Abortion, 30; 30 (footnote)
Air regulator, 67
Allegany, 5, 6, 7, 15
Allegany Seneca, 15
Alphabet, 139
Anecdotes of Cornplanter, 136
Animal totem, 39; societies, 39; 40 (footnote), 113; ordered disbanded, 114; are ancient, 115; tabued, 115
Authorized teachers, 5
Avon, 9, 78
Bear, great naked, 119
Bear, mammoth, 28
Bear society, 125
Beauchamp, Dr William M., quoted, 127
Beaver, white, a charm, 119
Bible believers, 64
Blacksnake, Owen, 19
Blue panther, 119
Bluesky, William, 8
Boasting, denounced, 37
Buffalo Creek reservation treaty, 7, 64, 78
Buffaloes, sacred, 43
Buffalo society, 125; dance of, plate 17
Bundle, magic, 29
Cattaraugus, 5, 6
Cattaraugus, Seneca, 7, 15
Ceremony of herb gathering, 54
Ceremony, New Year (see Midwinter), 75
Ceremonies, special, 103
Charm, members, 119
Charms, witch, 28; Seneca name, 30; 30 (footnotes); corn, 54; society for, 119; good and evil, 120
Children, punishment of, 33; Handsome Lake's love of, 33 (footnote); treatment of, 34; warnings of, 34; sin of defaming, 35; hospitality toward, 36; destitute, 36
Christ, section 74, 67
Christian Indians, 6, 14
Christian influence, 11
Civil war, 13
Clairvoyant, 49
Cold Spring, 7, 12, 46, 76
Columbus, Christopher, 18
Command to preach, 26
Cooperation, 39
Conservative Indians, ideas, 14
Converts, 6, 7
Corn bug, 119
Cornplanter creek, 20
Cornplanter, Edward, photograph, plate 2, 5, 6, 8; quoted, 13; 132
Cornplanter (see also Gyantwaka or Gaiantwaka), 11
Cornplanter village, 12, 20, 61
Cornplanting thanksgiving, 54
Corn, spirit, 47; medicine, 54; planting of, 54; drawing, plate 12
Customs changed, 56
Customs, mourning, 107
Creator, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27 to 80; controversy with devil, 48
Dances, 39; four sanctioned, 41, 51, 124
Dark dance, 119
Daughter of Handsome Lake, 22
Dead man reviews, 24
Dearborn, General, letter from, 10
Death chant, 21, 126; drawing, plate 18
Death, coming of, a legend, 105
Death feast, 57, 126
Deer, sacred, 43
Devil, 101
Discovery of America, 16
Discussion between good and evil spirits, 48
Diviner, 49
Division of Iroquois, religious, 13, 55, 55 (footnote), 57
Dog, (see White dog), 66
Drunkenness, 9, 10, 20, 45, 54
Dry hand, 119
Eagle, society of, 124
Education, 38
Effects of Handsome Lake's religion, 10, 11; discussion of, 14
Effigies, 131
Elves, 119
Emotion, religious, 6
End of world, 44; signs of, 57; by fire, 59
Evil of drink, 54, 61
Evil spirit (see also Devil), 56, 59, 61
Fairies, 119
False Face company, 127; ceremony, 128
Family life, 32, 33; lack of children 35; meals, 36 picture of, plate 4
Fees for healing, 56
Finger nail parings, 120
Five evils, the, 17, 18
Folk cults, 116; influence, 130
Four messengers, 24, 25, 77
Frauds against Iroquois, 10
Funeral customs, 57, 107; address, 107
Gaenendasaga, 12, 79
Gaiänt'wakâ, 23, 50
Gai'wiio` 5; time of preaching, 6; present form, 7; as a divine message, 26
Gane'onwon ceremony, 95
Ganio`dai'io (see also Handsome Lake), 9, 18, 19; teachings of, 20, 80, 114 (see glossary)
Ga:non'wagês, 12, 78
Gardening, methods, 39 (footnote)
Gibson, Chief John, 6
Glossary of Seneca words 140
God (see Creator, Great Ruler, Good Minded)
Godiont, 41
Good Hunter, 117
Good Minded (see Good Spirit), 15, 31
Good Spirit (also Great Ruler and Good Minded), 15, 16, 19, 21, 105, 135
Grand River, 6, 131
Great Message, 27
Green corn ceremony, 43
Graves at Grand River, Ontario, plate 6
Handsome Lake, teachings of, 5; biography, 9; successful ministry, 10; value of his teaching, 11; revolutionized social life, 1; failures, 11; residence at Tonawanda, 11; ideas from Bible, 11; death, 13, 80; method of thinking, 21; sickness, 21; reviled, 47; influence of, 114
Handsome Lake's teachings, 27, 80, 114
Handsome Lake's monument, plate 9
Handsome Lake preaching, drawing, plate 15
Harrington, M. R., mentioned, 128
Harrison, Gen. William H., 66 (footnote)
Harvest song, 21
Heaven, see Three brothers, 134
Herald of death, 119
Herbs, medicine song of, 55; healing, 56
Honon'diont, 41, 42
Horned serpent, 119
House of Torment (also of punisher), 62; description, 63, 64, 70
Hunters, father and son, 52; murdered, 52
Huron, introduce the I?'dos, 123
Hurricane, spirit, drawing, plate 19
Husk false faces, 129
Idea of soul, 61
I?'dos ceremony, photograph of, plate 21
Indian religious communities, 7
Insanity, 47
Invocation over corn, 54
Iroquois Confederacy, 10
Iroquois disheartened, 10
Jacket, John, 7, 8
Jealousy, results of, 45 (footnote)
Jefferson, President Thomas, mentioned, 10
Journey over sky road, 62
Key to pronunciation, 139
Kittle, Chief Delos, quoted, 127
Lay, Skidmore, ceremony related by, 107
Life of Handsome Lake, 9
Life substance, 65
Little water company, 116
Logan, Chief Frank, 5
Long house, picture, plate 1; at Newtown, plate 3; at Tonawanda, plate 3; at Onondaga, plate 5; at Pine Woods, Cattaraugus, plate 5; Upper Cayuga, Grand River, Ont., plate 6; Seneca, Canada, plate 7; Onondaga, Canada, plate 8; environs of Cayuga, plate 8.
