Magic Songs of the West Finns, Vol. 2, by John Abercromby, [1898], at
AALLOTAR, ii. 206.
Adam and Eve, ii. 112.
Agathursoi on the Khersinos or Khesynos (Dvina?), 133, 234.
Ahimo, ii. 325.
Ahkolainen, ii. 118.
Aholainen, ii. 118.
Ahti: a water-god, 300–2; protects boatmen, 302; invoked by fishermen, 302; named, ii. 122, 184, 293, 206, 217, 297, 298, 343.
Ahto = Ahti, ii. 206.
Äijö ii. 100, 125, 137, 228, 253, 254, 337, 356, 380.
Aijötär, ii. 312.
Aistii, Aistiz, Eistir, 48; described by Tacitus, 130; their habits and customs, 136-7.
Äkäätär, 318; ii. 219, 362.
Allats-Kivi, cemetery at, 173, 115.
Anánino, overlies a neolithic station, 77; station of Early Iron Age described, 97–9, 240.
Ancestors: if neglected cause sterility and sickness, 169, 178; can become helpful spirits, 175–6; worship of, 176–9; give prosperity, 178.
Annikki, 287; ii. 205, 206, 235, 239, 240, 248, 325; the island maiden, ii. 328.
Arrowheads of bone of peculiar shape, 82.
Arthania, 23-6.
Aurinkoinen, 326; ii. 281.
Auringotar, 326; ii. 282.
Auteretar, ii. 173, 299.
Auterinen, ii. 173.
BALTIC PROVINCES: scarcely inhabited in early neolithic period, 84; supposed to have been once inhabited by Goths, 114; northern half inhabited by Finns perhaps in second century A.D., 117; once inhabited by a people of Lithuanian stock, 137.
Baptism, can be washed off, 143.
Bear: bear's flesh not to be eaten with fish, 168; perjurers are eaten by bears, 168; originated from man and understands speech, 168.
Beormas, the, 4.
Birds in bronze with human face on the breast, 95, 120.
Births (wonderful) from:—a hair, ii. 304, 305, 325, 344, 346; a thread of stone, ii. 316; flax, ii. 307; a reed, ii. 320; a pin, ii. 305; a pearl, ii. 367, 369; grains of iron, ii. 306, 364; sweepings, ii. 305, 306; a chip of wood, ii. 306, 324, 375; a ring, ii. 316, 326; tooth of a comb, ii. 323, 324, 374; rubbing the hands, ii. 355; scurf, ii. 369; wind, ii. 313, 320, 358, 360; blood, ii. 321; a tear, ii. 314, 324; a tooth, ii. 344: a bone, ii. 307; saliva, ii. 317, 318, 320, 325, 366; train-oil, ii. 308; fish-spawn, ii. 354.
Blessing, 359.
Bolgari or Bolgar: a commercial town, 240; fabled to be founded by Alexander of Macedon, 241; became Mussulman in tenth century, 265.
Bolgars, 241; appeared in fifth century, probably represented by the Čuvaš, 261.
Bow: compound bow of Ostiaks, 201.
Bronze from Sweden found in Finland, 87; in Baltic Provinces, 96; of Siberian types in Finland, 89; in north of Russia, 90, 95; words for, 204, 207.
Budini: were hardly the Votiaks, 126-7.
'Buying the water,' ii. 6.
CARVED WORK, zoomorphic stone-picks, 56; zoomorphic designs in bone and flint, 63, 65, 67, 71-2, 82, 100.
Casting metal: by Ostiak women, 211; wooden moulds, 211.
Clan-gods: of the Ostiaks, 162; of the Lapps, 163; of the Votiaks, 264; of the Čeremis, 165.
Coins: Roman, 103–4, 217; Arabic, 103; Indo-Bactrian, 119; Sassanide, 123–4.
Copper: mines, 27; names for, 204.
Creator, Maker, 331-5; ii. 65, 66, 73, 88, 89, 97, 117, 120, 233, 147, 150, 152, 157, 162, 277, 180, 192, 196, 202, 211, 215, 234, 247, 262, 264, 266, 268, 269, 273, 276, 286, 289, 294, 295, 319, 320, 333, 334, 347, 356, 358, 366, 376, 378, 380, 386.
Čudes, the, who they were, 13-5; (Esthonians) 141, 142.
Curses: examples, 359–61.
