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The Paris Psalter: Psalm 78
Verse Indeterminate Saxon
Comon on ðin yrfe, ece drihten,
fremde þeode, þa þin fæle hus,
ealh haligne yfele gewemdan.
Settan Hierusalem samod anlicast
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swa in æppelbearu ane cytan;
swylce hi setton swylt þinum esnum,
sealdon flæsc heora fuglum to mose,
haligra lic hundum and deorum.
Hi þara bearna blod on byrig leton
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swa man gute wæter ymb Hierusalem;
blodige lagan, nahtan byrgendas.
We synd gewordene wera cneorissum
eallum edwitstæf ymbsittendum,
þe us ahwær neah nu ða syndon.
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Hu wilt þu, wuldres god, wrað yrre þin
on ende fram us æfre oncyrran?
Is nu onbærned biter þin yrre
on ðinum folce fyre hatre.
Ageot yrre þin on þæt rice
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and on cneowmagas þe ne cunnan ðe,
ne naman þinne neode cigeað.
Forþon hi Iacob geara ætan,
and his wicstede westan gelome.
Ne gemune þu to oft, mihta wealdend,
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ealdra unrihta þe we oft fremedon,
ac we hraðe begytan hyldo ðine,
forþon we ðearfende þearle syndon.
Gefultuma us, frea ælmihtig,
and alys us, lifigende god;
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weorð urum synnum sefte and milde
for naman þinum neode and aare.
þy læs æfre cweðan oðre þeoda,
hæðene herigeas, "Hwær com eower halig god?"
and us þæt on eagum oftust worpen,
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þær manna wese mæst ætgædere.
Wrec agen blod esna þinra,
þæt wæs sarlice agoten, þær þu gesawe to;
geonge for ðe gnornendra care
þara þe on feterum fæste wæran.
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æfter ðines earmes æðelum mægene
gegang þa deaða bearn þe hi demað nu.
Gyld nu gramhydigum, swa hi geearnedan,
on sceat hiora seofonfealde wrace,
forþon hi edwit on þe ealle hæfdon.
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We þin folc wærun and fæle sceap
eowdes þines; we ðe andettað,
and þe to worulde wuldur sæcgeað
and þe on worulda woruld wordum heriað.