and thank the League;
I come again to greet and thank the kindred;
I come again to greet and thank the warriors;
I come again to greet and thank the women.
My forefathers,--what they established,
My forefathers,--hearken to them!

16. The last verse is sung yet again, while he walks to and fro in the house, and says:

17. "Hail, my grandsires! Now hearken while your grandchildren cry mournfully to you,--because the Great League which you established has grown old. We hope that they may hear.

18. "Hail, my grandsires! You have said that sad will be the fate of those who come in the latter times.

19. "Oh, my grandsires! Even now I may have failed to perform this ceremony in the order in which they were wont to perform it."

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20. "Na-i Raxhottahyh! Nene ji onenh wakarighwakayonne ne sewarighwisahnonghkwe, ne Kayarenghkowa. Yejisewatkonseraghkwanyon onghwenjakonshon yejisewayadakeron, sewarighwisahnhonkwe ne Kayanerenhkowah. Ne sanekenh ne seweghne aerengh niyenghhenwe enyurighwadatye Kayanerenghkowah."

21. Eghnikonh enyerighwawetharho kenthoh, are enjonderennoden enskat enjerenokden, onenh ethone enyakohetsde onenh are enjondentyonko kanonghsakonghshon, enyairon wahhy:

22. "A-i Raxhotthahyh! Onenh jatthondek kady nonwa jinihhotiyerenh,--orighwakwekonh natehaotiyadoreghtonh, nene roneronh ne enyononghsaghniratston. A-i Raxhotthahyh! nene ronenh: 'Onen nonwa wetewayennendane; wetewennakeraghdanyon; watidewennakarondonnyon.'

23. "Onenh are oya eghdeshotiyadoreghdonh, nene ronenh: 'Kenkisenh nenyawenne. Aghsonh thiyenjidewatyenghsaeke, onok enjonkwanekheren.' Nene ronenh: 'Kenkine nenyawenne. Aghsonh denyakokwanentonghsaeke, onok denjontadenakarondako. Nene doka ok yadayakonakarondatye onghwenjakonh niyaonsakahawe, A-i Raxhottahyh,' nene ronenh, 'da-edewenhheye onghteh, neok yadayakonakarondatye onghwenjakonh niyaonsakahawe.'

24. "Onenh are oya eghdeshodiyadoreghtonh, nai Raxhottahyh! Nene ronenh ne enyononghsaghniratston. Nene ronengh: 'Doka onwa kenenyondatyadawenghdate, ne kenkarenyakeghrondonhah ne nayakoghstonde ne nayeghnyasakenradake, ne kenh ne iesewenh, kenkine nenyawenne. Kendenyethirentyonnite kanhonghdakde dewaghsadayenhah.

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20. "Oh, my grandsires! Even now that has become old which you established,--the Great League. You have it as a pillow under your heads in the ground where you are lying,--this Great League which you established; although you said that far away in the future the Great League would endure."

21. So much is to be said here, and the Hymn is to be sung again, and then he is to go on and walk about in the house again, saying as follows:

22. "Hail, my grandsires! Now hear, therefore, what they did--all the rules they decided on, which they thought would strengthen the House. Hail, my grandsires! this they said: 'Now we have finished; we have performed the rites; we have put on the horns.'

23. "Now again another thing they considered, and this they said: 'Perhaps this will happen. Scarcely shall we have arrived at home when a loss will occur again.' They said, 'This, then, shall be done. As soon as he is dead, even then the horns shall be taken off For if invested with horns he should be borne into the grave,' oh, my grandsires, they said, 'we should perhaps all perish if invested with horns he is conveyed to the grave.'

24. "Then again another thing they determined, oh my grandsires! 'This,' they said, 'will strengthen the House.' They said, if any one should be murdered and [the body] be hidden away among fallen trees by reason of the neck being white, then you have said, this shall be done. We will place it by the wall in the shade.

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25. "Onenh are oya eglidejisewayudoreghdonh, nene isewenh: 'Yahhonghdehdeyoyanere nene kenwedewayen, onwa enyeken nonkwaderesera; kadykenh niyakoghswathah, akwekonh nityakawenonhtonh ne kenyoteranentenyonhah. Enyonterenjiok kendonsayedane akwah enyakonewarontye, onok enyerighwanendon oghnikawenhonh ne kendeyerentyonny; katykenh nenyakorane nenyerighwanendon akare onenh enyakodokenghse. Onok na entkaghwadasehhon nakonikonra, onenh are ne eh enjonkwakaronny.'

