Figure 30.--The Sixth Pentacle of Mars.--It hath so great virtue that being armed therewith, if thou art attacked by any one, thou shalt neither be injured nor wounded when thou fightest with him, and his own weapons shall turn against him.
Editor's Note.--Around the eight points of the radii of the Pentacle are the words 'Elohim qeber, Elohim hath covered (or protected),' written in the Secret Alphabet of Malachim, or the writing of the Angels. The versicle is from Psalm xxxvii. 15:--'Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bow shall be broken.'
Figure 31.--The Seventh and last Pentacle of Mars.--Write thou this upon virgin parchment or paper with the blood of a bat, in the day and hour of Mars; and uncover it within the Circle, invoking the Demons whose Names are therein written; and thou shalt immediately see hail and tempest.
Editor's Note.--In the centre of the Pentacle are the Divine Names, El and Yiai, which have the same numerical value when written in Hebrew. The Letters in Hebrew, and in the Secret Alphabet called the Celestial, compose the Names of Spirits. Round the Pentacle is:--'He gave them hail for rain, and flaming fire in their land. He smote their vines also, and their fig-trees.'--Psalm cv. 32, 33.
Figure 32.--The First Pentacle of the Sun.--The Countenance of Shaddaï the Almighty, at Whose aspect all creatures obey, and the Angelic Spirits do reverence on bended knees.
Editor's Note.--This singular Pentacle contains the head of the great Angel Methraton or Metatron, the vice-gerent and representative of Shaddaï, who is called the Prince of Countenances, and the right-hand masculine Cherub of the Ark, as Sandalphon is the left and feminine. On
either side is the Name 'El Shaddaï.' Around is written in Latin:'Behold His face and form by Whom all things were made, and Whom all creatures obey.'
Figure 33.--The Second Pentacle of the Sun.--This Pentacle, and the preceding and following, belong to the nature of the Sun. They serve to repress the pride and arrogance of the Solar Spirits, which are altogether proud and arrogant by their nature.
Editor's Note.--Mystical characters of the Sun and the Names of the Angels:--Shemeshiel, Paimoniah, Rekhodiah, and Malkhiel.