Le Morte d'Arthur BOOK X
Sacred Texts
Legends and Sagas
BOOK X CHAPTER I How Sir Tristram jousted, and smote down King Arthur, because he told him not the cause why he bare that shield.
BOOK X CHAPTER II How Sir Tristram saved Sir Palomides' life, and how they promised to fight together within a fortnight.
BOOK X CHAPTER III How Sir Tristram sought a strong knight that had smitten him down, and many other knights of the Round Table.
BOOK X CHAPTER IV How Sir Tristram smote down Sir Sagramore le Desirous and Sir Dodinas le Savage.
BOOK X CHAPTER V How Sir Tristram met at the peron with Sir Launcelot, and how they fought together unknown.
BOOK X CHAPTER VI How Sir Launcelot brought Sir Tristram to the court, and of the great joy that the king and other made for the coming of Sir Tristram.
BOOK X CHAPTER VII How for the despite of Sir Tristram King Mark came with two knights into England, and how he slew one of the knights.
BOOK X CHAPTER VIII How King Mark came to a fountain where he found Sir Lamorak complaining for the love of King Lot's wife.
BOOK X CHAPTER IX How King Mark, Sir Lamorak, and Sir Dinadan came to a castle, and how King Mark was known there.
BOOK X CHAPTER X How Sir Berluse met with King Mark, and how Sir Dinadan took his part.
BOOK X CHAPTER XI How King Mark mocked Sir Dinadan, and how they met with six knights of the Round Table.
BOOK X CHAPTER XII How the six knights sent Sir Dagonet to joust with King Mark, and how King Mark refused him.
BOOK X CHAPTER XIII How Sir Palomides by adventure met King Mark flying, and how he overthrew Dagonet and other knights.
BOOK X CHAPTER XIV How King Mark and Sir Dinadan heard Sir Palomides making great sorrow and mourning for La Beale Isoud.
BOOK X CHAPTER XV How King Mark had slain Sir Amant wrongfully to-fore King Arthur, and Sir Launcelot fetched King Mark to King Arthur.
BOOK X CHAPTER XVI How Sir Dinadan told Sir Palomides of the battle between Sir Launcelot and Sir Tristam.
BOOK X CHAPTER XVII How Sir Lamorak jousted with divers knights of the castle wherein was Morgan le Fay.
BOOK X CHAPTER XVIII How Sir Palomides would have jousted for Sir Lamorak with the knights of the castle.
BOOK X CHAPTER XIX How Sir Lamorak jousted with Sir Palomides, and hurt him grievously.
BOOK X CHAPTER XX How it was told Sir Launcelot that Dagonet chased King Mark, and how a knight overthrew him and six knights.
BOOK X CHAPTER XXI How King Arthur let do cry a jousts, and how Sir Lamorak came in, and overthrew Sir Gawaine and many other.
BOOK X CHAPTER XXII How King Arthur made King Mark to be accorded with Sir Tristram, and how they departed toward Cornwall.
BOOK X CHAPTER XXIII How Sir Percivale was made knight of King Arthur, and how a dumb maid spake, and brought him to the Round Table.
BOOK X CHAPTER XXIV How Sir Lamorak visited King Lot's wife, and how Sir Gaheris slew her which was his own mother.
BOOK X CHAPTER XXV How Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred met with a knight fleeing, and how they both were overthrown, and of Sir Dinadan.
BOOK X CHAPTER XXVI How King Arthur, the Queen, and Launcelot received letters out of Cornwall, and of the answer again.
BOOK X CHAPTER XXVII How Sir Launcelot was wroth with the letter that he received from King Mark, and of Dinadan which made a lay of King Mark.
BOOK X CHAPTER XXVIII How Sir Tristram was hurt, and of a war made to King Mark; and of Sir Tristram how he promised to rescue him.
BOOK X CHAPTER XXIX How Sir Tristram overcame the battle, and how Elias desired a man to fight body for body.
BOOK X CHAPTER XXI How Sir Elias and Sir Tristram fought together for the truage, and how Sir Tristram slew Elias in the field.
BOOK X CHAPTER XXXI How at a great feast that King Mark made an harper came and sang the lay that Dinadan had made.
BOOK X CHAPTER XXXII How King Mark slew by treason his brother Boudwin, for good service that he had done to him.
BOOK X CHAPTER XXXIII How Anglides, Boudwin's wife, escaped with her young son, Alisander le Orphelin, and came to the Castle of Arundel.
BOOK X CHAPTER XXXIV How Anglides gave the bloody doublet to Alisander, her son, the same day that he was made knight, and the charge withal.
BOOK X CHAPTER XXXV How it was told to King Mark of Sir Alisander, and how he would have slain Sir Sadok for saving his life.
BOOK X CHAPTER XXXVI How Sir Alisander won the prize at a tournament, and of Morgan le Fay: and how he fought with Sir Malgrin, and slew him.
BOOK X CHAPTER XXXVII How Queen Morgan le Fay had Alisander in her castle, and how she healed his wounds.
BOOK X CHAPTER XXXVIII How Alisander was delivered from Queen Morgan le Fay by the means of a damosel.
BOOK X CHAPTER XXXIX How Alisander met with Alice la Beale Pilgrim, and how he jousted with two knights; and after of him and of Sir Mordred.
BOOK X CHAPTER XL How Sir Galahalt did do cry a jousts in Surluse, and Queen Guenever's knights should joust against all that would come.
BOOK X CHAPTER XLI How Sir Launcelot fought in the tournament, and how Sir Palomides did arms there for a damosel.
