Le Morte d'Arthur BOOK XI CHAPTER X
Sacred Texts
Legends and Sagas
What sorrow Queen Guenever made for Sir Launcelot, and
how he was sought by knights of his kin.
AND when the queen heard them say so she fell to the
earth in a dead swoon. And then Sir Bors took her up,
and dawed her; and when she was awaked she kneeled
afore the three knights, and held up both her hands, and
besought them to seek him. And spare not for no goods
but that he be found, for I wot he is out of his mind. And
Sir Bors, Sir Ector, and Sir Lionel departed from the
queen, for they might not abide no longer for sorrow.
And then the queen sent them treasure enough for their
expenses, and so they took their horses and their armour,
and departed. And then they rode from country to
country, in forests, and in wilderness, and in wastes; and
ever they laid watch both at forests and at all manner of
men as they rode, to hearken and spere after him, as he
that was a naked man, in his shirt, with a sword in his
hand. And thus they rode nigh a quarter of a year,
endlong and overthwart, in many places, forests and wilderness,
and oft-times were evil lodged for his sake; and yet for all
their labour and seeking could they never hear word of
him. And wit you well these three knights were passing
Then at the last Sir Bors and his fellows met with
a knight that hight Sir Melion de Tartare. Now fair
knight, said Sir Bors, whither be ye away? for they knew
either other afore time. Sir, said Melion, I am in the way
toward the court of King Arthur. Then we pray you,
said Sir Bors, that ye will tell my lord Arthur, and my lady,
Queen Guenever, and all the fellowship of the Round
Table, that we cannot in no wise hear tell where Sir
Launcelot is become. Then Sir Melion departed from them,
and said that he would tell the king, and the queen, and
all the fellowship-of the Round Table, as they had desired
him. So when Sir Melion came to the court of King
Arthur he told the king, and the queen, and all the
fellowship of the Round Table, what Sir Bors had said of
Sir Launcelot. Then Sir Gawaine, Sir Uwaine, Sir Sagramore
le Desirous, Sir Aglovale, and Sir Percivale de Galis
took upon them by the great desire of King Arthur, and
in especial by the queen, to seek throughout all England,
Wales, and Scotland, to find Sir Launcelot, and with them
rode eighteen knights mo to bear them fellowship; and
wit ye well, they lacked no manner of spending; and so
were they three and twenty knights.
Now turn we to Sir Launcelot, and speak we of his
care and woe, and what pain he there endured; for cold,
hunger, and thirst, he had plenty. And thus as these
noble knights rode together, they by one assent departed,
and then they rode by two, by three, and by four, and by
five, and ever they assigned where they should meet. And so
Sir Aglovale and Sir Percivale rode together unto their
mother that was a queen in those days. And when she
saw her two sons, for joy she wept tenderly. And then
she said: Ah, my dear sons, when your father was slain
he left me four sons, of the which now be twain slain.
And for the death of my noble son, Sir Lamorak, shall my
heart never be glad. And then she kneeled down upon
her knees to-fore Aglovale and Sir Percivale, and besought
them to abide at home with her. Ah, sweet mother, said
Sir Percivale, we may not, for we be come of king's blood
of both parties, and therefore, mother, it is our kind to
haunt arms and noble deeds. Alas, my sweet sons, then
she said, for your sakes I shall lose my liking and lust, and
then wind and weather I may not endure, what for the
death of your father, King Pellinore, that was shamefully
slain by the hands of Sir Gawaine, and his brother, Sir
Gaheris: and they slew him not manly but by treason.
Ah, my dear sons, this is a piteous complaint for me of
your father's death, considering also the death of Sir
Lamorak, that of knighthood had but few fellows. Now,
my dear sons, have this in your mind. Then there was but
weeping and sobbing in the court when they should depart,
and she fell a-swooning in midst of the court.