Sacred Texts  Hinduism  Index  Previous 

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[The references in this Index correspond to the numbering of the Sayings in this volume.]

Adam, how to conquer the old, 361.

Adore where others do, 311.

Advice of many, leads to confusion, 146, 148.

Affairs, danger of being absorbed in others', 228.

Agriculturalist and Vishnu, 167.

Ahamkâra, vanity or egoism, 70.

Almighty, the, dwells in every place, 12.

-- visible form of, the materialised manifestation of the formless Brahman, 36.

-- sight of; gives safety, 72.

-- power of; lasting, 73.

-- power of, makes a man incapable of evil, 74.

-- absorbing effect of, 77.

-- arguments cease in presence of, 78.

-- how to reach, 134.

-- man's home at feet of, 175.

Almighty, the, grace of, 190.

-- disperses accumulated ignorance and sin, 191.

-- source of light of the spirit, 224.

-- transmits truth through teachers, 224, 225.

-- image of, reflected, 240.

Alphabet, Bengali, 111.

Âmlâ fruit, world like, 263.

Anger, short-lived in good men, 237.

Ant distinguishes sand from sugar, 112.

Arguna, human being and Divinity, 55.

Aspirant, may live in the world but it should not live in him, 301.

-- like a bird, 294.

-- tears, the strength of, 306.

Avadhûta, twenty-four Gurus, 147.

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Avadhûta and hunter, 280.

-- and fisher, 281.

-- and heron, 282.

-- and kite, 283.

Avatâra or Saviour, messenger of God, 51.

Avatâras, Krishna and Christ as, 52.

-- keep knowledge to themselves, 216.


Baddha, fettered, 137.

Ba-kalamâ (sic), resigning the self to will of Almighty, 343.

Barber and jars of gold, 261.

Bee like a Yogin, 119.

Believer, true, never discouraged, 103.

Bengâli alphabet, 111.

Bhagavân, glory of the, 266.

-- Srî Râmakandra, journey to Ceylon, 203.

-- -- -- recognised by seven sages, 49.

Bhâgavata, scripture, 16.

-- knowledge of, 290.

Bhakta or true lover, 136, 268.

Bigot, like frog in well, 248.

Bigotry, to be eschewed, 247.

Blind men, the, and the elephant, 5.

Body, playground of Deity, 334.

-- transient and unimportant, 390.

-- temple of the soul, J90.

Books, mere reading of, will not make a man religious, 242.

Boori or grand-dame, in hide and seek, 72.

Boy and goat, likeness between, 300.

Brâhmaism and Hinduism, 252, 253.

Brahman (Brahma), fire of, causes mind to perform its functions, 20.

-- God the Absolute and Eternal, 31.

Brahman (Brahma), sometimes with attributes, sometimes without, 35.

-- all-pervading and formless, 36.

-- visible Almighty a manifestation of, 36.

-- Saviours are to Brahma as waves to ocean, 57.

-- Deities, manifestations of, 141.

-- Human soul loses individual existence in ocean of, 208.

-- temptations in path towards, 257.

-- inexpressible, 276.

-- hides behind Mâyâ, 313.

-- sea of, 330.

Brahman and low-caste servant, parable of, 277.

-- and king, story of, 290

-- and Samnyâsin, story of, 342.

Brâhmana and his garden, 144.

Brâhmanical thread, 221.

Bubbles and water are one, 393.

Burdwan, Maharajah of, 141.


Cage, no value when bird has flown, 287.

Calcutta, many roads lead to, 148.

Caste, distinctions of, disregarded by a perfect man, 218, 219, 220, 221.

Cat scratched by Kârtikeya, 222.

Ceylon or Lamkâ, 203.

Chameleon, many colours of, 3.

Chelas (disciples), very rare, 155.

Child, simplicity of, 97, 241.

Children at play, 81.

Christ and Krishna, both Avatâras, 52.

Clay, burnt and soft, 392.

Cloth, doll of, 136.

Conceit of Nârada, 167.

Contemplation, perfection of, 188.

Contentment is happiness, 261.

Costume of devotee, 379.

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Creeds, paths to reach the Almighty, 6.

-- and sects, matter nothing, 200, 388.

Crow, wisest of birds, 166.


