CHAIDH Criosd a mach Maduinn moch, Fhuair e cas nan each ’Nan spruilleach bog; Chuir e smior ri smior, Chuir e smuais ri smuais, Chuir e cnaimh ri cnaimh, Chuir e streabhon ri streabhon, Chuir e feith ri feith, Chuir e fuil ri fuil, Chuir e creais ri creais, Chuir e feoil ri feoil, Chuir e saill ri saill, Chuir e craicionn ri craicionn, Chuir e flonn ri flonn, Chuir e blath ri blath, Chuir e fuar ri fuar; Mar a leighis Righ nam buadh sin Is dual gun leighis e seo, Ma ’s e thoil fein a dheanamh. A uchd Ti nan dul, Agus Tiur na Trianaid. |
CHRIST went out In the morning early, He found the legs of the horses In fragments soft; He put marrow to marrow, He put pith to pith, He put bone to bone, He put membrane to membrane, He put tendon to tendon, He put blood to blood, He put tallow to tallow, He put flesh to flesh, He put fat to fat, He put skin to skin, He put hair to hair, He put warm to warm, He put cool to cool, As the King of power healed that It is in His nature to heal this, If it be His own will to do it. Through the bosom of the Being of life, And of the Three of the Trinity. |