The Kebra Nagast, by E.A.W. Budge, [1922], at
Aaron, 9, 14, 75, 165, 175, 176, 181
’Ab‘ât, 166
’Abesâ, 71
Abiram, 176
Abîsâ, 63
Abishag, 105
Abner, 104
Abraham, 9, 10 f, 16, 31, 51, 67, 72, 104, 106, 111, 112, 169, 172, 173, 176, 196, 219, 220; goes to Egypt, 141–144; his belief, 200
’Abu’l-Faraj, x
’Abu’l-‘Izz, x
Abu Simbel, xi
Abyssinians, xv
Adam, 5, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11, 79, 104, 107, 110, 112, 164, 168, 173, 183 197; redeemed by a log of wood brought from Paradise, xlv; Adam and the Pearl, x; kingdom of, 3 ff; reviled by angels, 184
Ad‘araz, 62
’Adaryôs, 62
Adesius, ix
’Adlônyâ, 124
Adônyas, rod of, 177
’Adrâm, 62
’Adrâmîs, 113
’Adrây, 62
’Afnî, 96
’Agar, 143
Agarenes, 136
Ahab, 65
’Akâz’êl, 63
’Akîmîḥêl, 123
’Akîrê, 62
’Akîtâlam, 62
’Aḳmâbâ, Lot’s wife, 135
’Akônḥêl, 62
’Akrâtôs, 179
Aksûm (Axum), viii, ix, xxxii, lxiv
Al-Beidhawî, lvii
’Alêbâ, 146
Alexander the Great, xii
Almeida, M., xxiv
’Almeyâs (Elmeyâs), 147, 150,151
’Alsâfu, 145
Alvarez, F., xxiii
Amalekites, 136
Amélineau, xxxix
Åmenḥetep III, xi
’Amêr, 104
Amînâdab, 13
’Amînyâ, 112
’Amîsâ, 112
Ammon, 136
Amnôn, 104
’Amôrêwôn, 144
Amorites, 9
Angâbô, xxxv
Angels, creation of, 185, 186; become men, 187; rebellion of, 184 ff
Animals, clean and unclean, 159
Antichrist, 223
Antiochia, 144
Apollinare, xxiv
Arabia, 106
Aram, 13
Ararat, 135
Arawi, xxxv
’Ardâmîs, 123
’Arderônes, 62
Arius, 164
Ark of Mary, lxiii
Ark of Michael, lxiii
Ark of the Covenant, ix, 13, and see passim; symbol of the Cross, 189; ark of Babylonians and Egyptians, xiii
’Arkâdyâ, 228
’Arai, 62
Arphaxad, 9
’Arsânî, 124
’Arsîbânâ, 144
’Asâ, 63
Âṣaf, lviii
Ascension, the, 216
’Asnêt, 163
’Astar’ayôn, 63
Astrolabe, 122
’Aswân, 17
Augury, 147
Autumn, 7
’Awsterân, 62
Azariah, 62, 70, 147, 150, 151, 155, 162, 165
’Azâryâs, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 75, 72, 77, 79
’Azazat, 145
’Azyâbâ, 145
Baal-zebub, 94
Babylon, 130; kings of, 127 ff
Bâlâ Zadîsâreyâ, 38
Balḳîs, xxxv, lvii, lix; the gold throne of, lix
Balṭâsâr, Balṭâsôr, 52, 123, 124, 125, 126
Bâltê, 145
Bâ‘ôs, 13
Barkhîyâ, lviii
Barnabas, 194
Bayna-Leḥkem, xxxvi, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46; coronation of, 51, 53
Bed of Solomon, 106
Beginning, the, 191
Belly of a ship, xiv
Bêlôntôs, 84
Beloved = Christ, 210
Belts of gold, 12
Benaiah, 44, 45, 53, 67, 70, 86
Bêth Efrâtâ, 119
Bezold, Dr, C., vii, viii, xxviii, 32
Birds, clean and unclean, 159
Bîsîs, 163
Blacks, Sea of the, 163
Boats, sacred in Egypt, xiv
Boaz, 13
Boils, 96
Book of Adam and Eve, xxxiii
Book of Councils, 32
Book of Enoch, xxxiii
Book of Life, 104
Book of the Bee, xxxiii
Book of the Covenant, 7
Book of the Law, 100
Book of the Pearl, xxxiii
Bramble bush, = Mary, 174
Bridle made of nails of the Cross, 221
Brook of Egypt, 83
Bruce, James of Kinnaird, vii, xxv
Buffaloes, 44
Bûr, 145
Byzantium, 16
Cain, 3, 4, 5, 110, 164; children of, 187; daughters of, 188
Cairo, 88
Camels, the two she-, 77
Canaan, 6, 8, 9, 141; seven kings of, 110
Candace, 42
Candlesticks, 14
Carmel, 172
Cassia, 33
Censer, see Mary
Censer, chains of, 175
Chains of gold, 12
Chariot of Ethiopia, 225
Chariot of the Ark of Zion, xv, 221, 222
Christ, Body of, 224
Chrysostom, xlv
Circle (compass?), 21.