Dala, sedges and schism, 105, 275.

Darkness of centuries dispersed at once by light, 191.

Deities, manifestations of Brahman, 141.

-- not to be compared, 141.

-- all to be honoured, 250.

Deity, daily contemplation of, necessary, 82.

Desires of holiness, devotion, and love not to be reckoned among desires, 176.

Devotee, stages in path of devotion, 33.

-- loath to relate experiences, 87.

-- sacrifices life to God, 88.

-- pleasure in meeting a fellow, 91.

-- tears, the strength of, 92.

-- a child of God, 92.

-- retains faith and love, though surrounded by impurities of the world, 95.

-- desires God only, 97.

-- never wearies of praise, 101.

-- inspired by God, 102.

-- heart of, fired by name of God, 124.

-- reminds men of God, 230.

-- progress stopped by desires, 273.

-- costume of, 379.

Devotees, those out of the world are perfect, 319.

Devotion, difficult to practise, 118.

-- many slips in path of, 178.

-- how possible when working for daily bread, 205.

-- keep aloof from scoffers during, 274.

Devotion, continual, necessary to keep up fire of spirituality, 380.

Disciple, must not criticise Guru, 149.

-- faith in power of Guru, 154

-- a good one very rare, 155.

Dispute not, 272.

Divine Glory, effect on man, 179.

-- Mother in every woman, 222, 223.

-- Light falls impartially on all hearts, 239.

-- Illumination, only comes to those who are simple as a child, 241.

-- Communion, incomprehensible to worldly man, 389.

Divinity, manifested in greater degree in those who are honoured, 14.

-- Sacrifice made in Incarnation, 56.

-- weakness of humanity vanishes at increase of, 177, 361.

-- manifests itself after death of Humanity, 183.

-- self merged in, 206.

-- manifests itself when egoism dies away, 353.

Do yourself what you wish others to do, 158.

Dolls, the three, 136.

Doubt is death, 204.

Durgâ, mother of Kârtikeya, 222.

Earnestness, necessary, 145.

Egoism, disappears when knowledge comes, 160.

-- marks of, never eradicated, 162, 163.

-- shuts out God from the heart, 164.

-- death of, gets salvation, 331.

-- drops away and Divinity manifests itself, 353.

Egos, two in man, 161.

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Elephant and blind men, 5.

-- God in the, 15.


Faith, true, ends all quarrel and dispute, 80.

-- weak, easily shaken, 96.

-- achieves miracles, 154, 202, 203, 204.

-- only clue to reach God, 200.

-- he who has, has all, 201.

-- who has not, wants all, 201.

-- is life, 204.

-- be steadfast in, 247, 272.

-- liberty of, 272.

-- should be protected in the beginning, 304.

-- must devote ourselves to single object of, 325.

-- how to attain firm, 333.

-- root of Eternal Bliss, 388.

Faith-healers, 202.

Fault of holy man intensified by surrounding purity, 238.

Fire of Brahman, working of, 20.

-- no definite shape, 322.

Fisherwomen, story of; 174.

Flint, always retains inner fire, 95.

Fly and honey-bee, contrasted, 119.

Fool, puffed up with vanity, 236.

'Forbear' in Bengali, 111.

Free, when shall I be? 206.

Frog in a well, 248.


Gagannâtha, Lord of the Universe, 169.

Ganaka, King, 122, 124.

Garlic, odour of, lasting, 162.

Gîvâtman and Paramâtman, relation between, 278, 393.

Gñâna, knowledge of the Absolute, 332.

Goat, moves after decapitation, 70.

-- story of young, 295.

God, compared with stars by day and by night, 1.

God, worshipped under different names, 2, 4, 9.

-- multiform, 3.

-- appears to us in whatever form we desire to call Him, 4.

-- different ways of worshipping, 7.

-- many aspects of, 8, 10, 309.

-- present even in tiger or wicked man, 13.

-- everything that exists is, 15.

-- to be regarded in same light as

His Scripture and His devotee, 16.

-- impossible to live without, 19.

-- both the snake and the charmer, 2I.

-- both judge and executioner, 21.

-- incites the thief, 22.

-- warns the householder, 22.

-- dwells in the body, yet apart from it, 23.

