The kings of the XVIIIth dynasty reigned about 230 years, i.e., from about B.C. 1580 to 1350; their names are as follows:--
Aahmes 1580, reigned about 22 years.
Amenhetep I, about 1558-7, reigned about 10 years.
Thothmes I, about 1546, reigned about 30 years.
Thothmes II, about 1500, reigned about 3 years.
Hatshepsut, Thothmes III about 1500 to 1447.
Amenhetep II, about 1448, reigned about 26 years.
Thothmes IV, about 1420, reigned about 8 years.
Amenhetep III, about 1412, reigned 36 years.
Amenhetep IV, about 1376, reigned 17 years.
Sakara, Tutankhamen, Ai reigned 8-12 years.
Heremheb, about 1350, reigned 34 years.
Redactors Note: the diacritical marks in the original have been omitted.