Clement, xxxiii
Clock, 122
Collars (rings?), the thirty of silver, xliv
Commandments, the Ten, 58
Constantinople (Byzantium, Ram, Rem, Rômê, Rûmî), 16, 121, 167
Crocodiles, 29
Cross, the Sign of the, 121, 181, 182 ff; wood of the, 164, 167, 168
Crucifixion, 213 ff
Curtains, 14
Cyril, xxxiii, 198
Dabra Mâḳĕdâ, xxxvii, 145, 146
Dalakêm, 62
Damathius (?), xxxiii
Damôtîyôs, 227
Dancing, 5
Daniel in the lions’ den, 190, 219
Darkness of Egypt, 180
Darkness, Sea of, 163
Dathan, 176
David, King, 2, 13, 42, 52, 90, 91, 95, 98, 104, 111, 122, 130
David (Menyelek), xxiii, 53, 61, 63, 69, 70, 72, 77, 79, 80, 165, 166
Depilatory, the Satanic, lix
Dhakwân, lviii
Dhu’l-Ḳarnên, xiii
Didrachmas, 68
Disciples, the Seventy, 194
Divinity of kings, xi
Door, the sealed = Mary, 174
Earth, divisions of, 16
Eber, 9
’Ebna Ḥakîm, xxxvi
'Ebrâyast, 144
’Eêwêwôn, 144
Egypt, 78, 87, 88, 141, 142, 143, 166; Upper, 30
Ekron, 94
’Êlênê, 164
Elisha, 106
’Êlmeyâs, 69
’Êlyâs, 62
Emanuel, King of Portugal, xxiii
Enoch, 4
Enos, 4
Envy of Satan, 4
’Ênyâ, 225
Ephraim, 119
Eritrea, 83
Ê’sêy, 13
Esther (Judith), xxxi
Etêyê Azêb, lx
Ethiopia, ix, 36, 75, 78, 84, 144; boundaries of, 163; extent of, 16; the vile, 92
Eunuch, the Ethiopian, 40
Êyâḳêm, 112
Ezekiel, 114
Face of God, 172
Fâḳûtên, 62
Famine, 141
Fanḳêrâ, 62
Farasâwîyân, 135
Fathers, the, 218; Orthodox, 1, 8, 15, 32
Fênê’êl, 163
Fênêkên, 163
Fêrzêwôn, 144
Fîḳârôs, 62
Fînḳânâ, 144
First Sea, 36
Frankincense, 33
Fringe of Zion, 76
Frumentius, x
Gabra Masḳal, viii, xxxii, 226
Garden, the, 3, 163; of Delight, 110
Garîmâ, Abbâ, lx
Gaza, Gâzâ, xxxvi, 41, 78, 88, 163
Gazelles, 44
Gebeṣ, 78
George, Patriarch, xxx
Gêrrâ, 165
Gêsham, 220
Gêshên, 109
Giedur, xxxv
Gilboa, 98
Girgasites, 9
Godinho, P. N., xxiv
Gods of Egypt, 102
Gods of stone, 10
Gold, red, 18
Gomorraites, 5
Gondar, xxv
Granville, Lord, vii
Gregor, Lusavoritch, 2
Gregory the Illuminator, 2, 8, 169, 221, 223, 225
Gregory Thaumaturgus, xxxiii
Guidi, 32
