Vedic Hymns, Part I (SBE32), by Max Müller, [1891], at
dhan, to shake: dhanayante, I, 88, 3:2; dhanáyanta, they have rushed forth, I, 167, 2.
dhána, treasure: dhánâ, I, 64, 13.
dhána-ark: dhána-arkam, may be dhána-rikam, p. lxxxva.
dhana-sprít, wealth-acquiring: dhana-sprítam, I, 64, 14:1; VIII. 7, 18.
dhánus, bow: from dhan, (66.)
dhánva-arnas: dhánva-arnasah, may be dhánu-arnasah, p. lxxxva.
dhanva-kyút, shaking the sky: dhanva-kyútah, I, 168, 5:2.
dhánvan, bow: dhánvâni, VIII, 20, 12; dhánva, II, 33, 10; (66); (VIII, 20, 4:2.)
dhánvan, desert, dry land: dhánvan kit â´, I, 38, 7; dhánvasu, V, 53, 4:2; dhánvanâ, V, 53, 6.—dhánvâni, the tracts (of the sky), VIII, 20, 4:2
dhárman, power: dhármanâ, I, 134, 5 (bis).
dhav, to run: dhavadhve, V, 60, 3.
dhâ, to place, to bring, to offer, to bestow, to give (c. Loc. and Dat.); pass., to take, to assume; to gain …:
dadhé (vriká-tâti), II, 34, 9:1; dhuh, V, 58, 7:1; dadhanti, VII, 56, 19:2.—dadhidhvé, will you take, I, 38, 1; dadhidhve, you accept, I, 168, 1:2; dádhânâh, X, 121, 7; 8; I, 6, 4; távishîh dhâ, to take strength, (I, 64, 7:3); dadhire (várnam), they have assumed, II, 34, 13; dádhânah, having become, I, 171, 6:3; dadhe mudé, I am made to rejoice, V, 53, 5.—â´ dádhânâh, bringing, I, 165, 12; p. xviii; â´ dádhânâh nâ´ma, assuming a name, VI, 66, 5; gárbham â´ adhât, she conceived the germ, VI, 66, 3; â´-hitâ, piled up, I, 166, 9.—ní dhattá, put down, I, 171, 1; ádhi ní dhehi asmé, bestow on us, I, 43, 7.—samádhatta mâ´m ékam, you left me alone, I, 165, 6:1; p. xvi; sám dadhe, it is held, I, 168, 3; sám vi-dyútâ dádhati, they aim with the lightning, V, 54, 2; sám dadhuh parva-sáh, they have brought together piece by piece, VIII, 7, 22:1.—See dhâ´tri, and dhyâ for dhîmahi.
dhâ´tri, bestowing: dhâ´târah, VIII, 7, 35.
dhânyã: dhânyãm bî´gam, the seed of corn, V, 53, 13.
dhâ´man, abode, law, company: dhâ´ma-bhih, in their own ways, I, 85, 11.—dhâ´mnah (mâ´rutasya), domain, I, 87, 6:3; (daívyasya), host, VII, 58, 1:1.—párasmin dhâ´man ritásya, in the highest place of the law, I, 43, 9:1.—(27; 383 Seq.)
dhârayát-kshiti, supporting the earth: ep. of Aditi, (260.)
dhâ´râ, stream: dhâ´râh, I, 85, 5:[2, 3].
dhârâvará, charged with rain: dhârâvarâ´h, II, 34, 1:1.
dhâv, to run: vi-dhâ´vatah, rushing about, I, 88, 5.
dhiyâ´-vasu, rich in prayers: dhiyâ´-vasuh, I, 64, 15:3.
dhiyâ-sám, engaged in prayer: (166.)
dhî´; prayer: dhíyam, I, 88, 4; II, 34, 6:2; I, 2, 7; dhíyam-dhiyam, prayer after prayer, I, 168, 1; dhiyâ´, I, 166, 13; dhiyâ´ sámī̆, (V, 87, 9:1); (166); dhíyah, I, 134, 2 (bis); dhiyáh, 1, 87, 4; dhîbhíh, V, 52, 14.—itthâ´ dhiyâ´, thus is my thought, V, 61, 15:1; I, 2, 6:2.
