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The Zend Avesta, Part II (SBE23), James Darmesteter, tr. [1882], at


1. Ormazd.

We sacrifice unto the bright and glorious Ahura Mazda; we sacrifice unto the Amesha-Spentas, the all-ruling, the all-beneficent.

2. Bahman.

We sacrifice unto Vohu-Manô, the Amesha-Spenta; we sacrifice unto Peace, whose breath is friendly, and who is more powerful to destroy than all other creatures. We sacrifice unto the heavenly Wisdom, made by Mazda; we sacrifice unto the Wisdom acquired through the ear, made by Mazda.

3. Ardibehest.

We sacrifice unto Asha-Vahista, the fairest, the Amesha-Spenta; we sacrifice unto the much-desired Airyaman; we sacrifice unto the instrument made by Mazda; we sacrifice unto the good Saoka, with eyes of love, made by Mazda and holy.

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4. Shahrêvar.

We sacrifice unto Khshathra-Vairya, the Amesha-Spenta; we sacrifice unto the metals; we sacrifice unto Mercy and Charity.

5. Sapendârmad.

We sacrifice unto the good Spenta Ârmaiti; we sacrifice unto the good Râta, with eyes of love, made by Mazda and holy.

6. Khordâd.

We sacrifice unto Haurvatât, the Amesha-Spenta; we sacrifice unto the prosperity of the seasons. We sacrifice unto the years, the holy and masters of holiness.

7. Murdâd.

We sacrifice unto Ameretât, the Amesha-Spenta; we sacrifice unto fatness and flocks; we sacrifice unto the plenty of corn; we sacrifice unto the powerful Gaokerena, made by Mazda.

(At the gâh Hâvan): We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures; we sacrifice unto Râma Hvâstra.

(At the gâh Rapithwin): We sacrifice unto Asha-Vahista and unto Âtar, the son of Ahura Mazda.

(At the gâh Uzîren): We sacrifice unto Apãm Napât, the swift-horsed, the tall and shining lord, the lord of the females; we sacrifice unto the water made by Mazda and holy.

(At the gâh Aiwisrûthrem): We sacrifice unto the good, powerful, beneficent Fravashis of the holy ones; we sacrifice unto the females that bring forth flocks of males; we sacrifice unto the thrift of the

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seasons; we sacrifice unto the well-shapen and tall-formed Strength; we sacrifice unto Verethraghna, made by Mazda; we sacrifice unto the crushing Ascendant.

(At the gâh Ushahin): We sacrifice unto the holy, tall-formed, fiend-smiting Sraosha, who makes the world grow, the holy and master of holiness; we sacrifice unto Rashnu Razista; we sacrifice unto Arst, who makes the world grow, who makes the world increase.

8. Dai pa Adar.

We sacrifice unto the Maker Ahura Mazda, the bright and glorious; we sacrifice unto the Amesha-Spentas, the all-ruling, the all-beneficent.

9. Âdar.

We sacrifice unto Âtar, the son of Ahura Mazda; we sacrifice unto the Glory, made by Mazda; we sacrifice unto the Weal, made by Mazda; we sacrifice unto the Glory of the Aryas, made by Mazda; we sacrifice unto the awful Glory of the Kavis, made by Mazda.

We sacrifice unto Âtar, the son of Ahura Mazda; we sacrifice unto king Husravah; we sacrifice unto the lake of Husravah; we sacrifice unto Mount Âsnavant, made by Mazda; we sacrifice unto Lake Kkasta, made by Mazda; we sacrifice unto the awful Glory of the Kavis, made by Mazda.

We sacrifice unto Âtar, the son of Ahura Mazda; we sacrifice unto Mount Raêvant, made by Mazda; we sacrifice unto the awful Glory of the Kavis, made by Mazda.

We sacrifice unto Âtar, the son of Ahura Mazda; we sacrifice unto Âtar, the beneficent, the warrior.

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[paragraph continues] We sacrifice unto that God, who is a full source of glory. We sacrifice. unto that God, who is a full source of healing.

We sacrifice unto Âtar, the son of Ahura Mazda; we sacrifice unto all Fires; we sacrifice unto the God, Nairyô-Sangha, who dwells in the navel of kings.

10. Âbân.

We sacrifice unto the good Waters, made by Mazda and holy; we sacrifice unto the holy water-spring Ardvi Anâhita; we sacrifice unto all waters, made by Mazda and holy; we sacrifice unto all plants, made by Mazda and holy.

11. Khorshêd.

We sacrifice unto the bright, undying, shining, swift-horsed Sun.

12. Mâh.

We sacrifice unto the Moon that keeps in it the seed of the Bull. We sacrifice unto the Soul and Fravashi of the only-created Bull; we sacrifice unto the Soul and Fravashi of the Bull of many species.

13. Tîr.

We sacrifice unto Tistrya, the bright and glorious star; we sacrifice unto the powerful Satavaêsa, made by Mazda, who pushes waters forward; we sacrifice unto all the Stars that have in them the seed of the waters; we sacrifice unto all the Stars that have in them the seed of the earth; we sacrifice unto all the Stars that have in them the seeds of the plants; we sacrifice unto the Star Vanant, made by Mazda; we sacrifice unto those stars that are seven in number, the Haptôiringas, made by Mazda, glorious and healing; in order to oppose the Yâtus and Pairikas.

