FRONTISPIECE--The witch has shot a peasant in the foot with a magic hazel wand. The victim takes off his shoe when he feels his foot beginning to swell. If the peasant yields to the witch the spell will be lifted. (Ulrich Molitor was a medieval demographer.)
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The Angels of the Seven Planets, their Sigils, the Signs and Houses of the Planets, the names of the Seven Heavens, according to the Magical Elements of Peter de Abano, with the names of the Olympic Spirits of the Planets according to the Arbatel of Magic, and the Infernal Sigils of the Evil Planetary Spirits according to the Red Dragon.
The name of Michael, the Angel of the Lord's Day, appears over his Sigil, together with the Astrological Symbol of Sol, the Zodiacal Sign of Leo, which is the House of the Sun, and the name of the Fourth Heaven, Machen. The name of Gabriel, the Angel of Monday, appears over his Sigil, together with the Astrological Symbol of Luna, the Zodiacal Sign of Cancer, which is the House of the Moon, and the name of the First Heaven, Shamain. The name of Samael, the Angel of Tuesday, appears over his Sigil, together with the Astrological Symbol of Mars, the Zodiacal Signs of Aries and Scorpio, which are the Houses of the Planet, and the name of the Fifth Heaven, Machon. The name of Raphael, the Angel of Wednesday, appears over his Sigil, together with the Astrological Symbol of Mercury, the Zodiacal Signs of Gemini and Virgo, which are the Houses of the Planet, and the name of the Second Heaven, Raquie. The name of Sachiel, the Angel of Thursday, appears over his Sigil, together with the Astrological Symbol of Jupiter, the Zodiacal Signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, which are the Houses of the Planet, and the name of the Sixth Heaven, Zebul. The name of Anael, the Angel of Friday, appears over
his Sigil, together with the Astrological Symbol of Venus, the Zodiacal Signs of Taurus and Libra, which are the Houses of the Planet, and the name of the Third Heaven, Sagun. The name of Cassiel, the Angel of Saturday, appears over his Sigil, together with the Astrological Symbol of Saturn, and the Zodiacal Signs of Capricornus and Aquarius, which are the Houses of the Planet.
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Mystic Figures of the Enchiridion.
Figure I., the mystic symbol of the Tau, converted into a monogram which has been supposed to signify the word Taro or Tora. Figure II., the triple Tau. Figure III., an arbitrary figure supposed to represent the fortieth part of the stature of Jesus Christ. Figure IV., the Labarum of Constantine, with the usual inscription, "In this sign thou shalt conquer," and the emblems of the Passion of Christ. Figure V., a double door, connected by a bar, and inscribed with the first seven letters of the Latin alphabet. Figure VI., a composite symbol of unknown meaning. The second circle contains twenty-two letters, which recall the Keys of the Tarot. Figure VII. represents the dimensions of the wound produced by the lance of the Centurion in the side of Jesus Christ. Figure VIII., a two-edged sword, for which various simple meanings may be conjectured. Its inscription has been adopted by alchemists.
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Mystic Figures of the Enchiridion.
Figure I., the reversed form of a well-known occult symbol. The Hebrew words signify Jehovah Elohim, Agla, Elohim Tsabaoth. Figure II., the Labarum of Constantine, another form. Figure III., the inscription on this talisman is unintelligible. Figure IV., the occult symbol of the pentagram, reversed, and therefore the sign of the Demon, according to Éliphas Lévi. Possibly misplaced by the ignorance of the printer, but it occurs in this manner in many books which do not apparently connect with Black Magic. Figure V., a talisman with the monogram of Michael. Figure VI., undescribed, but belonging to a prayer of St. Augustine addressed to the Holy Spirit to receive a revelation. Figure VII., the characters of this talisman would seem to be Hebrew, but are so corrupt that they are unintelligible. Figure VIII., a talisman with the monogram of Gabriel. Figure IX., the talisman and monogram of Michael.
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The Characters of Evil Spirits, from the so-called "Fourth Book" of Cornelius Agrippa, and described as follows in the original.
1. A right line; 2. a crooked line; 3. a reflexed line; 4. a simple figure; 5. penetrate; 6. broken; 7. a right letter; 8. a retrograde letter; 9. an inverted letter; 10. flame; 11. wind; 12. water; 13. a mass; 14. rain;
15. clay; 16. a flying creature; 17. a creeping thing; 18. a serpent; 19. an eye; 20. a hand; 21. a foot; 22. a crown; 23. a crest; 24. horns; 25. a sceptre; 26. a sword; 27. a scourge.
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The Sabbatic Goat, from the Ritual of Transcendental Magic, by Éliphas Lévi, who identifies it with the Baphomet of Mendes, and does not regard it as connected with Black Magic, but as "a pantheistic and magical figure of the absolute."
Page 156
The instruments of Black Magic, from the Grimoire entitled True Black Magic.
Figure I., the knife with the white handle. Figure II., the knife with the black handle. Figure III., the arctrave, or hook. Figure IV., the bolline or sickle. Figure V., the stylet. Figure VI.. the needle. Figure VII., the wand. Figure VIII., the lancet. Figure IX., the staff. Figure X., the sword of the master. Figures XI., XII., XIII., the swords of the assistants.
Page 223
The Magical circle used in Goëtic Theurgy, according to the Lesser Key of Solomon the King, showing the position of the operator, the divine names and symbols to be inscribed within and about the double circle, and the situation of the lights.
The figure and place of the triangle into which the spirit is commanded will be found, with description, in the text, pp. 220-223. The Divine Names differ in some of the manuscripts.
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The Goëtic Circle of Black Evocations and Pacts, according to Éliphas Lévi.
The circle is formed from the skin of the victim, fastened to the ground by four nails taken from the coffin of an executed criminal. The skull is that of a parricide; the horns those of a goat; the male bat opposite the skull must have been drowned in blood; and the black cat, whose head forms the fourth object on the circumference of the circle, must have been fed on human flesh. There is no authority for any of these stipulations. The small circles within the triangle show the place of the operator and his assistants.