Le Morte d'Arthur BOOK IV CHAPTER VI
Sacred Texts
Legends and Sagas
How King Arthur, King Uriens, and Sir Accolon of Gaul,
chased an hart, and of their marvellous adventures.
THEN it befell that Arthur and many of his knights rode a-hunting
into a great forest, and it happed King Arthur, King Uriens, and
Sir Accolon of Gaul, followed a great hart, for they three were
well horsed, and so they chased so fast that within a while they
three were then ten mile from their fellowship. And at the last
they chased so sore that they slew their horses underneath them.
Then were they all three on foot, and ever they saw the hart
afore them passing weary and enbushed. What will we do? said
King Arthur, we are hard bestead. Let us go on foot, said King
Uriens, till we may meet with some lodging. Then were they ware
of the hart that lay on a great water bank, and a brachet biting
on his throat, and more other hounds came after. Then King
Arthur blew the prise and dight the hart.
Then the king looked about the world, and saw afore him in a
great water a little ship, all apparelled with silk down to the
water, and the ship came right unto them and landed on the sands.
Then Arthur went to the bank and looked in, and saw none earthly
creature therein. Sirs, said the king, come thence, and let us
see what is in this ship. So they went in all three, and found
it richly behanged with cloth of silk. By then it was dark
night, and there suddenly were about them an hundred torches set
upon all the sides of the ship boards, and it gave great light;
and therewithal there came out twelve fair damosels and saluted
King Arthur on their knees, and called him by his name, and said
he was right welcome, and such cheer as they had he should have
of the best. The king thanked them fair. Therewithal they led
the king and his two fellows into a fair chamber, and there was a
cloth laid, richly beseen of all that longed unto a table, and
there <111>were they served of all wines and meats that they
could think; of that the king had great marvel, for he fared
never better in his life as for one supper. And so when they had
supped at their leisure, King Arthur was led into a chamber, a
richer beseen chamber saw he never none, and so was King Uriens
served, and led into such another chamber, and Sir Accolon was
led into the third chamber passing richly and well beseen; and so
they were laid in their beds easily. And anon they fell asleep,
and slept marvellously sore all the night. And on the morrow
King Uriens was in Camelot abed in his wife's arms, Morgan le
Fay. And when he awoke he had great marvel, how he came there,
for on the even afore he was two days' journey from Camelot. And
when King Arthur awoke he found himself in a dark prison, hearing
about him many complaints of woful knights.