(In Tsimshian.)
Nô'+ gunatô+ na+ gunatô+ (six times)
Wa+ gîtcî 2 q!ayAm gwa'tAksta nalnîgAn ahô'yûda
down river (?) | near | cry (?)
wâlsî'mgîgyêt 3 dAmgî+ 4 q!adô+
noble men
No+ gûnatô'+ na+ gûnatô'+, no+ gûnatô'+ na+ gûnatô'+.
18:1 This and the following song are unintelligible, although a number of words may be recognized.
18:2 Perhaps gîsi ("down river").
18:3 The translation of this word applies only to the latter part of the word, excluding the first three letters.
18:4 DAm indicates future.