Sacred Texts
Legends & Sagas
234A: Charlie MacPherson
234A.1 CHARLIE MACPHERSON, that braw Hieland lad[die],
On Valentines even cam doun to Kinaltie,
Courtit Burd Hellen, baith wakin an sleepin:
Oh, fair fa them has my love in keepin!
234A.2 Charlie MacPherson cam doun the dykeside,
Baith Milton an Muirton an a bein his guide;
Baith Milton an Muirton an auld Water Nairn,
A gaed wi him, for to be his warn.
234A.3 Whan he cam to the hoose o Kinaltie,
Open your yetts, mistress, an lat us come in!
Open your yetts, mistress, an lat us come in!
For heres a commission come frae your gudeson.
234A.4 Madam, says Charlie, whare [i]s your dochter?
Mony time have I come to Kinatie an socht her;
Noo maun she goe wi me mony a mile,
Because Ive brocht mony men frae the West Isle.
234A.5 As for my dochter, she has gane abroad,
Youll no get her for her tocher gude;
Shes on to Whitehouse, to marry auld Gairn:
Oh, fair fa them that wait on my bairn!
234A.6 Charlie MacPherson gaed up the dykeside,
Baith Muirtoun an Milton an a bein his guide;
Baith Muirton an Milton an auld Water Nairn,
A gaed wi him, for to be his warn.
234A.7 Whan he cam to the hoose in Braemar,
Sae weel as he kent that his Nellie was there!
An Nellie was sittin upon the bed-side,
An every one there was caing her, bride.
234A.8 The canles gaed oot, they waurna weel licht,
Swords an spears they glancet fou bright;
Sae laith as she was her true-love to beguile,
Because he brocht mony men frae the West Isle.
* * * * *
234B: Charlie MacPherson
234B.1 CHARLIE MRRrrPHERSON, that brisk Highland laddie,
At Valentine even he came to Kinadie:
234B.2 To court her Burd Helen, baith waking and sleeping;
Joy be wi them that has her a keeping!
234B.3 Auldtown and Muirtown, likewise Billy Beg,
All gaed wi Charlie, for to be his guide.
234B.4 Jamie MRobbie, likewise Wattie Nairn,
All gaed wi Charlie, for to be his warran.
234B.5 When they came to Kinadie, they knockd at the door;
When nae ane woud answer, they gaed a loud roar.
234B.6 Yell open the door, mistress, and lat us come in;
For tidings weve brought frae your appearant guid-son.
234B.7 For to defend them, she was not able;
They bangd up the stair, sat down at the table.
234B.8 Yell eat and drink, gentlemen, and eat at your leisure;
Nae things disturb you, take whats your pleasure.
234B.9 O madam, said he, Im come for your daughter;
Lang hae I come to Kinadie and there sought her.
234B.10 Now shes gae wi me for mony a mile,
Before that I return unto the West Isle.
234B.11 My daughters not at home, she is gone abroad;
Ye darena now steal her, her tocher is guid.
234B.12 My daughters in Whitehouse, wi Mistress Dalgairn;
Joy be wi them that waits on my bairn!
234B.13 The swords an the targe that hang about Charlie,
They had sic a glitter, and set him sae rarelie!
234B.14 They had sic a glitter, and kiest sic a glamour,
They showed mair light than they had in the chamour.
234B.15 To Whitehouse he went, and when he came there
Right sair was his heart when he went up the stair.
234B.16 Burd Helen was sitting by Thomas bed-side,
And all in the house were addressing her, bride.
234B.17 O farewell now, Helen, Ill bid you adieu;
Is this a the comfort Im getting frae you?
234B.18 It was never my intention ye shoud be the waur;
My heavy heart light on Whitehouse o Cromar!
234B.19 For you I hae travelled full mony lang mile,
Awa to Kinadie, far frae the West Isle.
234B.20 But now ye are married, and I am the waur;
My heavy heart light on Whitehouse o Cromar!
Next: 235. The Earl of Aboyne