-- omnipotence of, 24.

-- screened by Mâyâ, 25, 270.

-- like the wishing-tree, 26.

-- with and without form, 28, 32, 33, 322.

-- the Father of the Universe, 31.

-- the Absolute and Eternal Brahman, 31.

-- with form is visible, 34.

-- is Intelligence, 37.

-- reached by prayer and penance, 53.

-- divine sages, like kinsmen of, 61.

-- ordinary men the creatures of, 61.

-- separable from Mâyâ, 64.

-- infinite Love of, 75.

-- man in the midst of confusion of argument and reasoning when away from, 78.

-- he who has found Him, is quiet, 79, 86.

-- devotee a child of, 92.

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God, like a hill of sugar, 98.

-- inspires His devotees, 102.

-- will send Master, 145.

-- how to reach, 146, 148, 269, 292.

-- and man, brought together by Guru, 150.

-- Father and Guide of Humanity, 153.

-- he who yearns for, finds, 159.

-- shut out from heart by egoism, 164.

-- nearest and dearest, 169.

-- attracted by violent love, 170.

-- knower of, 171.

-- why trouble Him for what we can do ourselves, 171.

-- only a lover enters into the inner mysteries of, 172.

-- sacrifice all to find, 182.

-- concentration necessary to finding of, 184.

-- how best found, 184, 365.

-- heart must be kept full of love for, 187.

-- all-pervading Spirit, 189.

-- Soul immersed in, 189.

-- resignation to mercy of, 195.

-- only reached by faith, 200.

-- provided for us, before sending us into the world, 205.

-- gives order and inspiration to preacher, 211.

-- in all men, 215.

-- all men not in, 215.

-- all will see, 217.

-- devotee reminds men of, 230.

-- heart pants after, like miser after gold, 264.

-- must be calm in order to see, 203.

-- Omnipresent, 270.

-- how to concentrate the heart on, 285.

-- man cannot live without, 288.

-- source of all holy inspiration, 297.

-- mind fixed on, never soiled, 305.

God, meditate on, in solitude, 307

-- holds us back from temptation, 320.

-- hears footfall of ant, 323.

-- book-learning can give no idea of, 324.

- children of, feel no anxiety, 336.

-- those who depend on, move in harmony with will of, 345.

-- perform worldly duties, holding fast to, 349, 350.

-- how to love, 360.

-- Indivisible Ever-Existing Bliss, 363.

God, attributes of, only realised by communion with Him, 18.

-- -- too vast for man's comprehension, 98.

God, grace of, purifies sin, 197.

-- -- prayers and penances discarded when it descends, 199.

God, greatness of, man too far away to comprehend, 40.

God, knowledge of, like a man, 172.

-- -- and love, ultimately the same, 173.

God, love of, like a woman, 172.

God, name of, merit in, 41, 43, 44.

-- -- ecstasy on hearing, 100.

God, will of, resignation to, 93.

God, worship of, preaching enough, 210.

Godliness, how long it remains in man, 391.

Godly men, inspired by God, 297.

God-men, souls beyond pale of Karman, 142.

God-vision, how attained, 364.

Gold and brass, how distinguished, 245.

-- seven jars of, 261.

Good and bad, sifted by pious men, 112, 113.

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Gopînâtha, beloved, 169.

Grace, divine, changes men, 192.

Grace of God, purifies sin, 197.

-- -- a breeze always blowing, 198.

-- -- prayers and penances discarded, when it descends, 199.

Great, be low and meek if thou wouldst be, 235.

Greed brings woe, 261.

Guhaka Kândâla of Râmâyana, 43.

Guide, one to be chosen, 146, 148.

-- spiritual, more than mere man, 302.

Guru, guide to God, 146.

-- sent by God, 145.

-- necessary, 147.

-- to be implicitly obeyed, 149.

-- not to be criticised, 149, 152.

-- is Mediator, 150.

-- faith in powers of, 154.

-- difference between human and divine, 284.


Habit, power of, 174.

Hanumân, monkey-servant of Bhagavân Srî Râmakandra, 203.

Happiness, divine enjoyment in whatever gives, 227.

-- is contentment, 261.

Hari, personal deity, 31.

-- praise of, efficacious in excluding Satan, 42.

