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Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Car

Verse Early Saxon

þis ærendgewrit      Agustinus
ofer sealtne sæ      suðan brohte
iegbuendum,      swa hit ær fore
adihtode      dryhtnes cempa,
Rome papa.      Ryhtspell monig
Gregorius      gleawmod gindwod
ðurh sefan snyttro,      searoðonca hord.
Forðæm he monncynnes      mæst gestriende
rodra wearde,      Romwara betest,
monna modwelegost,      mærðum gefrægost.
Siððan min on englisc      ælfred kyning
awende worda gehwelc,      and me his writerum
sende suð and norð,      heht him swelcra ma
brengan bi ðære bisene,      ðæt he his biscepum
sendan meahte,      forðæm hi his sume ðorfton,
ða ðe lædenspræce      læste cuðon.