8. THEIR Weapons are mot what olid earthly Bodies, nothing of Iron, but much of Stone, like to yellow oft Flint Spa, haped like a barbed Arrow-head, but flung like a Dairt, with great Force. Thee Armes (cut by Airt and Tools it eems beyond humane) have omething of the Nature of Thunderbolt ubtilty, and mortally wounding the vital Parts without breaking the Skin; of which Wounds I have oberved in
[paragraph continues] Beats, and felt them with my Hands. They are not as infallible Benjamites, hitting at a Hair's-breadth; nor are they wholly unvanquihable, at leat in Appearance.
THE MEN of that SECOND SIGHT do not dicover trange Things when aked, but at Fits and Raptures, as if inpyred with ome Genius at that Intant, which before did lurk in or about them. Thus I have frequently poke to one of them, who in his Tranport told he cut the Bodie of one of thoe People in two with his Iron Weapon, and o ecaped this Onet, yet he aw nothing left behind of that appearing divyded; at other Times he out wreted [wretled?] ome of them. His Neibours often perceaved this Man to diappear at a certane Place, and about one Hour after to become viible, and dicover him elfe near a Bow-hot from the firt Place. It was in that Place where he became inviible, aid he, that the Subterraneans did encounter and combate with him. Thoe who are uneened or unanctified (called Fey) are aid to be pierced or wounded with thoe People's Weapons, which makes them do
omewhat verie unlike their former Practice, cauing a sudden Alteration, yet the Caue thereof unperceavable at preent; nor have they Power (either they cannot make ue of their natural Powers, or ak't not the heavenly Aid,) to ecape the Blow impendent. A Man of the Second Sight perceaved a Peron standing by him (found to others view) wholly gored in Blood, and he (amazed-like) bid him intantly flee. The whole Man laught at his Airt and Warning, ince there was no appearance of Danger. He had carce contracted his Lips from Laughter, when unexpectedly his Enemy leapt in at his Side, and tab'd him with their Weapons. They alo pierce Cows or other Animals, uewally aid to be Elf-hot, whoe puret Subtance (if they die) thee Subterraneans take to live on, viz. the aereal and ætherial Parts, the mot pirituous Matter for prolonging of Life, uch as Aquavitæ (moderately taken) is among Liquors, leaving the terretrial behind. The Cure of uch Hurts is, only for a Man to find out the Hole with his Finger; as if the Spirits flowing from a Man's
warme Hand were Antidote ufficient againt their poyon'd Dairts.