The Talmud, by Joseph Barclay, [1878], at
1. Men should not stand up to pray, except with reverential head. The pious of ancient days used to pause one hour before they began to pray, that they might direct their hearts to God. Though the king salute, one must not respond; and though a serpent wind itself round his heel, one must not pause.
2. Men should mention the heavy rain in praying for the resurrection of the dead; and entreat for rain in the blessing for the year, and "the distinction between the Sabbath and week-day" 1 is to be said in the prayer "who graciously bestows knowledge." 2 R. Akivah said, "the distinction between the Sabbath and week-day is to be said in a fourth prayer by itself." R. Eleazar said, "in the thanksgivings."
3. He who says, "Thy mercies extend to a bird's nest," or, "for goodness be Thy name remembered," or he who says, "we give thanks, we give thanks," 3 is to be silenced. If a man pass up to the ark (where the rolls of the Law are kept) and make a mistake, another must pass up in his stead; nor may he in such a moment refuse. "Where does he begin?" "From the beginning of the prayer in which the other made the mistake."
4. He who passes up to the ark is not to answer "Amen" after the priests, lest his attention be distracted. If no other priest be present but himself, he is not to lift up his hands (to bless the congregation). But if he be confident that he can lift up his hands, and then resume, he is at liberty.
5. If a man pray, and make a mistake, it is a bad sign for him. If he be a representative of a congregation, it is a bad sign for his constituents, for a man's representative is like himself. They say of R. Hanina, son of Dosa, that when he prayed for the sick, he used to say, "this one will live," or "this one will die." The (Sages) said to him, "how do you know?" He said to them, "if my prayer be fluent in my mouth, I know that he is accepted; but if not, I know that he is lost"
55:1 Prayer called "Habdelah."
55:2 Called "Chonen hada’ath."
55:3 As if there were two gods.