-- 'He who steals our hearts,' 254.

-- mental concentration acquired by chanting name of, 308.

-- efficacy in repeating name of, 355.

-- tears of ecstasy on hearing name of, 357.

Haribala, 'Hari is our strength,' 254.

Heart, full of vanity, prayer has no effect on, 165.

-- power of reading the, 259.

Heart, pants after God like miser after gold, 264.

-- how to concentrate on God, 285.

--must be guarded, 299.

-- easily influenced when young, 335.

-- of man, directed towards God, 340.

-- must not swerve from true path, 341.

-- consumed with worldly things, 392.

Hemp-smoker, no pleasure in smoking alone, 90.

Hero, true, he who attains perfection amid temptations of the world, 375.

Hindu almanacs and rainfall, 242.

Hinduism and Brâhmaism, 252, 253.

Hindus, sects among, 388.

Holy and wise, companionship of, 358.

Homâ, bird, 60.

Honey-bee and fly, contrasted, 119.

Human frailties of teacher, to be disregarded, 151.

Humanity must die before Divinity manifests itself, 183.

Humility, virtue of, 235, 236.

Husbandman and sugar-cane, 273.


Ignorance and knowledge, comprised under ignorance, 332.

-- leads to diversity, 367.

Incarnation, flood of, 53.

Individual existence, lost in ocean of Brahman, 208.

Indra, deity of hand, 144.

Intelligence, God is, 37.

Intolerance to be eschewed, 247.

Iron changed to gold, 73.


Jack-fruit, 329.

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Jesus, inner Soul separate from physical shell, 62.

-- physical pain no effect on, 62.


Kali, temple of, 109.

-- goddess, rite of invoking, 387.

Kalpa-vriksha, wishing-tree, 26.

Karman, heart of God-men beyond pale of, 142.

Kârtikeya, leader of heavenly army, 222.

Kite and fish, 283.

Knowledge, true, causes egoism to disappear, 160.

-- of God, like a man, 172.

-- entry only to outer rooms of God, 172.

-- and love, ultimately the same, 173

-- true, of one universal existence, 219.

-- of True, gained by forgetting worldly knowledge, 241.

-- and ignorance comprised under Nescience, 332.

-- leads to unity, 367.

-- a little makes a noise, 374.

Krishna, life and exploits of, 342.

-- and Christ, both Avatâras, 52.

Kshîra, condensed milk, 317.


Lamkâ, Ceylon, 203.

Lead, dissolved by mercury, 208.

Life sacrificed to God by renunciation, 88.

-- of wise man, a religion acted out, 157.

-- love of, how conquered, 378.

Light disperses darkness of centuries, 191.

-- spiritual, illumines true man, 212.

-- divine, falls impartially on all hearts, 239.

Loadstone rock, 75.

Lord, advent of, preceded by unselfishness, &c., 193.

-- prepares heart to receive Him, 194.

-- unseen until He reveals Him-self, 196.

-- all mercy, 311.

-- of Love, repetition of name of, 354.

Lotus-leaf, like perfect man, 66.

Love, three kinds of, 168.

-- of God, like a woman, 172.

-- and knowledge, ultimately the same, 173.

-- of God, heart must be kept full of, 187.

-- of life, how conquered, 378.

Lover of God, ardent and lukewarm, 170.

Lust and greed, no effect on him who has acquired true knowledge, 180.


Mahâdeva on faith, 388.

Mahâtman and snake, 286.

Malaya breeze, converts trees to sandal-trees, 192.

Man, emancipated, like burnt rope, 68.

-- freed by touch of Almighty, 72.

-- playing in the world like child with doll, 81.

-- truly religious, no difference when alone, 110.

-- two Egos in, 161.

-- knowledge of God like a, 172.

-- his home at feet of Almighty, 175.

-- true, illumined with Spiritual Light, 212, 339.

-- Soul enchained is, 213.

-- of merit, always humble, 236.

-- heated in furnace of persecution, 246.

-- cannot live without God, 288.

-- easily led away, 315.

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Man becomes free when tail of ignorance drops off, 395.

Mantra of Guru to be followed, human frailties disregarded, 151.

Marksman, how trained, 30.

Mâyâ, screens God from human view, 25, 270.