Ḥadeyâ, 165
Ḥaḍnêyâs, 63
Hagar, 143
Hamdân, lix
Hangings, 14
Harênêwôs, 222
Harlotry, 6
Harran, 135
Harvest, 7
Ḥatshepsut, xi
Hebrews, 30
Heliopolis, xiv
Hênôch, 4
Hênôs, 4
Hezron, 12
Hides, 15
Hippopotamuses, 28
Hittites, 9
Hônâsê, 120
Hôr, 81
’Iblîs, 110
Ibn al-Hakîm, xxxvi
Idols, 10; abolition of, 147; fall before Zion, 89
’Îlî, 120
Images, magical, 9
Îmî, 63
Incantations, 155
Incense = prayer, 175
India, Sea of, 163
Instructions of Peter, xxxiii
Instruments, musical, 5
Irenaeus, 222
Isaac, 12, 67, 90, 100, 104, 112, 126, 143, 144, 172, 176, 196, 219
Isaac, the translator, ix
’Isârôn, 12
Israel, 13, 36; judgement of, 224
’Îyâbûsêwôn, 144
Îyôâb, 144
Iyô’ḳêm, 112
Iyûbêd, 13
Jacob, 12, 67, 72, 100, 104, 109, 111, 112, 126, 138, 196, 219; his ladder, 175
Jacob, son of Mâtî, 120
Jalâl ad-Dîn, lix
Jared, 4
Jebusites, 9
Jeremiah, 190
Jericho, 163
Jeroboam, 120
Jerusalem, ix, xl, 14, 16, 20, 23, 41, 45, 69, 70, 76, 78, 85, 87, 88, 96, 97, 130, 133, 146, 148, 150, 154, 163, 194, 204, 209
Jews, 106, 168, 192, 211 ff, 226
Joas, 44, 45, 46, 53, 67, 70, 86
John (IV), King of Abyssinia, vii, xxvii
John, son of Zebedee, 167
Jonah, 190
Joseph, the carpenter, 120
Joshua, 110
Judah, 12, 97, 11, 119, 127, 144. 155, 163, 177, 209, 210; Judah and Tamar, 133
Judas and the 30 rings of silver, xliv
Judith, xxxi
Justinus, 226
Kâhêrâ, 88
Kalâmyôs, 120
Kâlêb, 226
Ḳandâḳes, lv
Kârân, 135
Kârmêlôs, 129
Kârmî, 63
Kâryôs, 63
Kasa, Prince, xxvi
Kawnâsyâ, xxxv
Ḳayeḥ Kôr, lxiii
Kêbêrênêyôn, 163
Ḳebet (Egypt), 144
Kĕbra Nagast described, i ff; contents summarized, lxiv ff
Kêḳêdêwôn, 144
Kesh, the vile, 92
Kêṭêwôn, 144
Khidhr, lviii
Kîfî, 114
King's Gate, 46
Kîrêm, 62
Kivera Negust, vii
Korah, 176
Kûfâlî, xxxii
Ḳwôlâsôn, 138
Lake of Jericho, 163
Lâlîbalâ, viii
Lamech, 4
Lâmêkh, 4
Lamps, 14
Land of Promise, 110
Land of the Living, 4
Lapwing and Solomon, lvi
Lasîfâlâ, 163
Last Sea, the, 36
Law, Tables of the, xiv; Hebrew, 155 ff; laid down by Zadok, 60 ff.