dhîtí, brayer: dhîtí-bhih, V, 53, 11.
dhî´ra, wise: dhî´rah, I, 64, 1; VII, 56, 4.
dhúni, roaring: dhúnayah, the roarers (Maruts), I, 64, 5:2; 87, 3; V, 60, 7; VI, 66, 10; X, 78, 3; dhúnînâm, V, 87, 3:3; VIII, 20, 14.—dhúnih, shouting, VII, 56, 8:1.
dhúni-vrata, given to roaring: dhúni-vratam, V, 58, 2; dhúni-vratâya, V, 87, 1.
dhúr, shaft, yoke: dhûh-sú, V, 55, 6; X, 77, 5; dhurí, V, 56, 6 (bis); 58, 7; I, 134, 3 (bis).
dhû, to shake (with two Acc.): dhûnuthá, I, 37, 6; V, 57, 3:1.—ví dhûnutha, V, 54, 12:1.
dhûh-sád, charioteer: dhûh-sádah, II, 34, 4.
dhû´ti, shaker: dhûtayah (Maruts), I, 37, 6; 39, I; 10; V, 54, 4; VII, 58, 4; VIII, 20, 16; (V, 87, 3:3); dhû´tayah, I, 64, 5; 87, 3; 168, 2; V, 61, 14.
dhûrv: dhû´rvane, (48.)
dhri, to hold: dadhire, I, 64, 20; 85, 3; (nâ´mâni), I, 87, 5; dâdhâra, he established, X, 121, 1; dhâráyante vratâ´, they observe their duties, VIII, 94, 2; dhâráyethâm, may you maintain, VI, 74, 1.—ádhi sríyah dadhire, they clothed themselves in beauty, I, 85, 2:2.—ví ánu dhire, they spread out behind, I, 166, 10.—ní dadhré, he holds himself down (Dat.), I, 37, 7:1.
dhrish, to defy: â-dhríshe, I, 39, 4:2; V, 87, 2.—dadhrishvâ´n, daring, I, 165, 10:1.
dhrishatâ´, adv., boldly: I, 167, 9:1.
dhrishat-vín, full of daring: dhrishat-vínah, V, 52, 2:1.
dhrishnú, bold: dhrishnû´, I, 6, 2; dhrishnú, VI, 66, 5; dhrishnúnâ, I, 167, 9; dhrishnavah, V, 52, 14:2; pp. cxxi; cxxiv; dhrishnóh, VII, 56, 8.
dhrishnú-ogas, endowed with fierce force: dhrishnú-ogasah, II, 34, 1.
dhrishnu-yâ´, boldly: V, 52, 1; 2; 4.
dhrishnú-sena, followed by daring armies: dhrishnú-senâh, VI, 66, 6.
dhe, to suck: gaúh dhayati, the cow sends forth her milk, VIII, 94, 1:1.
dhénâ, stream (of milk); du., lips: dhénâ, I, 2, 3:1.
dhenú, milch-cow: dhenúh, II, 34, 8; I, 134, 4:3; dhenúm, II, 34, 6; dhenávah, V, 53, 7; 55, 5; I, 134, 6; dhenûnâ´m, V, 61, 10; dhenú-bhih, II, 34, 5.—dhenú (neut.), VI, 66, 1:1.
dhéshtha, most generous: dhéshthah, I, 170, 5.
dhmâ, to blow: dhámantah, I, 85, 10; II, 34, 1:6.—dhámanti ánu, foam along, VIII, 7, 16.
dhyâ: tásya dhîmahi, that we pray for, VIII, 7, 18.
dhrag, to float: dhrágatah, I, 165, 2.—prá adhragan, they rushed forth, I, 166, 4:2.
dhru: dhruváse, Inf., (I, 87, 6:1.)
dhruvá, firm: dhruvâ´ni, I, 167, 8.
dhruva-kyút, throwing down what is firm: dhruva-kyútah, I, 64, 11; (I, 168, 5:2.)
dhvan, to dun, to din: (I, 64, 5:2.)
Dhvasra: (360); (V, 61, 5:2; 9:1.)