The Holy Quran, tr. by Yusuf Ali, [1934], at
1. The (Day) of
Noise and Clamour:
2. What is the (Day)
Of Noise and Clamour?
3. And what will explain
To thee what the (Day)
Of Noise and Clamour is?
4. Yawma yakoonu alnnasu kaalfarashi almabthoothi
4. (It is) a Day whereon
Men will be like moths
Scattered about,
5. Watakoonu aljibalu kaalAAihni almanfooshi
5. And the mountains
Will be like carded wool.
6. Faamma man thaqulat mawazeenuhu
6. Then, he whose
Balance (of good deeds)
Will be (found) heavy,
7. Fahuwa fee AAeeshatin radiyatin
7. Will be in a Life
Of good pleasure and
8. Waamma man khaffat mawazeenuhu
8. But he whose
Balance (of good deeds)
Will be (found) light,—
9. Will have his home
In a (bottomless) Pit.
10. And what will explain
To thee what this is?
11. (It is) a Fire
Blazing fiercely!