Sacred Texts
Legends and Sagas
How Dame Elaine, Galahad's mother, came in great estate
unto Camelot, and how Sir Launcelot behaved him
AND when Dame Elaine, the daughter of King Pelles,
heard of this feast she went to her father and required
him that he would give her leave to ride to that feast.
The king answered: I will well ye go thither, but in any
wise as ye love me and will have my blessing, that ye be
well beseen in the richest wise; and look that ye spare
not for no cost; ask and ye shall have all that you needeth.
Then by the advice of Dame Brisen, her maiden, all thing
was apparelled unto the purpose, that there was never
no lady more richlier beseen. So she rode with twenty
knights, and ten ladies, and gentlewomen, to the number
of an hundred horses. And when she came to Camelot,
King Arthur and Queen Guenever said, and all the
knights, that Dame Elaine was the fairest and the best
beseen lady that ever was seen in that court. And anon
as King Arthur wist that she was come he met her and
saluted her, and so did the most part of all the knights of
the Round Table, both Sir Tristram, Sir Bleoberis, and
Sir Gawaine, and many more that I will not rehearse.
But when Sir Launcelot saw her he was so ashamed, and
that because he drew his sword on the morn when he had
lain by her, that he would not salute her nor speak to her;
and yet Sir Launcelot thought she was the fairest woman
that ever he saw in his life-days.
But when Dame Elaine saw Sir Launcelot that would
not speak unto her she was so heavy that she weened her
heart would have to-brast; for wit you well, out of measure
she loved him. And then Elaine said unto her woman,
Dame Brisen: the unkindness of Sir Launcelot slayeth
me near. Ah, peace, madam, said Dame Brisen, I will
undertake that this night he shall lie with you, an ye
would hold you still. That were me liefer, said Dame
Elaine, than all the gold that is above the earth. Let me
deal, said Dame Brisen. So when Elaine was brought
unto Queen Guenever either made other good cheer by
countenance, but nothing with hearts. But all men and
women spake of the beauty of Dame Elaine, and of her
great riches.
Then, at night, the queen commanded that Dame
Elaine should sleep in a chamber nigh her chamber, and
all under one roof; and so it was done as the queen
commanded. Then the queen sent for Sir Launcelot and
bade him come to her chamber that night: Or else I am
sure, said the queen, that ye will go to your lady's bed,
Dame Elaine, by whom ye gat Galahad. Ah, madam,
said Sir Launcelot, never say ye so, for that I did was
against my will. Then, said the queen, look that ye
come to me when I send for you. Madam, said Launcelot,
I shall not fail you, but I shall be ready at your
commandment. This bargain was soon done and made
between them, but Dame Brisen knew it by her crafts,
and told it to her lady, Dame Elaine. Alas, said she,
how shall I do? Let me deal, said Dame Brisen, for I
shall bring him by the hand even to your bed, and he
shall ween that I am Queen Guenever's messenger. Now
well is me, said Dame Elaine, for all the world I love not
so much as I do Sir Launcelot.