Leah, 112
Leatherwork, 14
Lêbâ, 168
Lebanon, 148
Lentiles, 126
Lepsius, xxvi
Lêwândôs, 62
Lîk Wendeyôs, 62
Littmann, Dr. E., lx
Lizard, water, 28
Lobo, J., xxiv
Locusts, the three, 103
Lorda, Domingo, xxvi
Lot, 135, 136; daughters of, 136
Ludolf, Job, xxiv
Luke, 191
Luxor, xi
Macedon, xii
Mahalaleel, 4
Mâkâ, 144
Mâḳarî, 71
Maḳdalâ MSS., xxvi
Mâkĕdâ, xiii, xxvi, xxxv, xxxvi, 25 ff, 145, 165; abdicates, 146 ff; begs for fringe of Zion, 40; meaning of the name, 161; her lameness, xliii; legends of in the Kur’ân, lvi ff; Mount of, 162
Maksâbâ, 138
Malâl’êl, 4
Malkî, 120
Manbar, 196
Manna, 14; pot of, xxxiv, 110, 178
Manna = Christ's body, 178
Marâ Takla Haymânôt, xxxi
Marcion, 222
Mârênâ, 228
Mary, the Virgin, x, 2, 8, 120, 169, 198; prophecies concerning, 173, 174; Lady of Salvation, 110; the rod of Aaron, 177
Maras, 145
Mase‘â, 144
Matân, 62
Matâtyâs, 63
Mâtî, 120
Mâtrêm, 62
Mâtûsâlâ, 4
Mâya Abaw, 165
Measures, 24
Medyâm, 84, 116, 126 ff; Sea of, 163
Members, sixty, 97
Menahem, 138
Mendez, A., xxiv
Menelek, Menelik, see Menyelek
Menṭelet, Abbâ, lx
Menyelek (David II), ix, x, xiv, lxii, 144 ff
Menyelek II, xxvii
Mercy seat, xiv
Meropius, ix
Mesrîn, 78
Messiah, 210
Methuselah, 4
Michael, Râs, xxv
Midian, 217
Mîyazyâ, 163
Moab, King of, 135
Moloch, 61
Môrnâ, 144
Moschus, 33
Moses, 14, 28, 75, 79, 83, 90, 109, 110, 129, 165, 170, 171, 172, 175, 176, 191, 196, 221; the Ark of, ix; Rod of, 177
Mount of Olives, 217
Mule, origin of, 5
Muslims, xv
Myrrh, 33
Naasson, 13
Nâbat, 119
Nahor, 9
Nails of the Cross, 222
Naked men, Sea of, 163
Nâkhôr, 9
Name of God, lviii
Nasôn, 13
Nathan, 62
Nazarite, 137
Nebuchadnezzar, 133
Nectanebus II, xii
Nêdrôs, 62
Nêlenteyôs, 63
Nestâsyâ, 228
Nestorius, 164
Neyâ, 62
Noah, 4, 5, 6, 9, 16, 44, 51, 89, 112, 121, 136, 144, 188, 196; Covenant of, 8
Nôbâ (Noph, Moph, Memphis), 144, 166
Nôḥ, 4
Obed, 13
Olympias, xii
Omens, 147
Oren, 13
’Ornî, 13
’Ôsêkâ, 146
Osiris, xiv
Pagans, 192
Pâlêḳ, 9
Pârmenâs, lv
Parthia, 121
Paul, St., 31, 42, 126, 169, 194, 199
Pays, Father, xxiv
Pearl, the, x, 110, 112, 113, 167, 173; = Christ, 179
Peleg, 9
Perizzites, 9
Persia, 135, 222; king of, 133
Persians, 135
Pharaoh, 100, 109, 141–143, 199; drowned, 110; sends presents, 88
Pharez, 12
Philip, Apostle, lv
Philip of Macedon, xiii
Philistia, 144
Philistines, 75, 76; history of the king of, 137 ff
Phrygia, 144
Piānkhi, xiv
Pillar of cloud, 115
Pillar of gold, 133
Pinâḥas, 96
Pinḥas, 225
Portents, 155
Prester John, xxiii
Prophecies concerning Christ, 201 ff
Prophets, 218 ff
Pseudo Callisthenes, xii
Ptaḥ Tanen, xi
Queen of Sheba, 21 ff, 24; embraces Judaism and marries Solomon, 32
Queen of the South, 17 ff
Queens, rule of, in Ethiopia, 40; rule of, abolished, 147
Qurata Rezoo, xxvi
Râgân, 9
Rahab, 199
Rainbow, 7
Ram of Mendes, xii
Rameses II, xi
Rāuser, xi
Rehoboam, 50, 52, 70, 108, 111, 112, 116, 117 f, 120; reign of, 118
