Sacred Texts
Legends & Sagas
227A: Bonny Lizie Baillie
227A.1 It fell about the Lambmass tide,
When the leaves were fresh and green,
Lizie Bailie is to Gartartain [gane],
To see her sister Jean.
227A.2 She had not been in Gartartain
Even but a little while
Till luck and fortune happend her,
And she went to the Isle.
227A.3 And when she went into the Isle
She met with Duncan Grahame;
So bravely as he courted her!
And he convoyd her hame.
227A.4 My bonny Lizie Bailie,
Ill row thee in my pladie,
If thou will go along with me
And be my Highland lady.
227A.5 If I would go along with thee,
I think I were not wise;
For I cannot milk cow nor ewe,
Nor yet can I speak Erse.
227A.6 Hold thy tongue, bonny Lizie Bailie,
And hold thy tongue, said he;
For any thing that thou does lack,
My dear, Ill learn thee.
227A.7 She would not have a Lowland laird,
He wears the high-heeld shoes;
She will marry Duncan Grahame,
For Duncan wears his trews.
227A.8 She would not have a gentleman,
A farmer in Kilsyth,
But she would have the Highland man,
He lives into Monteith.
227A.9 She would not have the Lowland man,
Nor yet the English laddie,
But she would have the Highland man,
To row her in his pladie.
227A.10 He took her by the milk-white hand,
And he convoyed her hame,
And still she thought, both night and day,
On bonny Duncan Grahame.
227A.11 O bonny Duncan Grahame,
Why should ye me miscarry?
For, if you have a love for me,
Well meet a[t] Castle Carry.
227A.12 As I came in by Dennie bridge,
And by the holland-bush,
My mother took from me my cloaths,
My rings, ay and my purse.
227A.13 Hold your tongue, my mother dear,
For that I do not care;
For I will go with Duncan Grahame
Tho I should ner get mair.
227A.14 For first when I met Duncan Grahame
I met with meikle joy,
And many pretty Highland men
Was there at my convoy.
227A.15 And now he is gone through the muir,
And she is through the glen:
O bonny Lizie Bailie,
When will we meet again!
227A.17 Shame light on these logerheads
That lives in Castle Carry,
That let away the bonny lass
The Highland man to marry!
227A.16 O bonny Lizie, stay at home!
Thy mother cannot want thee;
For any thing that thou does lack,
My dear, Ill cause get thee.
227A.18 I would not give my Duncan Grahame
For all my fathers land,
Although he had three lairdships more,
And all at my command.
227A.19 And shes cast off her silken gowns,
That she weard in the Lowland,
And shes up to the Highland hills,
To wear [the] gowns of tartain.
227A.20 And shes cast off her high-heeld shoes,
Was made of the gilded leather,
And shes up to Gillecrankie,
To go among the heather.
227A.21 And shes cast off her high-heeld shoes,
And put on a pair of laigh ones,
And shes away with Duncan Grahame,
To go among the brachans.
227A.22 O my bonny Lizie Bailie,
Thy mother cannot want thee;
And if thou go with Duncan Grahame
Thoull be a Gilliecrankie.
227A.23 Hold your tongue, my mother dear,
And folly let thee be;
Should I not fancie Duncan Grahame
When Duncan fancies me?
227A.24 Hold your tongue, my father dear,
And folly let thee be;
For I will go with Duncan Grahame
Fore all the men I see.
227A.25 Who is it thats done this turn?
Who has done this deed?
A minister its, father, she says,
Lives at the Rughburn bridge.
227A.26 A minister, daughter? he says,
A minister for mister!
O hold your tongue, my father dear,
He married first my sister.
227A.27 O fare you well, my daughter dear,
So dearly as I lovd thee!
Since thou wilt go to Duncan Grahame,
My bonny Lizie Bailie.
227A.28 O fare you well, my father dear,
Also my sister Betty;
O fare you well, my mother dear,
I leave you all compleatly.
Next: 228. Glasgow Peggie