His supplication for Friday
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Praise is for Allah Who is not created by anything nor took any help in
creating the creatures; creation of new things is a proof of His eternity.
And the way He has pointed out the helplessness among His creatures,
points out towards His power and the world is in need of Him proves His
eternity. No place is without His presence and the word 'Where' cannot
be addressed to Him. Neither He has a replica, nor a similarity to by
which He can be praised, neither He is heedless of anything, so that
one could comprehend the position of the Creator, different from His
attributes and far away from comprehension, by the intellect, as those
are imaginable things. He is away from all the misfortunes by His
Magnanimity and Greatness. It is prohibited for the intellect to restrict a
limit for Allah, and the depth; mentions His conditions. And it is
prohibited for the small eyes of nature to imagine about Him. Neither
space encloses Him due to His greatness, nor can a quantity be
ascertained due to His Magnanimity, nor can imagination comprehend
Him. It is prohibited to imagine a portrait of Him by imagination or
intellect. The intellects faster than perfection are also helpless in limiting
Him. And the oceans of knowledge have dried up in the quest of
understanding Him, the debate lovers whose argumentation reaches the
zenith, their evidences fall short and returns, and that once is not
sufficient, it is always but not restricted to time. It is forever but not
without help. Neither He is like man, that can be compared with man, nor
He has a face that it can resemble any face. Neither He is a thing which
has part. The intellect is lost in the stormy ocean of recognition and the
human strength is perplexed at ascertaining the beginning of His
Creation, the intelligent man is helpless in understanding the limit of His
power and the minds are drowned in the heavenly gust of blast in His
territory. He is having power on the bounties due to His Magnificence,
He is saved from the force of possibilities, having possession over all
the things. Rather time created Him not and no attribute can restrict Him,
the agitated necks are low because it is the height of their helplessness
and in front of the greatness of His Power, the proofs of cause and
effect lie low on this eternity and a proof of Allah due to helplessness
and due to His being created a proof that Allah is foremost and due to
our annihilation a proof of His Eternity. These facts and the Creation has
no respite from His Hold, nor an excuse to escape from the Domain, nor
anything hidden due to His knowledge, nor anything to stop from His
Greatness, the stability of the creation is a complete proof, the habits of
the creatures are the best evidence and the creation of the inherent
qualities of ancientness, and its strength is a great lesson about Allah.
Now no complete praise can be attributed to Him, nor can be explained
with examples. He is far above to be categorised by His signs.
Glorification is for Allah Who created the earth for destruction and
annihilation and the hereafter for perpetuity and eternity. Pure is Allah
for Whom His Bestowals does not straiten Him but becomes a cause for
His Majestic, however great, and out of proportions and higher than
expectations the bestowals are. Whatever You decide cannot be
rejected and Your commands cannot be refused, whatever He bestows,
cannot be stopped, neither He chastises immediately, nor He forgets,
nor He hastens but gives chance, He forgives, pardons, has mercy and
is patient. He will not be questioned for His actions but the creatures will
be questioned. There is no Lord except Allah Who cares for His
creatures, granting a respite to the polytheists, nearer to the one who
invokes but is far away. He is kind and merciful for the one who seeks
asylum and refuge. There is no god other than Allah Who responds to
the one who invokes Him in solitude and secretly. He listens to the one
who discloses His secrets. He is kind to the one who has hopes of
averting their sorrows. He comes nearer to those who pray for warding
off their sorrow and pain. There is no god except Allah Who is tolerant
with the one who does alteration and polytheism with His signs, and
turns away from clear proofs and are ready to rebel under all
circumstances. Allah is too High, overpowering the opponents,
affectionate to the adversaries, and Unique in obliging and bestowing
favours on entire mankind, and Allah is Great, who is covered due to His
creation and Honour, is incomparable in Majesty and Power and is
veiled in greatness and grandeur. And Allah is too Great and High; Who
is Pure due to His everlasting Honour, and is overpowering due to His
Proofs and Arguments. Whose will always persist. O Allah! Send Your
blessings on Muhammad (s.a.w.a.) and his progeny as he is Your slave
and Your Messenger, bestow on him a best support, a honourable
bestowal, a great reward, a very near place, an auspicious limit and
coolness of eyes and satisfaction in abundance. O Allah! Bestow
blessings on Muhammad (s.a.w.a.) and his progeny, grant him support
and greatness, increase his status, a position which is envied, greatest
honour, complete praise, the last limit and the right of achieving
nearness to You, so that he is satisfied and then increase this
satisfaction manifolds. O Allah! Bless Muhammad (s.a.w.a.) and his
progeny as You have ordered complete obedience to him, have
cleansed him from all impurities and have bestowed purity on them in
true sense. O Allah! Bless Muhammad (s.a.w.a.) and his progeny on
whom You have revealed Your knowledge and have Your book
protected through him, and have entrusted the custody of Your
creatures to him. O my Lord! Bless Muhammad (s.a.w.a.) Your slave
and Your messenger and the progeny of Muhammad, who are Your
special creatures, and Your beloved and the chief of the first and the
last of the Prophet and all the creatures. And send Your blessings on his
infallible progeny, whose complete obedience and love You have made
obligatory on us. O Allah! Due to Your fear I invoke on You like a fearful
person who is afraid of Your wrath, he has taken asylum in You due to
Your fear. There is none who can fulfill his needs and grant him asylum
nor can provide him a place, obligations and satisfaction other than You.
