Sacred Texts
Legends and Sagas
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Riddle 15
Verse Indeterminate Saxon
Hals is min hwit ond heafod fealo,
sidan swa some. Swift ic eom on feþe,
beadowæpen bere. Me on bæce standað
her swylce swe on hleorum. Hlifiað tu
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earan ofer eagum. Ordum ic steppe
in grene græs. Me bið gyrn witod,
gif mec onhæle an onfindeð
wælgrim wiga, þær ic wic buge,
bold mid bearnum, ond ic bide þær
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mid geoguðcnosle, hwonne gæst cume
to durum minum, him biþ deað witod.
Forþon ic sceal of eðle eaforan mine
forhtmod fergan, fleame nergan,
gif he me æfterweard ealles weorþeð;
- 15
hine berað breost. Ic his bidan ne dear,
reþes on geruman, (nele þæt ræd teale),
ac ic sceal fromlice feþemundum
þurh steapne beorg stræte wyrcan.
Eaþe ic mæg freora feorh genergan,
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gif ic mægburge mot mine gelædan
on degolne weg þurh dune þyrel
swæse ond gesibbe; ic me siþþan ne þearf
wælhwelpes wig wiht onsittan.
Gif se niðsceaþa nearwe stige
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me on swaþe seceþ, ne tosæleþ him
on þam gegnpaþe guþgemotes,
siþþan ic þurh hylles hrof geræce,
ond þurh hest hrino hildepilum
laðgewinnum, þam þe ic longe fleah.