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The people lived together in Frijoles Canyon. They used to dance every night. Two of the koshare were playing; they were on the house roofs, and they were playing at throwing a little baby from one to the other. The baby slipped from the hands of the koshare who was "throwing" him, and fell to the ground and was killed. Then both of the koshare jumped down after the baby, and they were all killed. The people decided to leave that place.

They came to the mesa of the Stone Lions. They remained there four days and. danced the Red Tse'atcuwa. From there they came on and stopped at Nokahe'a. They remained there four days and danced the Black Tseatcuwa. From there they came on and stopped at Red Paint Mountain. They remained there four days and danced the Red Tse'atcuwa. From there they came on and stopped at Rabbit's Place (Lakia). They remained there four days and danced the Black Tseatcuwa. They came on and stopped at Water Dripping Place (StÄ­rshtÄ­kana). There the koshare danced by themselves. The footprints of the people and their turkeys are there yet. They came on and came to Cochiti mesa, and they danced all their dances. They lived there.


15:19a Informant 3. Notes, p. 208.

Next: The Punishment of the Snake Society