Čeremis: their geographical position, 8; physical appearance, 26, 27, 32; cranial measurements, 34, 35; perhaps descended from the Ladogans, 39, 40; their household-god, 159, 165; traces of endogamy, 183, classificatory system of family, 185; hostile capture of bride, 193; naming children, 196; Lithuanian influence, 249; Tatar loan-words, 264-6; charms of the, ii. 11-14.
Cuvas, probably descendants of Bolgars, their loan-words in Mordvin, 261.
DAUGHTER-IN-LAW: range of the term, 190; Votiak daughter-in-law avoids father-in-law, 195.
Dead: the dead become servants of water-spirits, 161; see and hear after death, 169; marry in next world, 169; commemoration of, 176-8; their fate considered miserable, 254, 320; invoked as helpers against sorcerers, etc., 303.
Death, personifications of, 320-3.
Diákovo, prehistoric fort at, 11, 218.
Disease. See Sickness.
Domestic animals, remains of: dog, 50, 62, 72, 99; sheep, 50, 75, 99, 107; horned cattle, 50, 75, 99; horse, 75, 99; pig, 75, 99, 107; names for the, 215-22, 232, 245, 253.
Drums, magic, 172-4.
Earth-mother, ii. 68.
Elina, 287; ii. 204.
Elves and brownies, 326-8.
Endogamy, traces of, 282-3.
Envy-matron, ii. 70.
Estas, Eastas. See Aistii.
Esthonia, ii. 272.
Esthonians, 5, 6, 41; ceph. index and height, 32; cranial measurements, 42, 47; succeeded to the name of the Æstii or Estas, 137; the Čudes of Nestor, 141, 142.
Etelätär, 308.9; ii. 210, 212, 222, 223, 224, 265.
Exogamy of East and West Finns, 182.
Exorcist among the West Finns, 344-8; uses instruments of various kinds, 353; protects himself with a metal helmet, coat, boots, etc., 354-5; is helped by a variety of personages, 355-7; is Ukko's son, ii. 66, 126.
FACE-URNS of Hallstadt period not found east of the Vistula, 138.
Family: of from twenty to sixty persons, 179; patriarchal, 180; paternal power great, 180-1; paternal power predominant 189.
Father-in-law: diffusion of the term, 188;
superior to mother-in-law, 189; concubinage with his daughters-in-law, 192.
Fatiánovo, station at, 90-3; cranial measurements, 92.
Fenni, 130, 131; Phinnoi, 132, 135; may have been Finns, 135-6.
Figurative expressions in Magic Songs, ii. 54-61.
Finns (West): their geographical position, 3-6; ceph. index and height, 32; crania, 33-8; neolithic crania of Rinnekaln supposed to be Finnish, 49-52; neolithic inhabitants of Central Russia probably Finns, 146, 224-7; separated from Mordvins before 300 B.C., 242; Lithuanian loan-words, 243-9; proto-Scandinavian influence, 251-5; perhaps entered Finland in second or third century A.D., 256; early Slav influence, 238-60.
Fire; probably not worshipped, 199, 244.
Flattering words, 361.
Forts, prehistoric, in gov. of Viátka, 99-101.
GALIČ, finds from, 93-4, 120.
Giants, 328.
Gliadénova, 14; place and finds described, 118-23; gold objects, 211.
God = sky, 155; gods chastised by Ostiaks, 160; Lith. 'god' = F. 'the firmament,' 247; household gods of Ostiaks, Votiaks, Čeremis and Lapps, 258-9; usage of word among West Finns, 331-5.
Gold: mines, 17; objects from Gliadenova, 119; East Finnish words, 232.
Grain: words for different kinds of, 202; spelt known early, 202; loan-words, 246, 253.
Great Bear, Charles's Wain: invoked with sun and moon, 325; his daughter watches property at night, 325; named, ii. 134, 233, 272, 302, 309, 338.
HAAKHOF, hoard from, 108.
Hahe, gods of the Samoyedes, 161, 163.
Haltia, 272-3.
Helka, ii. 295.
Hell, ii. 70, 115, 221, 271, 297, 361.
