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Gut sî'+lgadaga'ñ xA'nhao kî'ga kuqêda's at (a) lA
Each other | right | after | even | names | aristocratic | with | he (baby)
    kia'gañao gûdâ'gû.
    call it sitting | thought he would.
KîlsLa'-i kugwê'dalañ 3 sûwa'ñ.
Chief | while walking hither | he said.
Â'yaña kî'nget gô'ñga liñga'n.
Be careful | chief's | father | is going to be!
Dî'nAñ ayâ'ña q!o'ldjat xâ'tga lîñgA'n dîna'ñ.
My child | be careful, | chief-woman | father | is going to be my child.

p. 46

He thinks he would use high-sounding names, one after the other, (to the others of his own family.) 1
He says the chief comes walking.
Be careful of the future chief's father!
Be careful of my child, the future chief-woman's father!


45:3 Kugwê'dalañ ("while walking hither") is a low-class word referring to the chief himself.

Next: 69.