The Moon, Sun, Wind, Rainbow, Thunder, Fire, and Water once met an old man. This old man was God. One human being was invited to be present. Then Thunder asked the old man, "Could you make the people of the world my children?" "No, they can not be your children, but they can be your grandchildren. If anything arises which is heavy on the people of the world you can be the sinker of that." The Sun asked the old man the same question. "No, they can not be your children, but they can be your friends and grandchildren. You can only be for the purpose of giving them light to go by." Then the Moon said, "Could you make the people of the world my children?" "No, I can't do that. The people of the world can be your nephews and friends." The Fire then asked that the people of the world be made his children, and the old man replied, "No, I can't give them to you to be your children, but the people of the world can be your grandchildren. While they are growing up you can be their warmth and can give them something cooked to live on." Then the Wind asked the question. "No, the people of the world can't be your children but they can be your grandchildren so that you can remove the foul air and all kinds of diseases." Then the Rainbow wanted the people to be his children. "No, they can't be your children. You can be only to prevent floods and prevent rainy weather. You can be honored that way." Then the Water asked that human beings be made his children, but the old man said, "No, the people of the world can't be your children. All you can do is to wash them clean. When they get dirty you can wash them. So you can be named Long-person." 1 Then the old man said, "I have told you all how to guide yourselves and what to do. You all must remember that these children are my children."
240:1 This name is thought to have been given because cleanliness prolongs life.