Hiisi, as a sacred grove, 292; as forest god, 293; his ox and horse, 294; became regarded as a devil, 295; his smithy, 296; his home becomes synonymous with hell, 297; originally a tree-spirit and perhaps a family or clan god, 299; named, ii. 66, 78, 84, 111, 120, 151, 162, 263, 167, 199, 216, 221, 230, 260, 263, 272, 297, 307, 317, 318, 320, 340, 346, 361; H.'s lands, ii. 68, 255; H.'s home, fort, den, ii. 127, 153; H.'s soot, ii. 71; H.'s coals, ii. 71, 111, 112, 200; H.'s gory rug, ii. 71; H.'s gag, ii. 72; H.'s wife, ii. 263, 362, 381; weaving-stool, ii. 315; pole; for raking coals, ii. 321; water-Hiisi, ii. 74, 293, 327, 361; forest-Hiisi, ii. 75; H.'s horse, ii. 80, 153, 381; H.'s folk, ii. 83, 90; H.'s gallows, ii. 88; H.'s hound, ii. 115, 163; H.'s blemish, sore, ii. 136, 259; H.'s elks, ii. 181, 255; H.'s Cat, 298; ii. 200, 284; H.'s bird, ii. 350; H.'s ox, ii. 197; maid-servant, ii. 325; H.'s girl, 298; ii. 118, 230, 234, 297, 336, 337, 362; H.'s son, ii. 200, 244, 297, 381.
Hiitola, the home of Hiisi, ii. 72, 125, 126, 163, 221, 272, 334, 336, 357, 364.
Hiitolainen, ii. 260.
Hikitukka, ii. 173.
Hikityttö, ii. 230.
Hilahatar, ii. 381.
Himmerkki = himmel riki, kingdom of heaven, 341; ii. 309.
Hippa, daughter of Hiisi, ii, 284.
Hölmä, 323; ii. 355.
Holohonka (Hollow Fir), ii. 231, 238.
Holy Ghost, ii. 223, 268.
Homma, 300; ii. 296.
Hongas, 286; ii. 209, 211.
Hongatar, 286, 289; ii. 162, 220, 241, 310, 344.
Hotja, ii. 345.
House: original house of East and West Finns, 198.
Höyhenys, 313; ii. 282.
Hyypiō, ii. 242.
IDOLS, mouths of, smeared with fat, 159.
Ikitetty, ii. 137.
Ikitiera [Hiki Tiera], ii, 201.
Ilmari, Ilmaris = V. inmar, 'sky, god,' 155; ii. 182.
Ilmarinen, meaning of word, 278; formerly an air- and wind-god, 278; as smith, 279-80; named, ii. 91, 131, 153, 194, 252, 267, 348-52, 355, 356, 379, 381.
Incest, examples of, 182, 183.
Invisibility, how obtained, 258.
I.O.U., primitive form of, 122.
Iron mines, 17; none in Baltic Provinces, 109.
Ismo, daughter of the air, ii. 277.
JESUS CHRIST, 335-7; ii. 65, 113, 119, 122, 129, 252, 160, 181, 192, 195, 212, 225, 226, 232, 242, 244, 255, 262, 273, 281, 285, 299, 300, 303, 304, 318, 326, 355, 356, 365, 374, 382.
JOKIATAR, 316; ii. 260.
Jordan river, ii. 187, 192, 299, 312, 334, 382.
Joukahainen, E. 352.
Joulehetar, ii. 207.
Juonetar, 286; ii. 243.
Juutas, a devil, 330; ii. 91, 299, 260, 318.
KAINUHU, Qven-land, ii. 141.
Kaleva: a giant, 342; his sons, deities of the Häme, 342-3; named, ii. 131, 172, 280, 326, 329, 357, 381, 382.
Kalevala, ii. 122.
Kalevatar, ii. 330.
Kalma, 320, 321; ii. 74, 80, 83, 95, 96, 112, 127, 184, 284, 296, 321.
Kammo, ii. 119.
Kanarvainen, ii. 345.
Kanarvatar, ii. 205.
Kangahatar, ii. 344.
Kannus, a magic drum, in käsi-kannus (hand-drum), ii. 87. Here the instrument is used for the person who carried it, as the following line shows.
Kärehetär, 288; ii. 197, 282.
Karelians, their geographical position, 3-5; their physical and mental characteristics, 20, 21.
Kasaritar, a. 223, 366.
Kasvatar, personification of growth, ii. 108.
Katajatar, 288; ii. 162, 215.
Katrinatar, ii. 213, 378.
Kauko, ii. 307, 323.
Kave, ii. 66, 79, 133, 151, 220, 271, 286.
Kedron, the brook; ii. 123.
Keito, an evil spirit, ii. 91, 126, 253, 254, 315, 321, 340, 387.
Keitolainen, ii. 126.
Kihonen Kähönen, ii. 137.
Kimmahatar, ii. 312.
Kimmo Kammo, ii. 113, 217, 312.
Kipinätär, cat of Hiisi, ii. 284.