BOOK X CHAPTER XLII How Sir Galahalt and Palomides fought together, and of Sir Dinadan and Sir Galahalt.
BOOK X CHAPTER XLIII How Sir Archade appealed Sir Palomides of treason, and how Sir Palomides slew him.
BOOK X CHAPTER XLIV Of the third day, and how Sir Palomides jousted with Sir Lamorak, and other things.
BOOK X CHAPTER XLV Of the fourth day, and of many great feats of arms.
BOOK X CHAPTER XLVI Of the Fifth day, and how Sir Lamorak behaved him.
BOOK X CHAPTER XLVII How Sir Palomides fought with Corsabrin for a lady, and how Palomides slew Corsabrin.
BOOK X CHAPTER XLVIII Of the sixth day, and what then was done.
BOOK X CHAPTER XLIX Of the seventh battle, and how Sir Launcelot, being disguised like a maid, smote down Sir Dinadan.
BOOK X CHAPTER L How by treason Sir Tristram was brought to a tournament for to have been slain, and how he was put in prison.
BOOK X CHAPTER LI How King Mark let do counterfeit letters from the Pope, and how Sir Percivale delivered Sir Tristram out of prison.
BOOK X CHAPTER LII How Sir Tristram and La Beale Isoud came unto England, and how Sir Launcelot brought them to Joyous Gard.
BOOK X CHAPTER LIII How by the counsel of La Beale Isoud Sir Tristram rode armed, and how he met with Sir Palomides.
BOOK X CHAPTER LIV Of Sir Palomides, and how he met with Sir Bleoberis and with Sir Ector, and of Sir Pervivale.
BOOK X CHAPTER LV How Sir Tristram met with Sir Dinadan, and of their devices, and what he said to Sir Gawaine's brethren.
BOOK X CHAPTER LVI How Sir Tristram smote down Sir Agravaine and Sir Gaheris, and how Sir Dinadan was sent for by La Beale Isoud.
BOOK X CHAPTER LVII How Sir Dinadan met with Sir Tristram, and with jousting with Sir Palomides, Sir Dinadan knew him.
BOOK X CHAPTER LVIII How they approached the Castle Lonazep, and of other devices of the death of Sir Lamorak.
BOOK X CHAPTER LIX How they came to Humber bank, and how they found a ship there, wherein lay the body of King Hermance.
BOOK X CHAPTER LX How Sir Tristram with his fellowship came and were with an host which after fought with Sir Tristram; and other matters.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXI How Palomides went for to fight with two brethren for the death of King Hermance.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXII The copy of the letter written for to revenge the king's death, and how Sir Palomides fought for to have the battle.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXIII Of the preparation of Sir Palomides and the two brethren that should fight with him.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXIV Of the battle between Sir Palomides and the two brethren, and how the two brethren were slain.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXV How Sir Tristram and Sir Palomides met Breuse Saunce Pit, and how Sir Tristram and La Beale Isoud went unto Lonazep.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXVI How Sir Palomides jousted with Sir Galihodin, and after with Sir Gawaine, and smote them down.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXVII How Sir Tristram and his fellowship came into the tournament of Lonazep; and of divers jousts and matters.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXVIII How Sir Tristram and his fellowship jousted, and of the noble feats that they did in that tourneying.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXIX How Sir Tristram was unhorsed and smitten down by Sir Launcelot, and after that Sir Tristram smote down King Arthur.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXX How Sir Tristram changed his harness and it was all red, and how he demeaned him, and how Sir Palomides slew Launcelot's horse.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXXI How Sir Launcelot said to Sir Palomides, and how the prize of that day was given unto Sir Palomides.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXXII How Sir Dinadan provoked Sir Tristram to do well.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXXIII How King Arthur and Sir Lancelot came to see La Beale Isoud, and how Palomides smote down King Arthur.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXXIV How the second day Palomides forsook Sir Tristram, and went to the contrary part against him.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXXV How Sir Tristram departed of the field, and awaked Sir Dinadan, and changed his array into black.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXXVI How Sir Palomides changed his shield and his armour for to hurt Sir Tristram, and how Sir Launcelot did to Sir Tristram.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXXVII How Sir Tristram departed with La Beale Isoud, and how Palomides followed and excused him.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXXVIII How King Arthur and Sir Launcelot came unto their pavilions as they sat at supper, and of Sir Palomides.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXXIX How Sir Tristram and Sir Palomides did the next day, and how King Arthur was unhorsed.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXXX How Sir Tristram turned to King Arthur's side, and how Palomides would not.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXXXI How Sir Bleoberis and Sir Ector reported to Queen Guenever of the beauty of La Beale Isoud.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXXXII How Epinogris complained by a well, and how Sir Palomides came and found him, and of their both sorrowing.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXXXIII How Sir Palomides brought Sir Epinogris his lady; and how Sir Palomides and Sir Safere were assailed.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXXXIV How Sir Palomides and Sir Safere conducted Sir Epinogris to his castle, and of other adventures.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXXXV How Sir Tristram made him ready to rescue Sir Palomides, but Sir Launcelot rescued him or he came.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXXXVI How Sir Tristram and Launcelot, with Palomides, came to joyous Gard; and of Palomides and Sir Tristram.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXXXVII How there was a day set between Sir Tristram and Sir Palomides for to fight, and how Sir Tristram was hurt.
BOOK X CHAPTER LXXXVIII How Sir Palomides kept his day to have foughten, but Sir Tristram might not come; and other things.