O my master and my chief! Excessive disobedience has diverted my
attention to You, although my sins have become a curtain between us
(still I present myself) because You are a support for those who rely on
You, a hope for those who await You, Your bestowals do not harm You.
The invocation of the people does not dry up Your kindness. The great
obligations and the great bounties are not insufficient. O the One Whose
treasures does not deplete and Whose kingdom will not perish, and
vision cannot perceive You, no movement or stagnancy is concealed
from You, from its inception till its conclusion, whether its in the depth of
earth or height of the skies, or the far off limits cannot be an impediment
for You. O the Sustainer! You have taken the responsibility of
distributing sustenance. You are pure so as to attribute qualities to You.
You are too High that tongues can limit or set a boundary to You.
Neither You are an invented thing so that Your development stages can
be witnessed. O the subduer from the beginning till the end. O the
Bestower of bounties in abundance. O the giver of complete bounties
and O the one to pardon the lapse of the tongue and forgive the action
of unjust. You possess the Power to forgive the people abundantly. O
my God! Your creature is praising You, and relies on You in trials. He
reserves all the admiration, and greatness is exclusively for You
because You are a permanent and perpetual Lord. You have made it
firm by the invention of times the second time or Yourself accept such a
state that the rules of praise may be applied there or that Your being
should accept such a state that Your deniers may Praise You due to the
change of state. Or some increase or decrease so that it can be
discussed, or the thoughts of the people gather at a place to define You
or nature comes as an example in their intellect by which their power of
understanding and insight is deviated. O my Lord! The whole creation is
obedient to You after accepting Your Lordship, heads are in prostration.
You are pure, how high is Your fame and how dignified is Your status,
how true are Your arguments and Your command prevails. Your limits
are beautiful. When You raised the sky it became a shade and when
You laid the earth it became a carpet, then You grew beneficial herbs
and vegetables from it, the vegetables also glorify You, and the water
flows at Your command; both the orders are as per Your commands. O
One Who is Powerful since the existence of creatures and is
overpowering upon their morality save my honour, as this is the best
way to ward off the sorrow. O He Who is a ray of hope in all the
troubles, and in all easiness the place of desire. Today I have brought
my wishes to You and I supplicate to You humbly, thus don't make me
unsuccessful in whatever I have asked from You, and don't turn down
my prayers, as You have opened the door and I have asked You from it.
Bless Muhammad (s.a.w.a.) and His progeny turn my fear into valour,
conceal my defects, grant me abundance sustenance by Your vast
grace and a complete safety and protection. O Allah! Let the best of my
day be the one when I meet You, forgive my sins as You have made me
fearful. You overlook my sins, else I will be destroyed as You are the
one Who hears, one Who accepts, one Who protects, one Who is near,
one possessing power, forgiver of sins, the domineering, the Merciful,
the self-existing, and it is easy for You to accept the supplications, You
are the best of the creators. O Allah! You have made rights of my
parents incumbent on me, have bestowed them honour, and You are the
one Who brings down the burden in the best way and make it light, and
pay of the rights of Your debased creatures, and whatever rights of my
parents is incumbent on me that You fulfill it, forgive both of them, in
such a way as one desires, and with them forgive every believing man
and woman and count us among the people of goodness, place us and
them with pious people in heaven, because surely You accept the
supplication excessively, are near and accept the prayer of whom You
desire, O Allah! Bless our chief Muhammad Mustafa (s.a.w.a.) and his
progeny bestow Your Mercy on them and protect them with a great