-- ocean of, 45.

-- God intimately connected with, 64.

-- necessary to life, 71.

-- illusion of, 266.

-- worldly man engrossed in, 267.

-- eyes covered with film of, 270.

-- screen of, 271.

-- flies away as soon as found out, 277, 321.

-- limitations of, 278.

-- or Nescience, power of, 312.

-- mask of Brahman, 313.

-- fever of, 314.

Men, three sorts of, 137.

-- God in all, 215.

-- all not in God, 215.

-- two sorts of, 216.

-- without original thoughts, 260.

Mercury dissolves lead, 208.

Mind, concentration of, learnt first by fixing it on forms, then on the formless, 29, 30.

-- evil propensities of, 229.

-- compass-needle of ship of life, 279.

-- difficult to concentrate, 298.

-- fixed on God, never soiled, 30

-- ruled like elephant, 356.

-- invigorated by society of pious, 372, 373.

Miracle-workers, warning against, 257.

Miracles worked by faith, 154, 202, 203, 204.

Mirror, soiled, does not reflect rays of sun, 266.

Money, like water passing under a bridge, 67.

Money, not sole end and aim, 224.

Moon or 'Uncle Moon,' 153.

Moth, having seen light never returns to darkness, 88.

Mother, Deity addressed as, 89.

Mother Divine, worshipped in various forms, 6.

-- -- why invisible, 271.

-- -- protects from temptation, 377.

-- -- prayer to, 382.

Mountains and plains, different view from, 85.

-- under the sea, invisible, 86.

Mukta, released, 137.

Muktapurusha, one who merges himself in the Universal Self, 136.

Mongoose in house, 175.

Mutual love, 168.


Name of God, merit in pronouncing, 41, 43, 44.

Nârada, Divine Sage, 167.

Nârâyana, all water brooded over by, 12.

-- every being is, 17.

Nectar, trough of, makes immortal, 44.

Neophyte, harmed by mixing with the world, 76.

-- spiritual exercises necessary to, 133.

-- worldliness in, 384.

Nescience, or Mâyâ, power of, 312.

-- mask of Brahman, 313.

-- knowledge and ignorance comprised under, 332.

Nitya Siddhas, ever-perfect, 59, 60.


Ocean of Sat-kit-ânanda, 186.

Oyster, pearl, 94.


Pandits, false, like vultures, 140.

Parabrahman, mind turned to-wards, 279.

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Paramâtman and Gîvâtman, relation between, 278, 393.

-- contemplation of, 281.

Paramahamsa, soul and swan, 64.

Parents, guardians, and trustees of children, 351.

Parrot and Divine Name, 115.

Pârvatî or Eternal Bliss, 388.

Pearl, how fashioned, 94.

Pelican, not wetted by water, 69.

Perfect man, in the world but untouched by it, 65, 66, 69.

-- -- freed from egoism, yet alive, 68, 70.

-- -- observes no caste distinctions, 218, 219, 220, 22I.

-- -- reflects image of Almighty, 240.

-- -- influence diffused every-where, 294.

Perfection, state of, 181.

Persecution, a touchstone, 245.

Persevere until help comes, 291.

Personal God, rises from Impersonal, 36.

Philosopher's stone, 73, 74.

Pillow-case, man compared with, 11.

Pious man, sifts good from bad, 112, 113.

-- -- dead even in life, 114.

-- -- only temporarily despondent, 234.

-- -- society of, like rice-water, 369.

-- -- makes wicked righteous, 370.

-- -- drives away lust and greed, 371.

-- -- invigorates mind, 372, 373.

Potter, makes many-shaped vessels out of same clay, 9.

Power, comes to those who think they have it, 202.

Prayer, no effect on heart filled with vanity, 165.

Prayer and penance not necessary to him who has reached God, 82.

-- -- -- discarded when grace of God descends, 199.

Preacher, inspired by God, 211.

-- with undeveloped spirituality, 347.

Preaching, present method of, 209.

-- worthless without inspiration, 211.

Property, division of, 38.

Prophet, why not honoured by his own kinsmen, 231.

-- spirit of, manifests itself at a distance, 232.

-- appreciated at a distance, 232, 233.

Psychic powers, dangerous, 257.