Kipula, the place of pain and sickness, ii. 81.
Kivutar, 313; ii. 81, 82, 106, 219.
Kolomtsị, neolithic station at, 65.
Kuckers, cemetery at, 104, 106, 108, Table VIII.
Kuippana, 285, 289; ii. 209, 243, 257.
Kuitua, 285; ii. 209, 211.
Kullatar, 314; ii. 222.
Kullervo, 343.
Kulotar, ii. 205.
Kuolatar, ii. 369.
Kunda, neolithic station at, 80; its relative age, 86.
Kunnotar, 288; ii. 282.
Kurs (Cori), Kurlanders, 139, 140, 145.
Kuume hides the sun, ii. 79, 233.
Kuurikki, 286; ii. 179, 180.
Kuuritar, 287; ii. 237.
Kuutar, 325-6; ii. 199, 206, 233, 324.
Kyyni, ii. 343.
Kyytöläinen, ii. 373.
LAAUS, 315; ii. 232, 242.
Ladogans, the, 39; their cranial measurements, 59; these compared with Čeremis skulls, 61; neolithic station on Ladogan shore, 61-4; its relative age, 85.
Lännetär, ii. 355.
Lapahiito, ii. 366.
Lapalieto, ii. 369.
Lapland, 285; as rich in game, 319;
named, ii. 125, 142, 183, 186, 192, 221, 241, 247, 257, 253, 255, 260, 323, 348, 359, 372.
Lapps: their fish-god, 160; forest-god, 161; clan-gods, Seita, 163; offer white reindeer to the sun and moon, 167; wizards, 174; saivvo people and home, 175; status of women, 181; renaming of children, 197; word Lapp often = wizard, sorcerer; 319, ii. 83, 85, 87, 88, 189, 371, 384, 389.
Laukahatar, ii. 379.
Launavatar, ii. 360.
Lead mines, argentiferous, 26.
Lemmes, 313; ii. 346, 379.
Lemmetār, ii, 344, 355.
Lemminkainen, ii. 194, 197.
Lempo: an evil forest-spirit, 280, 299-300; ii. 68, 71, 72, 74, 88, 99, 115, 121, 125, 145, 151, 163, 167, 170, 186, 200, 216, 252, 254, 297, 315, 321, 340, 341, 346, 350; water-Lempo, ii. 327.
Lentohatar, ii. 379.
Letts: their ceph. index and height, 32; cranial measurements, 35, 43-5; very cruel, but despised by the Livs, 144; veneration for the thunder-god, 248; their charms, ii. 29-30.
Levirate: among the Zịrians, 192.
Liiko, ii. 323.
Liipo, ii. 307.
Lithuanians: their ceph. index and height, 32; cranial measurements, 43, 44; their original home, 138; influence on the Finns, 243-9.
Litvetti, 301; ii. 217.
Livs: their ceph. index and height, 32; killed their prisoners, 48; a mixed people, 49, 51; their beliefs, customs, etc., 142-4; despised the Letts, 144.
Louhi, mistress of Pohjola, ii. 66, 207, 215, 253.
Louhiatar, 326; ii. 313, 357, 364.
Loveatar, 316; ii. 360, 370.
Lumikki, 287; ii. 204., 334.
Luonnotar: daughters of Nature and mothers of iron, 306; have a home in the sky, 307; named, ii. 81, 203, 243, 305, 310, 320, 341, 346, 347, 354.
Luonto (Nature): a personification 306-9.
MAAJATAR, ii. 345.
Maarana, ii. 205.
Maaratar, ii. 370.
Maariatar, ii. 294.
Maatar, 303; ii. 173.
Maidens: of the air, 309-311; ii. 277, 282, 375, 379; of frost, ii. 277; of springs and dells, 311-12; ii. 278, 287, 293, 356, 373, 378; of mist and fog, 312; ii. 243, 287, 299; of fire, 313; ii. 279, 377, 379; of pain and sickness, 313-4; of swellings, 314.
Malla, 104, 106, 107, Tab. VIII.
Mammo, ii. 118, 312.
Mammotar, ii. 114, 312, 389.
Mammoth, the, 53.
Manala, Mana: origin of word, 320; named, ii. 67, 74, 80, 96, 110, 115, 227, 134, 136, 138, 173, 174, 199, 214, 224, 225, 252, 259, 337, 341, 356, 360, 377, 382.
Mantu, 303; ii. 135.
Manuhatar, 304; ii. 314.
Marriage: words for, 191-2; by purchase, 193; by hostile capture, 193; by personal service, 193, 194; classificatory system, 185-7.