Magic animals, 119
Magic bundles, 29
Marriage, 31, 32
Masks, spirit, 123
Medicine outfit, picture, 118
Midwinter ceremony, 6; sanctioned, 51
Milky Way, 62 (footnote) Moon dance, 103
Morgan, Lewis H., 12; quoted, 113
Morning song, 51
Mourning customs, 57, 107
Murderer discovered, drawing, plate 114
New religion, 5, 13, 115
Newtown, 7
New World, 47
Night song, 116
Obail, Henry, 11, 90 (footnote)
Old people, 35
Oneidas, Canadian, 8; mentioned, 14
One:g'â (rum), 27
Onondaga, 7, 12, 14, 76, 78
Ostówä'go:'wa, 42
Otters, society of, 121; drawing, plate 23
Parker, Gen. Ely S., 12; descendant of prophet, 12
Phonetic system, key to, 139
Pittsburgh, 20
Poison, secret, 29
Poverty, esteemed 15, 63 (footnote)
Progressive Indians, 14
Prophet, given power to see in earth, 49
Punishment for evil, 71, 72, 74
Purification, 77 (footnote)
Pygmy society, 119; opening ceremony, 120,
Recitation, second day, 35; third day, 60
Red jacket (see also Sagoyewatha) accused, 66 (footnote); punishment of, 68 (section 95)
Religion, Indian, 15
Repentance, song of, 29
Reservations, 5, 14
Revival, Indian religious, 6
Rites and ceremonies, notes on, 81
Road, narrow, 74
Road, sky, 62, 69, 70
St Regis, 7, 14
Secret medicine for corn, 54
Secret medicine societies, 113; tabued, 115
Seneca (see also Allegany, Cattaraugus and Tonawanda), 5
Serpent, 11; horned, 119
Sharp legs, 119
Sick man, drawing, plate 11
Sickness of Handsome Lake, 22
Sins, 44
Sisters of Diohe?'kon, 126
Slander, 37
Societies, 40, 40 (footnote), 50, 113, 116, 130
Society of Friends, 10
Social relations of mankind, 36
Song, lost, 5o
Sorrow, 57
Sos'he:owâ, 12, 19
Soson'dowâ (see also Edward Cornplanter), 16
Soul, ideas of, 61
Spirit of the corn, 47; drawing, plate 12
Stevens, Henry, 8
Stinginess, 62
Stone giant mask, 127
Strawberries, feast, 25; medicine, 25
Sun dance, 103
Sun myths, 131
Tää'wônyâs (Awl Breaker), 23
Thanksgiving, 51; song, 84
Three brothers, a legend, 132
Thunder dance, 103
Tobacco, 49
Tonawanda, 11, 12, 47, 68, 76
Tonawanda Seneca, 14
Tonwiisas, drawing of ceremony, plate 10
Tormentor, 48
Translation, 8
Trouble, time of, 20; drawing, plate 10
Tuscarora, 14
Unbelief in Gai'wiio`, 57
Underworld, 43
Wampum, 6, 57
Warren, Pa., 20
War in heaven, 48
Warriors' charm, 10 (footnote)
Washington, George, 66, 137
White dog ceremony, 85; photograph, plate 20
White race, how it came to America, 16; Seneca name for, 3 (footnote), 20; economics of, 38
Whipping of foolish women, 46; drawing, plate 13
Wife, treatment of, 32
Wind spirit, 119; drawing, plate 19
Winter, ceremonies (see Midwinter)
Witchcraft, 27; 27-29 (footnote), 28
Witch doctors, 29 (footnote)
Women's dance, 21; drawing of, plate 16
Women's society, 126
Women's song, 21
Women, wise ways for, 37; foolish, whipped, 46
Wren, exploding, a charm, 119
Wright, Rev. Asher, 7; Mrs Wright, 135