Resurrection, 215 ff
Reu, 9
Rîf, 30
Rôbêl, 12
Rock struck by Moses, 179
Rod of Aaron, 176
Rod of Moses (Jacob's) staff, 199; = Christ, 179
Roderigo, Don, xxiii
Romyâ, 144
Rossioni, Carlo Conti, lx
Rugs, 15
Rukh Bird, xxxix ff
Ruṭṭeṭ, xi
Saba, Sâba, Sâbâ, xxxv, lvii, 163, 166
Sabaeans, xxxv
Sâhla (Sâhlû) Dĕngĕl, xxix
Ṣakhr, lviii
Salah, 9
Salmon, 13
Samabyâh, 223
Samênâwît, 105
Sâmneyâs, 62
Sara, 11
Scarlet thread, 103
Sea of ’Alêbâ, 146
Sea of Darkness, 163
Sea of Eritrea, 83, 84, 87, 110
Sea of India, 163
Sea of Lîbâ, 227
Sea of Medyam, 163
Sea of Naked Men, 163
Sea of ’Osêkâ, 146
Sea of Tarsis, 163
Sea of the Blacks, 163
Seed time, 7
Senmut, xi
Serânyâs, 63
Seraphim, 65
Sêrôḥ, 9
Servants, the Two, 183
Scrug, 9
Shebha, xxxv
Shechinah, xxxiv
Shem, 6, 8, 9, 16, 44, 120, 122, 126, 127, 133, 135, 136, 144, 167, 169
Shimei, 104
Shoa, 54
Shunammite, 105
Siebalô, xxxv
Silas, 194
Silver, the Thirty Pieces of, 213, 215
Sinai, 15, 75, 79, 84, 165, 171, 174
Sîwah, xv
Snuffers, 14
Solomon, ix, 16, 61; marries the Queen of Sheba, 100, 101; builds the Temple, 17; description of, 18 ff; his dream, 35; gives Mâkĕdâ a ring, 37; his knowledge of the speech of animals and birds, 30; his 400 wives and 600 concubines, 31; his three sons, 108; his idolatry, 102; his sin, 104; acknowledges Menyelek, 47; discovers theft of the Ark, 75 ff; pursues them to Egypt, 86, 87, ff; return to Jerusalem, 95; his question, 114; his lament and death, 89, 107; Solomon = Christ, 105
Solomonic line of kings, vii
Song of Songs, 105
South, Queen of the, 17
Spring, 7
Staff of Jacob = Cross, 219
Star-gazers, 96
Stephen, 194
Summer, 7
Sun departs to Ethiopia, 36
Sûrest, 30
Syene, 17
Tabernacle = Mary, 178
Tabernacle of Covenant, 8; of Testimony, 14; of Witness, 147
Tables of the Law = Christ, 179
Tablet of wood, 117
Tâbôr, 82
Takla Hâymânôt, xxv
Tâmrîn, xxiv, 17 ff, 34, 44, 47, 76; describes Solomon, 20 Târâ, 9, 10, 112
Targûms, xxxiii
Tarmîzâ, 112
Târmôn, 163
Tarsis, Sea of, 163
Tasfâ ’Iyâsûs, xxx
Tcheḥamâ, Abbâ, ix
Tegrây, lxiv
Tellez, xxiv
Tereb, 144
Thaumaturgus, 2
Tôfêl, 62
Tongs, 14
Torch-holders, 14
Trump, Dr., viii
Tyre, 121
Tyrians, 75
Unguents, 15
Unicorn = Christ, 210
Uriah, 104
Uriel, 113
‘Uzyân, 65
Uzziah, 65
Valley of Egypt, 78
Valley of Gilboa, 98
Vessels for air and sea travel, 37
Vipers with men's faces and tails of asses, 165
Waḳêrôm, 145
Walda Ṭabbîb, xxxvi
Westcar Papyrus, xi
Whales, 29
Winter, 7
Wood, black, 18
Wood brought by Rukh Bird, xl, xliv; becomes means of salvation, 197
Word Incarnate, xiv
Yabâsô, 164
Yahûdâ, 112
Yârôd, 4
Yôḥadâ, 120
Yômânest, 144
Yônâthân, 98
Zadok, 53, 54, 55 ff, 62, 67, 75, 77, 85–77, 95, 117, 149, 150
Zanbarês, 122
Zârâ, 135
Zaryôs, 129
Zâwâ, 165
Zâwêl, 163
Zechariah, 67
Zion, the city of, 2; glory of, 13; the heavenly, ix; the second, 2; the Tabernacle of, see passim.