Sacred Texts
Legends and Sagas
Of a great tourneying in the Joyous Isle, and how Sir
Pervivale and Sir Ector came thither, and Sir Percivale
fought with him.
SO when this cry was made, unto Joyous Isle drew
knights to the number of five hundred; and wit ye
well there was never seen in Arthur's days one knight
that did so much deeds of arms as Sir Launcelot did
three days together; for as the book maketh truly
mention, he had the better of all the five hundred
knights, and there was not one slain of them. And
after that Sir Launcelot made them all a great feast.
And in the meanwhile came Sir Percivale de Galis
and Sir Ector de Maris under that castle that was
called the Joyous Isle. And as they beheld that gay
castle they would have gone to that castle, but they
might not for the broad water, and bridge could they
find none. Then they saw on the other side a lady
with a sperhawk on her hand, and Sir Percivale called
unto her, and asked that lady who was in that castle.
Fair knights, she said, here within this castle is the
fairest lady in this land, and her name is Elaine. Also
we have in this castle the fairest knight and the mightiest
man that is I dare say living, and he called himself Le
Chevaler Mal Fet. How came he into these marches?
said Sir Percivale. Truly, said the damosel, he came
into this country like a mad man, with dogs and boys
chasing him through the city of Corbin, and by the
holy vessel of the Sangreal he was brought into his
wit again; but he will not do battle with no knight,
but by underne or by noon. And if ye list to come
into the castle, said the lady, ye must ride unto the
further side of the castle and there shall ye find a vessel
that will bear you and your horse. Then they departed,
and came unto the vessel. And then Sir Percivale
alighted, and said to Sir Ector de Maris: Ye shall
abide me here until that I wit what manner a knight
he is; for it were shame unto us, inasmuch as he is
but one knight, an we should both do battle with
him. Do ye as ye list, said Sir Ector, and here I
shall abide you until that I hear of you
Then passed Sir Percivale the water, and when he
came to the castle gate he bade the porter: Go thou
to the good knight within the castle, and tell him here
is come an errant knight to joust with him. Sir, said
the porter, ride ye within the castle, and there is a
common place for jousting, that lords and ladies may
behold you. So anon as Sir Launcelot had warning he
was soon ready; and there Sir Percivale and Sir
Launcelot encountered with such a might, and their
spears were so rude, that both the horses and the knights
fell to the earth. Then they avoided their horses,
and flang out noble swords, and hewed away cantels
of their shields, and hurtled together with their shields
like two boars, and either wounded other passing sore.
At the last Sir Percivale spake first when they had
foughten there more than two hours. Fair knight, said
Sir Percivale, I require thee tell me thy name, for I
met never with such a knight. Sir, said Sir Launcelot,
my name is Le Chevaler Mal Fet. Now tell me your
name, said Sir Launcelot, I require you, gentle knight.
Truly, said Sir Percivale, my name is Sir Percivale de Galis,
that was brother unto the good knight, Sir Lamorak
de Galis, and King Pellinore was our father, and Sir
Aglovale is my brother. Alas, said Sir Launcelot,
what have I done to fight with you that art a knight
of the Round Table, that sometime was your fellow?