Pupil, the, and the elephant, story of, 15.

Purânas, defiled by constant re-petition, 276.

Pure in heart see God, 266.

Purity precedes advent of the Lord, 193.

-- of holy men, intensifies faults, 238.

-- difficult to keep in the world, 385.

Râma, God, 43.

-- human being and Divinity, 55.

Rank and position, no difference in Divine sight, 85.

Râs-flowers, 295.

Râslîlâ festival, 295.

Reliance, nature of absolute, 344.

Religion, no effect on worldly man, 130.

-- easy to talk, difficult to act, 156, 157.

-- life of wise man, a religion acted out, 157.

-- not learnt from books, 242.

-- every, a way to reach God, 269.

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Religion, rites and ceremonies necessary to growth of, 326.

-- every man should follow his own, 337.

Religions, why they degenerate, 243.

-- respect for other, 251.

-- all paths leading to truth, 251.

Religious preaching, 209.

-- sentiments, not to be talked about, 135.

Reticence very desirable, 135.

Rice-water, dissipates intoxication, 369.

Rites and ceremonies, necessary for growth of religion, 326.

-- -- -- unnecessary to him who has attained highest growth, 327.

Rohitta-fish, 365.

Rope, retains form when burnt, but of no use, 68.


Sâdhakas, few get free, 207.

Sâdhu, the, and the wicked man, 63.

-- makes no distinction between friend and foe, 63.

-- characteristics of, 109.

-- the, and the dog, 109.

-- false, 143.

-- true and false, discovered in persecution, 245.

Sâdhus (saints), dispense heavenly truths, 225.

-- reflect Light Divine, 239.

Sage, recognised alone by sage, 107, 108.

-- in trance, 109.

Sages, Divine, like kinsmen of God, 61.

Saint, vanity of, 318.

Salt, doll of, 136.

Salvation got by death of egoism, 331.

Samâdhi, trance, 108.

-- state of bliss, 185, 186.

Sand and sugar, distinguished by ant, 112.

Sandal, trees changed to, by Malaya breeze, 192.

Samnyâsin, has no home, like a snake, 106.

Satan kept out by praise of Hari, 42.

Sat-kit-ânanda, Ocean of, 186.

-- the Everlasting Intelligent Bliss, 2.

-- various forms, 3.

-- solidified, 36.

-- tree of, 50.

Savasâdhana, rite of invoking goddess Kali, 387.

Saviour, carries thousands across ocean of Mâyâ, 45.

-- saves all, 46, 47, 48, 54.

-- carries multitudes to feet of Almighty, 48.

-- sent to rekindle religion, 51.

Saviours are to Brahman as waves to the sea, 57.

Sects and creeds matter nothing, 200, 388.

-- how created, 275.

-- among Hindus, 388.

Self, universal, 136.

-- merged in Divinity, 206.

-- knowledge of, 221.

Self-reliance, danger of, 93.

Selfish love, lowest kind, 168.

Shepherd women of Vrindâvana, 169.

Siddha, state to which he attains, 58.

-- -- perfect man and well-cooked food, 58.

-- five kinds of, 59.

Siddha-purusha like an archaeologist, 54.

Siddhas, save themselves by pain and penance, 46, 47, 48.

-- spread knowledge, 216.

Sieve, wicked man compared to a, 138.

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Sin, purged by uttering Name of the Almighty, 43.

-- purified by grace of God, 197.

-- never concealed, 265.

Sinner saved by resignation to will of God, 195.

Sitâ, human being and divinity, 55.

Siva and Vishnu, which the greater, 141.

-- soul free from chain, is, 213.

-- and bigoted worshipper, 249.

Snake and Mahâtman, 286.

Snow, 18.

Soul attracted by magnetism of Universal Consciousness, 75.

-- having attained Godhead, uninfluenced by world, 76.

-- immersed in God, 189.

-- loses individual existence in ocean of Brahman, 208.

-- free from chain is Siva, 213.

-- enchained is man, 213.

-- how it stays in body, 293.

-- re-incarnation of, 359.

Spiritual Light illumines true man, 212.

-- progress impossible without discrimination and dispassion, 352.

-- progress, main elements of, 358.

Srî Krishna Râdhâ, human being and divinity, 55.