Mary, the Virgin, 337-9; ii. 119, 120, 121, 122, 138,166, 187, 195, 196, 202, 211, 220, 225, 226, 232, 249, 251, 264, 273, 274, 278, 281, 293, 294, 299, 300, 303, 309, 378, 382.
Melatar, 301; ii. 217.
Méria, an extinct Finnish people, 27.
Metals: those found in N. Russia, 17; names of the, 204; Finno-ugrian word for metal perhaps of Turkish origin, 207; origin E. F. word for steel, 209, 234; possible origin of Permian words for tin and lead, 210; lead in the Urals, but not silver or tin, 210; casting done by women, 211.
Metsola, ii, 100, 115, 138, 175, 177, 194, 211,
[paragraph continues] 215, 232, 248, 258, 283, 284, 301, 344, 345, 350, 388.
Mielikki, 286, 289, 290, 291; ii. 162, 179, 208, 209, 235-7, 248.
Miiritär, 288; ii. 235.
Mikitär, 288; ii. 205.
Milky Way, the, directs flight of wild geese, 168.
Mimerkki, 286; ii. 258, 283.
Moon: sacrificed to by Lapps, 167; how regarded by W. Finns, 323; eclipse of, 324; named, ii. 272.
Mordvins: their geographical position, 7; their physical appearance, 21-3; ceph. index and height, 32; water-spirit of, 161; sun-god the supreme deity, 168; commemoration of the dead, 277; families of sixty persons, 280; paternal power, 181; traces of endogamy, 182; naming children, 196; Lithuanian influence, 248; Čuvaš and Tatar loan-words, 261-4; charms of the, ii. 8-11.
Mutual avoidance between bride and bridegroom's family, 194.
NAATA, mistress of Hiitola, ii. 364.
Names, personal: how given, 195-7.
Näräppä, ii. 225, 284.
Nasarvainen, ii. 345.
Niera, ii, 201.
Nikotiera, ii. 364.
Nixie, ii. 74, 164, 361.
Nukuhutar, ii. 137.
Nunnus, 313; ii. 282.
Nuoramo, ii. 367.
Nuoratar, ii. 370.
Nyrkytär, 286; ii. 242.
Nyypetti, 287; ii. 212.
Nyyrikki, 287; ii. 214, 236, 258.
OAK: of wonderful size, ii. 335, 338, 372, 373, 374: forms a bridge to Pohjola, ii. 336; made into sorcerer's arrows, ii. 336, 340; felled by a sea-dwarf, ii. 335, 338; its leaves bring luck and magic skill, ii. 339, 375; origin of, ii. 371-5; the tree of god, ii. 374.
Offerings. See Sacrifices.
'Origins': meaning of the term, ii. 5, 41, 46.
Orišut, neolithic workshop at, 77, 100.
Osmo, 304, 342.3; ii. 329, 366.
Osmotar, 343; ii. 329, 330, 331.
Ostiaks: in government of Perm, 12; ceph. index and height, 32; cranial measurements, 34, 35; their sky-god not worshipped, 153; worship the Ob, 160; their water-spirit, 161; clan-gods, 262; beliefs, 168, 169; figure of the deceased, 169; their wizards, 173; status of women, 181; personal names, 196; use a compound bow, 201; ornaments cast by women, 211.
Otavatar (Great Bear's daughter), 325; ii. 284.
PÄISTÄRYS, 287; ii. 258.
Päivätär: as releaser of the sun, 325; spins, 325; named, ii. 66, 79, 106, 134, 199, 206, 233, 323.
Palæolithic Age non-existent in N. Russia, 53.
Palvonen, ii. 276, 302, 376.
Panu, 326; ii. 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 327, 335, 378, 380, 387.
Panula, ii. 71, 137.
Panutar, 313; ii. 282, 378.
Para = Sw. Bjära, was a magical apparatus made of several kinds of wood, which in some magic way conveyed the milk and butter of a neighbour's cows to one's own dairy. In Iceland it is called a tilberi, and is described in Arnason's Icelandic Legends, Introduction, p. xcii, and in Dr. Kon. Maurer's Island. Volkssagen der Gegenwart, p. 93; ii. 225.
Pellermoinen or Pellervoinen: a spirit of vegetation, 303-6; named, ii. 135, 342, 343, 345, 366, 374.
Penitar, 316; ii. 225.
Perkele: loan-word, 248, 329; lost its old signification, 330; ii. 65, 221, 223, 260, 311, 340.