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14. Gôs.

We sacrifice unto the soul of the bounteous Cow; we sacrifice unto the powerful Drvâspa, made by Mazda and holy.

15. Dai pa Mihir.

We sacrifice unto the Maker Ahura Mazda, the bright and glorious; we sacrifice unto the Amesha-Spentas, the all-ruling, the all-beneficent.

16. Mihir.

We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, who has a thousand ears and ten thousand eyes, a God invoked by his own name; we sacrifice unto Râma Hvâstra.

17. Srôsh.

We sacrifice unto the holy, tall-formed, fiend-smiting, world-increasing Sraosha, holy and master of holiness.

18. Rashn.

We sacrifice unto Rashnu Razista; we sacrifice unto Arst, who makes the world grow, who makes the world increase; we sacrifice unto the true-spoken speech that makes the world grow.

19. Farvardîn.

We sacrifice unto the good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the holy ones.

20. Bahrâm.

We sacrifice unto the well-shapen, tall-formed Strength; we sacrifice unto Verethraghna, made by Ahura; we sacrifice unto the crushing Ascendant.

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21. Râm.

We sacrifice unto Râma Hvâstra; we sacrifice unto the holy Vayu; we sacrifice unto Vayu, who works highly and is more powerful to destroy than all other creatures. Unto that part of thee do we sacrifice, O Vayu, that belongs to Spenta-Mainyu. We sacrifice unto the sovereign Sky; we sacrifice unto the Boundless Time; we sacrifice unto the sovereign Time of the long Period.

22. Bâd.

We sacrifice unto the beneficent, bounteous Wind; we sacrifice unto the wind that blows below; we sacrifice unto the wind that blows above; we sacrifice unto the wind that blows before; we sacrifice unto the wind that blows behind. We sacrifice unto the manly Courage.

23. Dai pa Dîn.

We sacrifice unto the Maker Ahura Mazda, the bright and glorious; we sacrifice unto the Amesha-Spentas.

24. Dîn.

We sacrifice unto the most right Kista, made by Mazda and holy; we sacrifice unto the good Law of the worshippers of Mazda.

25. Ard.

We sacrifice unto Ashi Vanguhi, the bright, high, strong, tall-formed, and merciful; we sacrifice unto the Glory made by Mazda; we sacrifice unto the Weal made by Mazda. We sacrifice unto Pârendi, of the light chariot; we sacrifice unto the Glory of the Aryas, made by Mazda; we sacrifice

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unto the awful kingly Glory, made by Mazda; we sacrifice unto that awful Glory, that cannot be forcibly seized, made by Mazda; we sacrifice unto the Glory of Zarathustra, made by Mazda.

26. Âstâd.

We sacrifice unto Arst, who makes the world grow; we sacrifice unto Mount Ushi-darena, made by Mazda, a God of holy happiness.

27. Âsmân.

We sacrifice unto the shining Heavens; we sacrifice unto the bright, all-happy, blissful abode of the holy ones.

28. Zemyâd.

We sacrifice unto the Earth, a beneficent God; we sacrifice unto these places, unto these fields; we sacrifice unto Mount Ushi-darena, made by Mazda, a God of holy happiness; we sacrifice unto all the mountains, that are seats of holy happiness, of full happiness, made by Mazda, the holy and masters of holiness; we sacrifice unto the awful kingly Glory, made by Mazda; we sacrifice unto the awful Glory that cannot be forcibly seized, made by Mazda.

29. Mahraspand.

We sacrifice unto the Mãthra Spenta, of high glory; we sacrifice unto the Law opposed to the Daêvas; we sacrifice unto the Law of Zarathustra; we sacrifice unto the long-traditional teaching; we sacrifice unto the good Law of the worshippers of Mazda; we sacrifice unto the Devotion to the Mãthra Spenta; we sacrifice unto the understanding that keeps the Law of the worshippers of Mazda; we sacrifice unto

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the knowledge of the Mãthra Spenta; we sacrifice unto the heavenly Wisdom, made by Mazda; we sacrifice unto the Wisdom acquired through the ear and made by Mazda.

30. Anêrân.

We sacrifice unto the eternal and sovereign luminous space; we sacrifice unto the bright Garô-nmâna; we sacrifice unto the sovereign place of eternal Weal; we sacrifice unto the Kinvat-bridge, made by Mazda; we sacrifice unto Apãm Napât, the swift-horsed, the high and shining lord, who has many wives; and we sacrifice unto the water, made by Mazda and holy; we sacrifice unto the golden and tall Haoma; we sacrifice unto the enlivening Haoma, who makes the world grow; we sacrifice unto Haoma, who keeps death far away; we sacrifice unto the pious and good Blessing; we sacrifice unto the awful, powerful, cursing thought of the wise, a God; we sacrifice unto all the holy Gods of the heavenly world; we sacrifice unto all the holy Gods of the material world.

I praise, I invoke, I meditate upon, and we sacrifice unto the good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the holy ones 1.


20:1 Cf. Yasna XXVI, 1.

Next: I. Ormazd Yast