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The Meters of Boethius: Meter 5
Verse Indeterminate Saxon
ðu meaht be ðære sunnan sweotole geþencean
and be æghwelcum oðrum steorran
þara þe æfter burgum beorhtost scineð.
Gif him wan fore wolcen hangað,
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ne mægen hi swa leohtne leoman ansendan,
ær se þicca mist þynra weorðe.
Swa oft smylte sæ suðerne wind
græge glashlutre grimme gedrefeð,
þonne hie gemengað micla ysta,
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onhrerað hronmere; hrioh bið þonne
seo þe ær gladu onsiene wæs.
Swa oft æspringe ut awealleð
of clife harum col and hlutor,
and gereclice rihte floweð,
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irneð wið his eardes, oð him on innan felð
muntes mægenstan, and him on middan geligeð,
atrendlod of ðæm torre. He on tu siððan
tosceaden wyrð, scir bið gedrefed,
burna geblonden, broc bið onwended
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of his rihtryne, ryðum toflowen.
Swa nu þa þiostro þinre heortan
willað minre leohtan lare wiðstondan
and ðin modgeþonc miclum gedrefan.
Ac gif ðu nu wilnast, þæt ðu wel mæge,
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þæt soðe leoht sweotole oncnawan,
leohte geleafan, ðu forlætan scealt
idle ofersælða, unnytne gefean.
þu scealt eac yfelne ege an forlætan,
woruldearfoða, ne most ðu wesan for ðæm
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ealles to ormod, ne ðu ðe æfre ne læt
wlenca gewæcan, þe læs þu weorðe for him
mid ofermettum eft gescended,
and to up ahafen for orsorgum
woruldgesælðum, ne eft to waclice
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geortreowe æniges godes,
þonne þe for worulde wiðerwearda mæsð
þinga þreage and þu ðe selfum
swiðost onsitte. Forðæm simle bið
se modsefa miclum gebunden
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mid gedrefnesse, gif hine dreccean mot
þissa yfla hwæðer, innan swencan.
Forðæm þa twegen tregan teoð tosomne
wið þæt mod foran mistes dwoleman,
þæt hit seo ece ne mot innan geondscinan
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sunne for ðæm sweartum mistum, ærðæm hi geswiðrad weorðen.