Perm, government of: population very
scanty in neolithic period, 78; silver vessels of Persian art found there, 123-5.
Permians, their geographical position, 10; ceph. index and height, 32; cranial measurements, 34, 35.
Persian art: silver vessels of, 123-5; old Persian influence on East and West Finns, 229-35.
Pihlajatar, 288; ii. 262, 215, 242.
Pilatus, ii. 300.
Pimentola, 319; ii. 84, 021, 127, 143, 196, 221, 288, 333.
Pinneys, 287; ii. 242.
Piru, 300, 329, 330; ii. 68, 218, 120, 125, 126, 200, 252, 254, 260, 318, 320, 336, 340, 341, 346.
Pitch as a cement for flint arrow-heads, 80, 81.
Pohjola: its meaning, 315; as abounding in game, 315-6; as a cold region, 316-7; assistance obtainable there, 317; as a place of evil, 31; named, ii. 101, 116, 127, 141, 142, 143, 133, 186, 199, 216, 232, 242, 253, 255, 259, 263, 264, 279, 281, 288, 296, 306, 313, 323, 324, 325, 333, 336, 341, 348, 359, 363, 370, 372, 378.
Polyandry, 184, 187.
Polygamy among the E. Finns, 192.
Porotyttö, 317; ii. 141, 271.
Post-classical charms, ii. 17, 38.
Pottery, decoration of, in Finland, 57; at Lake Ladoga, 64; at Kolomtsi, 63; in Olonets, 67; at Volósovo, 70; at Plekhanov Bor, 73; in valley of the Volga, 73, 74; clay mixed with mica or talc, 74, 80; impressed with snail-shells, 74, 79 at Anánino, 77; in gov. of Perm, 79; at Rinnekaln, 81, 82; Volgan pottery seems more akin to that in Kama valley, 86; urns from Fatiánovo, 92; at Anánino, 98; in gov. of Viátka, 100, 101; very rare in Baltic Provinces, 111; at Gliadenova, 122.
Precedents: an event that has once happened creates a precedent why it should happen again, 358-9.
Pregel, the river: its older names, 133.
Ptolemy, 128-30; knew nothing north of lat. 55° east of the Urals, 130.
Pullitar, ii. 250.
Pullukka, ii. 202.
QVENS, a Karelian tribe, 4.
RAANA, mistress of Pohjola, ii. 216.
Raani, 316; ii. 333.
Rahko, 329; ii. 124, 249.
Rahkoi, a god of the lame tribe, 329.
Rainbow: to a Samoyede is 'Num's mantle'; to a Čeremis 'the bow of Jumo,' 154.
Rakehetar, ii. 306.
Raunikko, 287; ii. 258.
Rav = the Volga, 8; the Rha of Ptolemy, 128.
Reindeer: words for, 220.
Rinnekaln: neolithic station, 49, 81-3; cranial measurements, 42, 50, 51; relative age of station, 85.
Ristikko, 287; ii. 258.
Rukotiivo, 331; ii. 201.
Rumalainen, ii. 118.
Rus, the, 23-6.
Russian skulls, 35; exorcisms, ii. 30-6.
Rutja rapids, sea, ii. 86, 96, 134, 360.
SACRIFICES, 160; to forest-god of the Votiaks and Čeremis, 162; of the Lapps, 164, 167; of the Votiaks, 165; to the dead, 176-8; offerings of the West Finns, in money, food, or an animal, 362-3.
Saints: 339; Andrew, ii. 181; Anni, ii. 124; Catharine, ii. 246; Christopher, ii. 260; Juhannes, ii. 196, 359, 378, 386; Peter, ii. 129, 169, 181, 273, 318, 319; Säitäri, ii. 202; Stephen, ii. 201.
Salmon, its distribution, 138-9.
Samoyedes; their sky-god, 153; pray towards the sun, 167; beliefs, 168; naming children, 195; dialectically initial, j, v, > b, k, 222-3.
Sampsa, Sämpsä (see Pellermoinen), 304-6; ii. 342, 343, 374.
Sarentola, 316; ii. 143, 183.
Sariola, ii. 94, 360, 363.
Sarmatians, 128.
Satan, ii. 78, 34, 126, 133.
Seal (Phoca), the, 50, 68.
Seita of the Lapps, 159, 263, 164, 298.
Semmer, 305; ii. 343.
Sepulture: cairn-graves in Finland, 88; in Kurland, 110; mound-graves with compartments in Esthonia, 105, 106, 115; mound-graves in Kurland, 111, 115; stone row-graves in Livland, 110, 115.