Stars, invisible by day, 1.

Stone, impervious to water, 96, 126, 136.

-- doll of, 136.

Sugar and sand, distinguished by ant, 112.

Sun, power of, 164.

-- reflected best from polished surfaces, 239, 266.

Svâti, star, 94.

Svâti-rain, 94.

Swan, peculiarity of, 64.


Tadpole, 395.

Tantras, defiled by constant repetition, 276.

Teachers, channel through which light is transmitted, 224.

Tears, strength of a devotee, 92, 306.

-- of repentance and happiness flow from different corners, 256.

Thoughts and words, harmony between, 303.

Tiger, God present in the, 13.

Treacle and candy, difference between, 227.

Truth, uttered by lunatics, drunkards, and children, 39.

-- all religious paths leading to, 251.


Universal Consciousness, magnetism of, 75.

-- Existence, knowledge of, 219.

-- Self, knowledge of, 329.

Unselfish love, highest kind, 168.

Unselfishness precedes advent of the Lord, 193.

Upâdhi, limitations, 278.

Upagurus, many, 147.


Vairâgya, dispassion, 352, 376.

Vagravântula tree, seeds of, 232.

Vanity, death of man, 184.

-- like heap of rubbish, 165.

-- of saint, 318.

Vedas, defiled by constant repetition, 276.

Vishnu or Siva, which the greater, 141.

Viveka, discrimination, 352, 376.

-- fire of, 371.

Vulture, soars high but searches for carrion, 140.


Water, brooded over by Nârâyana. 12.

-- no effect on stone, 96, 126, 136.

-- power of walking on, 258.

-- and bubbles are one, 393.

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Wicked man, like a sieve, 138.

-- -- righteous in society of pious, 370.

Wife and mother, 77.

Wind, carries all scents, 65.

Winnowing basket, 113.

Wishing-tree (Kalpa-vriksha), 26.

Woe, brought by greed, 261.

Woman, every woman the Divine Mother, 222, 223.

-- love of God like a, 172.

Woodcutter and Samnyâsin, story of, 328.

Words and thoughts, harmony between, 303.

World, men who have renounced the, 60.

-- perfect man lives in but does not mix with, 65, 95.

-- no power over perfect man, 69.

-- influence on neophyte and more advanced mind, 76.

-- no attraction for those who have tasted Divine Bliss, 83.

-- false glitter like a trap, 121.

-- easier to enter than renounce, 12I.

-- impossible to attain perfection in, 122.

-- like a stage, 123.

-- irresistible attraction of, 175.

-- cares of, weigh down, 214.

-- like âmlâ fruit, 263.

-- make yourself feared and respected in, 286.

-- aspirant may live in, 301.

-- difference between those who live in and those who renounce, 381.

World, those living in should be on their guard, 383.

-- contamination of, 385.

Worldliness in neophyte, 384.

Worldly bond, few freed from, 207.

Worldly knowledge, to be forgotten, 241.

Worldly man, motive for good deeds, 115, 125.

-- -- like spring cushion, 116.

-- -- religious feeling evanescent in, 116, 117, 119, 296.

-- -- heart of, never roused to enthusiasm, 124.

-- -- uninfluenced by good advice, 126, 127, 128, 130, 131.

-- -- characteristics of, 129.

-- -- full of worldly thoughts, 132.

-- -- unchanged by Divine Grace, 192.

-- -- perfect God shines in partial light on mind of, 267.

-- -- lose purity by mixing with, 305.

-- -- heart filled with worldly thoughts and desires, 368.

-- -- antipathy to all that savours of religion, 348.

-- -- cannot comprehend ecstasy of Divine Communion, 389.

Worship of God, preaching enough, 210.


Yaksha, riches of, 261.

Yoga, difficult to practise, 118.

Yogin, has no home, like a snake, 106.

-- like a bee, 119.

Zemindar, agent of, 370.

Printed at the University Press Oxford by Frederick Hall


189:1 This Index was made for a collection of the Sayings of Ramakrishna which was sent to me in manuscript. When the MS. came to be printed there were several sayings which had been given twice. As these had to be left out when they occurred the second time, it was necessary to assign two numbers to some of the sayings in order not to disturb the figures of the Index.