Sacred Texts
Legends & Sagas
298A: Young Peggy
298A.1 O WHARE hae ye been, Peggy?
O whare hae ye been?
I the garden amang the gilly-flowrs,
Atween twal hours and een.
298A.2 Yeve na been there your leen, Peggy,
Yeve na been there your leen;
Your father saw you in Jamies arms,
Atween twal hours and een.
298A.3 Tho my father saw me in Jamies arms,
Hell see me there again;
For I will sleep in Jamies arms
When his graves growin green.
298A.4 Your Jamie is a rogue, Peggy,
Your Jamie is a loun,
For trysting out our ae dochter,
And her sae very young.
298A.5 Lay no the wyte on Jamie, mither,
The blame a lies on me;
For I will sleep in Jamies arms
When your een winna see.
298A.6 Now she has to her ain bouer gane;
He was waiting there him leen:
Im blythe to see ye, Jamie, here,
For we maunna meet again.
298A.7 Shes tane the wine-glass in her hand,
Pourd out the wine sae clear;
Says, Heres your health and mine, Jamie,
And we maun meet na mair.
298A.8 She has tane him in her arms twa,
And gien him kisses five;
Says, Heres your health and mine, Jamie,
I wish weel mote ye thrive.
298A.9 Your father has a bonnie cock,
Divides the nicht and day,
And at the middle watch o the nicht
In greenwud yell meet me.
298A.10 Whan bells war rung, and mass was sung,
And a men boun for bed,
Shes kilted up her green claithing,
And met Jamie in the wud.
298A.11 Whan bells war rung, and mass was sung,
About the hour o twa,
Its up bespak her auld father,
Says, Peggy is awa!
298A.12 Ga saddle to me the black, the black,
Ga saddle to me the grey;
But ere they wan to the tap o the hill
The wedding was a bye.
Next: 299. Trooper and Maid