Sickness: caused by deceased relatives, 169; by neglect of ancestors, 169; how personified and thought of by W. Finns, 348-57; how pictured by W. Finns, 348; sent by the dead, 349; sent by spells, 348; can be rolled into a ball and thrown away, 349; can be induced in many ways to depart, 349-50; places whither it is conjured away, 351-2; can be clawed and extracted with pincers, 353; its anger averted by flattering words, 361.
Siilikki, 288; ii. 199.
Silver: not found in the Urals, 17; words for, 204-9.
Simanter, 286; ii. 257.
Similes of W. Finns, ii. 46-53.
Sinisirkku, 315; ii. 141, 242, 309.
Slav skulls, 35.
Son-in-law: distribution of the term, 188; Votiak son-in-law avoids wife's father and mother, 195.
Sotkotar, ii. 322.
Spirits: Votiak water-spirit bleeds, 157; the Mordvin water-mother, 157; Mordvin 'Forest-wife' can change her shape, 157; Votiak water-spirit as a pike, 158; Votiak house-spirit can be felt but invisible, 158; Samoyede spirits only visible to wizards, 158; not necessarily immortal, 158; spirits of sickness recruited by death of old maids and murderers, 169.
Suddum, Sodom, the old name of Elabuga, means 'perch-fish,' 240.
Sun: offerings to by Lapps, 167; chief god of Mordvins, 168; how regarded by W. Finns, 323; enclosed in a rock, 224; ii. 79; invoked, ii. 198, 272.
Suonetar, ii. 245.
Suo-viita (Swamp-cloak), 343; ii. 280, 381, 382.
Supernatural, the origin of the idea, 150-3.
Suvetar, 308-9; ii. 162, 210, 212, 223, 224, 265.
Swedish charms, ii. 38-40.
Sword of old Finns was short and one-edged, 252.
Synnytär, personification of birth, ii. 108.
Syöjätär, the Ogress, ii. 90, 114, 306, 312, 307, 319, 320, 321, 322, 345, 360, 366, 369, 389.
Šamans, their dramatic performances, 171.
TAHVANUS, 331, 339.
Takaturma, ii. 380.
Tapio: the forest-god, 285; his wife and family, 286-8; his dwelling, 288; named, ii. 208, 216, 233, 242, 258, 283; his daughter, ii. 138, 162, 179, 204, 205, 208, 235, 239, 240, 241, 248, 334; his son, ii. 212, 236, 242, 258; his wife, ii. 242, 283; his magazine, ii. 236.
Tapiola, 288; ii. 100, 175, 279, 295, 301.
Tapiotar, 288; ii. 210.
Tavastlanders: their geographical position, 3; their physical and mental characteristics, 17-20; ceph. index and height, 32; cranial measurements, 33-7.
Tellervo, 287; ii. 208, 211, 235, 241.
Terhetär, 206; ii. 342.
Teutonic skulls, 35; platycephalous, 39, 40.
Timanter, 331; ii. 201.
Tin found in Finland, 17.
Tortoise shell in neolithic grave, 75.
Trade-routes (ancient): between Persia and Russia, 124, 125; none along the Irtiš and the Čusovaya, 130; along Volga and Kama, 239, 240.
Trees: names for, 222; oak, maple, ash, and elm not found east of the Urals, 223; huge oak darkens the earth, 324, 326.
Tuometar, 288; ii. 162, 109, 241, 310.
Tuonela, place of the dead, origin of the word, 320-1; ii. 68, 96, 116, 136, 138, 157, 173-5, 225, 252, 355, 360, 377-8, 382.
Tuoni: origin of the word, 320; his wife, son, and daughter, 322; named, ii. 86, 111, 117, 253, 154, 163, 214, 285, 319, 321, 322; his daughter, ii. 82, 110, 200, 219, 364, 377, 384; his reins, ii. 259; his grub, 321; ii. 280; his son, ii. 245, 288, 304, 344; river, ii. 341.
Turisas, a god of the Häme, 329.
Turja: its geographical position, 319; helpful eagle lives there, 319-20; named, ii. 86, 88, 96, 103, 121, 142, 143, 221, 241, 253, 259, 260, 370, 372.
Turjala, ii. 194.
Turjalainen, ii. 345.
Tūrpsal, cemetery at, 104, 105, Table VIII.
Tursas, 328; ii. 356, 363, 371.