26. "Onenh are oya eghdeshotiyadoreghdonh, nene ronenh: 'Kenkine nenyawenne. Endewaghneghdotako skarenhhesekowah, enwadonghwenjadethare eghyendewasenghte tyoghnawatenghjihonh kathonghdeh thienkahhawe; onenh denghnon dentidewaghneghdoten, onenh denghnon yaghnonwendonh thiyaensayeken nonkwateresera.'

27. "Onenh are oya eghdeshotiyadoreghdonh, nene roneronh ne enyononghsaghniratston. Nene ronenh: 'Onenh wedewaweyennendane; wedewennakeraghdanyon. Doka nonkenh onghwajok onok enjonkwanekheren. Ken kady ne nenyawenne. Kenhendewaghnatatsherodarho ken kanakaryonniha deyunhonghdoyenghdongh yendewanaghsenghde, kennikanaghseshah, ne enyehharako ne kaneka akonikonghkahdeh. Enwadon ok jiyudakenrokde thadenyedane doghkara nentyewenninekenne enjondatenikonghketsko ne enyenikonglikwenghdarake. Onokna enjeyewendane yenjonthahida ne kayanerenghkowa.'

28. "Onenh kady ise jadakweniyu ken Kanonghsyonny, Dekanawidah, ne deghniwenniyu ne rohhawah Odadsheghte; onenh nene yeshodonnyh Wathadodarho; onenh nene yeshohowah akahenyonh; onare nene yeshodonnyh

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25. "Now again you considered and you said: 'It is perhaps not well that we leave this here, lest it should be seen by our grandchildren; for they are troublesome, prying into every crevice. People will be startled at their returning in consternation, and will ask what has happened that this (corpse) is lying here; because they will keep on asking until they find it out. And they will at once be disturbed in mind, and that again will cause us trouble.'

26. "Now again they decided, and said: 'This shall be done. We will pull up a pine tree--a lofty tree--and will make a hole through the earth-crust, and will drop this thing into a swift current which will carry it out of sight, and then never will our grandchildren see it again.'

27. "Now again another thing they decided, and thought, this will strengthen the House. They said: 'Now we have finished; we have performed the rites. Perhaps presently it will happen that a loss will occur amongst us. Then this shall be done. We will suspend a pouch upon a pole, and will place in it some mourning wampum--some short strings--to be taken to the place where the loss was suffered. The bearer will enter, and will stand by the hearth, and will speak a few words to comfort those who will be mourning; and then they will be comforted, and will conform to the great law.'

28 Now, then, thou wert the principal of this Confederacy, Dekanawidah, with the joint principal, his son, Odadsheghte; and then again his uncle, Wathadodarho; and also again his son, Akahenyonh; and again his uncle,

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Kanyadariyu; onenh nene yeshonarase Shadekaronyes; onenh nene onghwa kehhaghsaonhah yejodenaghstahhere kanaghsdajikowah."

29. Onenh jatthondek sewarihwisaanonghkwe Kayarenhkowah. Onenh wakarighwakayonne. Onenh ne okne joskawayendon. Yetsisewanenyadanyon ne sewariwisaanonghkweh. Yejisewahhawihtonh, yetsisewennitskarahgwanyon; agwah neok ne skaendayendon. Etho yetsisewanonwadaryon. Sewarihwisaanonghkwe yetsisewahhawitonh. Yetsisewatgonseraghkwanyon sewarihwisaanonghkwe, Kayanerenhkowah.

30. Onenh kady jatthondek jadakweniyosaon sewarihwisaanonghkwe:

Etho natejonhne!

31. Jatthontenyonk!

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Kanyadariyu; and then again his cousin, Shadekaronyes; and then in later times additions were made to the great edifice."

29. Now listen, ye who established the Great League. Now it has become old. Now there is nothing but wilderness. Ye are in your graves who established it. Ye have taken it with you, and have placed it under you, and there is nothing left but a desert. There ye have taken your intellects with you. What ye established ye have taken with you. Ye have placed under your heads what ye established--the Great League.

30. Now, then, hearken, ye who were rulers and founders:

Continue to listen!
Thou who wert ruler,
Continue to listen!
Thou who wert ruler,
That was the roll of you,
You who were joined in the work,
You who completed the work,
The Great League.

