Seal of the Angels of Power
I, N.N., a servant of God, call upon thee, desire and conjure thee, Spirit Scheol, through the most holy appearance in the flesh of Jesus Christ, by his most holy birth and circumcision, by his sweating of blood in the Garden, by the lashes he bore, by his bitter sufferings and death, by his Resurrection, Ascension and the sending of the Holy Spirit as a comforter, and by the most dreadful words: Dai, Deorum, Ellas, genio Sophiel, Zophiel, Canoei, Elmiach, Richol, Hoamiach, Jerazol, Vohal, Daniel, Hasios, Tomaisch, Sannul, Damamlach, Sanul, Damabiath, and by those words through which thou canst be conquered, that thou appear before me in a beautiful, human form, and fulfil what I desire. (This must be named by the conjuror.)
The most serviceable Angels of Power are the following: Schoel, Hael, Sephiroth, Thamy, Schamayl, Yeehah, Holyl, Yomelo, Hadlam, Mazbaz, Elohaym.
The special secret of this Seal is that if this Seal be laid upon the sick in full, true faith, it will restore him, if he has not lived the full number of his days. Therefore, it is called the Seal of Power.