Türsel cemetery, 104, 106, 106, Table VIII., 112, 116.
Tuuletar, wind's daughter, ii. 314, 334, 343, 344, 345, 355, 359.
Tuulikki, 287; ii. 240, 241.
Tuuri, ii. 376.
Twigs or branches as residence of a spirit, 163-5.
Tyrä, a ball used by Lapp witches, ii. 205.
Tyytikki, 288; ii. 239.
UDUTAR, a mist-maiden, 306; ii. 341.
Ugrians, the, 6; were in Russia in eleventh century, 12; Ugrian affinities in finds at Fatiánovo and Galič, 95, 147; obtained swords from Mahometan countries, 236, 240; separation into groups earlier than third period, 237.
Ukak, two towns of, 25, 26.
Ukko: his epithets, 273; weapons, 273.5; as air-god, 275; merges into the Almighty, 276; named, ii. 68, 88, 97, 205, 120?, 228, 139, 153, 155, 176, 186, 203, 211, 213, 218, 221, 222, 238 = Tapio, 252, 255, 256, 257, 259, 261, 265, 267, 268-70, 280, 288, 289, e90, 295, 296, 299, 302, 347, 371, 375, 376.
Ulappala, 285; ii. 113, 253, 263, 313, 360.
Uncle, extension of the term, 191.
Untamola, ii. 313.
VÄINÄMÖINEN: god of song, 281, 283; as diviner, 282; as god of the healing art, 283-4; as warrior, 285; named, ii. 68, 70, 91, 172, 173,189, 194, 206, 209, 250, 261, 262, 266, 271, 291, 294, 303, 305, 306, 316, 326, 339, 352, 352, 353, 379, 380, 383.
Väinö, 284; ii. 81, 105, 267.
Väinölä, 285; ii. 113, 253, 260, 313.
Vaivatar, female personification of suffering, ii. 106.
Vammatar, female personification of wounds, 313; ii. 106, 209.
Varvutar, 288; ii. 205, 242.
Vattala, ii, 144.
Vellamo, 300-2; ii. 193, 206.
Venäjä (Russia), origin of the word, 255-6.
Venedi, 130, 232, 134.
Venedic Gulf, 131.
Vento ox, ii. 126; host of, ii. 279; spring, ii. 228; stream, ii. 275.
Ves, Visu = the Pečorans, 5, 6.
Vesi-viita (water-cloak), ii. 280, 381, 382.
Vepsas or Northern Čudes, 5.
Viátka, government of, scarcely inhabited in neolithic period, 77.
Vihmatar, ii. 359.
Viimatar, ii. 334.
Vingas, ii. 367, 368.
Vipunen (Antero), ii. 94, 197.
Vitsäri, 287; ii. 241.
Voguls in Russia in fifteenth century, 12; ceph. index and height, 32; they term the sky-god their father, 154; method of sacrifice, 259; their wizards, 173; status of women, 180.
Volósovo, neolithic station at, 68-73; cranial measurements, 69; age of the station, 85.
Voršud, clan- and house-god of the Votiaks, 159, 164, 299; Voršud names, 166.
Votes or Southern Čudes, 5, 6.
Votiaks: their geographical position, 9; physical and mental characteristics, 28, 29; ceph. index and height, 32; water-spirit of, 161; forest-spirits, 161; pray to sun-mother, 167; their seers, 175; commemoration of the dead, 176-7; families of forty persons, 180; paternal authority, 180, 181; hostile capture of bride, 193; 'mutual avoidance,' 195; naming of children, 196, 197; Tatar loan-words, 266-70; charms of the, ii. 14-9.
Vuojala, ii. 355.
Vuojela, ii. 100.
Vuoksi rapids, ii. 97, 134.
Vuolahatar, ii. 312, 355.
Vuolamoinen, ii. 382.
Vuolamotar, ii. 382.
Vuolervoinen, ii. 123.
Vuotar, ii. 388.
WIZARDS: in ancient times, 170-3; among the West Finns, 344-8.
Women: position among Ostiaks, Voguls, and Lapps, 181.
Wood-grouse (pyy), legend of, ii. 122.
YAKUTS, obtain wives by personal service, 193.
Yatvings were dolichocephalous, 45.
Yul = the Volga, 8.
Yura = Ugra, Ugrians, 6; obtained swords from Mahometan countries, 236.
ZỊRIANS: their geographical position, 10, 11; physical and mental traits, 29, 30, 32.
Printed by T. and A. CONSTABLE, Printers to Her Majesty
at the Edinburgh University Press