31. Continue to listen!
Thou who wert ruler,
Continue to listen!
Thou who wert ruler,
Continue to listen!
Thou who wert ruler,

p. 130

Etho natejonhne!

32. Jatthontenyonk!
Etho natejonhne,

33. Ise seniyatagweniyohkwe,
Ne deseniyenah;
Onenh katy jatthontenyonk
Etho natejonhne!

p. 131

That was the roll of you,
You who were joined in the work,
You who completed the work,
The Great League.

32. Continue to listen!
Thou who wert ruler,
Continue to listen!
Thou who wert ruler,
Continue to listen!
Thou who wert ruler,
That was the roll of you,
You who were joined in the work,
You who completed the work,
The Great League.

33. Ye two were principals,
Father and son,
Ye two completed the work,
The Great League.
Ye two aided each other,
Ye two founded the House.
Now, therefore, hearken!
Thou who wert ruler,
Continue to listen!
Thou who wert ruler,
Continue to listen!
Thou who wert ruler,
That was the roll of you,
You who were joined in the work,
You who completed the work,
The Great League.

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34. Jatthontenyonk!
Etho natejonhne!

35. Jatthontenyonk!
Etho natejonhne!

36. Eghyesaotonnihsen:
Onenh jatthontenyonk!
Etho ronarasehsen:

p. 133

34. Continue to listen!
Thou who wert ruler,
Continue to listen!
Thou who wert ruler,
Continue to listen!
Thou who wert ruler,
That was the roll of you,
You who were joined in the work,
You who completed the work,
The Great League.

35. Continue to listen!
Thou who wert ruler,
Continue to listen!
Thou who wert ruler,
Continue to listen!
Thou who wert ruler,
That was the roll of you,
You who were joined in the work,
You who completed the work,
The great League.

36. These were his uncles:
Now hearken!
Thou who wert ruler,
Continue to listen!
These were the cousins
Thou who wert ruler,
Continue to listen!
Thou who wert ruler,

p. 134

Etho natejonhne!

37. Yeshohawak:
Etho kakeghrondakwe
Ne kanikonghrashon,
Etho natejonhne!

38. Etho yeshotonnyh,
Etho nadehhadihne!
39. Wahhondennonterontye,
Etho nadejonhne!

40. Etho niyawenonh,

p. 135

Continue to listen!
These were as brothers thenceforth:
Thou who wert ruler,
Continue to listen!
Thou who wert ruler,
Continue to listen!
Thou who wert ruler,
That was the roll of you!

37. Then his son:
He is the great Wolf.
There were combined
The many minds!
That was the roll of you.

38. These were his uncles,
Of the two clans:
That was the roll of them!

39. These were as brothers thenceforth
This was the roll of you.

40. This befell
In ancient times.
They had their children,
Those the two clans.
He the high chief,

p. 136

Etho wahhoronghyaronnyon:
Etho natejonhne!

41. Yeshohhawak,
Etho natejonhne!

Etho natejonhneh!

43, Yeshondadekenah,
Etho natejonhne!

Etho natejonhneh!

45. Yeshotonnyh,
Etho natejonhneh!

Etho natejonhneh!

p. 137

This put away the clouds:
He was a war chief;
He was a high chief--
Acting in either office:
This was the roll of you!

41. Then his son,
With his brother,
This was the roll of you!

This was the roll of you!

43. Then they who are brothers:
This was the roll of you.

This was the roll of you!

45. Then his uncle,
With his cousin,
This was the roll of you!

With his cousin,
This was the roll of you!

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47.     KANOKARIH!
Etho natejonhneh!

48. Onghwa keghaghshonah
Etho ronaraseshen,
Etho natejonhneh!

49. Onenh watyonkwentendane

p. 139

With his cousin,--then
This was the roll of you!

48. Then, in later times,
They made additions
To the great mansion.
These were at the doorway,
They who were cousins,
These two guarded the doorway:
With his cousin,
This was the roll of you!

49. Now we are dejected
In our minds.


117:1 The paragraphs are not numbered in the original text. The numbers are prefixed in this work merely for convenience of reference.

119:1 That is, to the Council House.

129:1 The names in this version are in the orthography of John Buck's MS.

Next: The Book of the Younger Nations