WAgaña'ñ gê'il+dia+ñ,
Like it | it has become,
WAgaña'ñ gê'il+dia+ñ,
Like it | it has become,
Gadô'+ GalgA'lda-kun gadô' daLgî'sLdiañ.
Around | GalgA'lda point | around | lots of canoes are coming.
WAgaña'ñ gê'il+dia+ñ,
Like it | it has become,
WAgaña'ñ gê'il+dia+ñ,
Like it | it has become.
Now it has come to pass,
Now it has come to pass.
Plenty of canoes are coming around Point GalgA'lda 1 (to potlatches).
Now it has come to pass,
Now it has come to pass.
10:1 A point of land southwest of Skedans village.