Le Morte d'Arthur BOOK IX CHAPTER X

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 How La Beale Isoud sent letters to Sir Tristram by her maid
 Bragwaine, and of divers adventures of Sir Tristram.
 NOW leave we here Sir La Cote Male Taile, and turn we unto Sir
 Tristram de Liones that was in Brittany.  When La Beale Isoud
 understood that he was wedded she sent to him by her maiden
 Bragwaine as piteous letters as could be thought and made, and
 her conclusion was that, an it pleased Sir Tristram, that he
 would come to her <368>court, and bring with him Isoud la Blanche
 Mains, and they should be kept as well as she herself.  Then Sir
 Tristram called unto him Sir Kehydius, and asked him whether he
 would go with him into Cornwall secretly.  He answered him that
 he was ready at all times.  And then he let ordain privily a
 little vessel, and therein they went, Sir Tristram, Kehydius,
 Dame Bragwaine, and Gouvernail, Sir Tristram's squire.  So when
 they were in the sea a contrarious wind blew them on the coasts
 of North Wales, nigh the Castle Perilous.  Then said Sir
 Tristram:  Here shall ye abide me these ten days, and Gouvernail,
 my squire, with you.  And if so be I come not again by that day
 take the next way into Cornwall; for in this forest are many
 strange adventures, as I have heard say, and some of them I cast
 me to prove or I depart.  And when I may I shall hie me after
 Then Sir Tristram and Kehydius took their horses and departed
 from their fellowship.  And so they rode within that forest a
 mile and more; and at the last Sir Tristram saw afore him a
 likely knight, armed, sitting by a well, and a strong mighty
 horse passing nigh him tied to an oak, and a man hoving and
 riding by him leading an horse laden with spears.  And this
 knight that sat at the well seemed by his countenance to be
 passing heavy.  Then Sir Tristram rode near him and said:  Fair
 knight, why sit ye so drooping? ye seem to be a knight-errant by
 your arms and harness, and therefore dress you to joust with one
 of us, or with both.  Therewithal that knight made no words, but
 took his shield and buckled it about his neck, and lightly he
 took his horse and leapt upon him.  And then he took a great
 spear of his squire, and departed his way a furlong.  Sir
 Kehydius asked leave of Sir Tristram to joust first.  Do your
 best, said Sir Tristram.  So they met together, and there Sir
 Kehydius had a fall, and was sore wounded on high above the paps. 
 Then Sir Tristram said:  Knight, that is well jousted, now make
 you ready unto me.  I am ready, said the knight.  And then that
 knight took a greater spear in his hand, and encountered with Sir
 Tristram, <369>and there by great force that knight smote down
 Sir Tristram from his horse and had a great fall.  Then Sir
 Tristram was sore ashamed, and lightly he avoided his horse, and
 put his shield afore his shoulder, and drew his sword.  And then
 Sir Tristram required that knight of his knighthood to alight
 upon foot and fight with him.  I will well, said the knight; and
 so he alighted upon foot, and avoided his horse, and cast his
 shield upon his shoulder, and drew his sword, and there they
 fought a long battle together full nigh two hours.  Then Sir
 Tristram said:  Fair knight, hold thine hand, and tell me of
 whence thou art, and what is thy name.  As for that, said the
 knight, I will be avised; but an thou wilt tell me thy name
 peradventure I will tell thee mine.