He supports the same doctrine by proofs from the gospel.
But perhaps it is a difficulty to you that all this time I am chiefly using the witness of the Apostle Paul alone. He is good enough for me, whom God chose, nor do I blush to call as the witness to my faith, the man whom God willed to be the teacher of the whole world. But to yield to your wishes, as perhaps you fancy that I have no other proofs to use, hear the perfect mystery of man’s salvation and eternal bliss, which Martha proclaims in the gospel. For what does she say? “Of a truth, Lord, I have believed that Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God, who art come into this world.” 2440 Learn the true faith from a woman. Learn the confession of eternal hope. Yet you have a splendid consolation: you need not blush to be taught the mystery of salvation by her, whose testimony God did not refuse to accept.
S. John xi. 27.