Giä'Lû Xâ'na qâ'li, giä'lû Xâ'na qâ'li,
At the time | Skidegate | Inlet, | at the time | Skidegate | Inlet,
DA'ñliai dâ L!da'ogo-ulaiya,
To swell up | you | burst (on that day),
Sgalê îstâ'ûli kî'lsLa-i (four times).
Secret Society | having one day [or morning], | chief.
Ga-i lA î'stâ-ûl kî'lsLa-i (four times).
That | do one day (again), | chief.
Ga'odjaos ga'-ila îstâ'ûl kî'lsLa-i.
Drum (town) | at that place | do it some day, | chief.
Skidegate Inlet, Skidegate Inlet.
When you burst with swelling,
You had the Secret Society perform one day, chief.
Do it again, chief!
Do it one day at Drum Town, chief! 2
21:1 The oldest of the set.
21:2 Once when there was a great famine in Skidegate Inlet, the chief of Drum Town had enough property to hold a potlatch and save every one from starvation.