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The Paris Psalter: Psalm 119

Verse Indeterminate Saxon

Ic me to drihtne      deorum cleopode,
þonne me costunga      cnysdon geneahhe,
and he me gehyrde      holde mode.
Alys mine sawle,      lifes drihten,
of þam welerum      þe wom cweðen,
and from þære tungan      þe teosu wylle.
Hwæt bið þe ealles seald      oþþe eced swa
from þære inwitfullan      yflan tungan?
Strele beoð scearpe,      strange and mihtige,
syððan of gledon wesað      gearwe ahyrde.
Wa me þære wyrde,      þæt min wynn alæg
and min bigengea gewat      bryce on feorweg;
sceal ic eard niman,      swa me eðe nis,
mid Cedaringum;      nis min cyð þær,
þe mine sawle      swiðe beeode.
Mid þam þe hi sibbe      swyþost feodan,
ic sibbe mid him      soðe hæfde;
þonne ic him spedlice to      spræce and hi lærde,
ðonne me earwunga      ealle onfuhtan.