Alpha And Omega.--Thou, O great God, Who art the beginning and the end:
Tetragrammaton.--Thou God of Almighty power, be ever present with us to guard and protect us, and let Thy Holy Spirit and presence be now and always with us:
Soluzen.--I command thee, thou Spirit of whatsoever region thou art, to come unto this circle:
Halliza.--And appear in human shape:
Bellator (or Ballaton).--And speak unto us audibly in our mother-tongue:
Bellonoy (or Bellony).--And show, and discover unto us all treasure that thou knowest of, or that is in thy keeping, and deliver it unto us quietly:
Hallii. Hra.--And answer all such questions as we may demand without any defect now at this time.
69:1 Evidently meaning both the Hexagram and the Pentagram of Solomon. (See Figures 155
and 156