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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at

                                 Supradimensionality Part I 
                                      by Fra. Forovius
           The Quest for Unknown ENNEAD:
           Supradimensionality itself cannot be experienced directly; our
           senses are not equipped for it. We are used to aligning our
           consciousness with the three space dimensions, and these proceed
           along the dimension of time.  Whereas we can move freely in  space, we
           experience the dimension of  time as a continuum that  goes inevitably
           in one direction  - from past to future, with  no return. People often
           lay all  their hopes and  theories on  some new, fourth  or fifth,  or
           whatever,  dimension,  when  they  are  confronted  with  supernatural
           phenomena and ask themselves where it all came from. At the very least
           science fiction novels tend to overstress supradimensions; as a source
           of UFOs, for example,  or of inexhaustible energy sources  and similar
           things.  In  this article  I  would  like to  try  out  a little  mind
           experiment with you to see if we might get a feeling for what it could
           be like if a gate opens to other dimensions. Let`s take a look:
           In answering the question  about the meaning of the  word "dimension",
           we  should leave  out all  overburdened explanations,  be it  SciFi or
           traditional mathematics. Mathematics is a perfect symbolic language(!)
           for  the  relationships  of numbers  and  quantities,  as  it is  very
           accurate and gives exact  results where normal language gives  up. But
           not everything is  true that can be proven by  mathematics, it is just
           conclusive. Let`s use our imagination first...
           For the  following we begin at  the simplest point. Try  to experience
           your surroundings as  a one-dimensional  being. You can  use all  your
           senses  as in  hot/cold, hard/soft,  light/dark, silent/loud.  You can
           move only along one  line in one direction - forward. So,  now you are
           sitting in your easy-chair and start to  move as a tiny speck of dust.
           At  first the world is soft and  comfortable; the room`s center gets a
           bit more cool,  although light;  then, at  the wall,  it is  extremely
           hard, dark  and uncomfortable, and so on. For every section of the way
           you  have  gone you  have  a single,  irreversible  impression. Sounds
           familiar doesn`t  it, like we think  of the "eternal flow  of time and
           aeons". But let`s steer clear od speculation that would not be apt for
           a speck of dust.
           Resume: when every section of this way has it`s own distinct
           characteristic (not  affectable by time, because  time doesn`t exist),
           it is inconceivable  for us that in some places other conditions along
           the same length in same sector may exist, just to the right or left of
           the way. Don`t forget - right/left have not been invented yet!
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           Were it able to move left or right, if only slightly, it might be
           able to experience different conditions on the same spot of its
           one-dimensional  axis (on  a border, a  corner, a  different surface).
           But what lies outside its one-dimensional paradigm is unknowable.  The
           model  for this paradigm is, therefore, that along the dimension there
           can only be one condition at one spot.
           Let`s shift now to  a 2-dimensional paradigm. Now the  first dimension
           and the 2nd can  be used, and  the room presents itself  to us like  a
           section  with an  even surface.  Along the  first dimension  there are
           still  the same  conditions as  before, but  to the  side (left/right)
           there are some more.
           The model is changed as follows: along dimension 1 (length) there
           can  be different conditions, but  at different levels  of dimension 2
           (width).  This new being acts in a  more familiar manner as, like maps
           for example, it orients itself according to a horizontal and
           vertical axis.
           You can guess  how the riddle continues.  We learn to move  or grow up
           and  down. Now different conditions  are possible on  the same surface
           coordinates but at different  heights and depths. In the  new paradigm
           there is only one condition at one point in space.
           Finally, we  shift to our normal  paradigm by adding time.  We can now
           observe different conditions at  the same point of space  at different
           times, and can formulate the paradigm as follows: At the same point in
           space only  one object  can exist  at the  same time.  This is  a long
           established model of physics,  matching perfectly our mechanical world
           and our senses.
           In this mental experiment we have learned 2 things:
           1,  Moving along a dimension,  one can recognize  differences. This is
           the characteristic of a dimension, not its definition.
           2, After  each shift to the  next dimension, the model  (dogma) of the
           preceding one is superseded. Generally, the most recent dimension is a
           continuum, ie., a  dimension that goes irreversible  in one direction.
           Our own paradigm model  consists of the (old)  3 space dimension  plus
           the (new)  time as  a  continuum. How  could a  world  look like  that
           contains one dimension more, the  fifth one, called "E" or Ennead  for
           example?  (I  think Ennead  is an  expression  from a  science fiction
           novel,  but the  Ancient Egyptians  had a  similar expression  for the
           place where all possibilities exist that  don`t exist here;  or  where
           all the possibilities manifest that are kept by us from manifesting in
           this world here.)
           You can construct the new model dogma by yourself: at one and the
           same point of space and time there CAN be different conditions
           (objects, colors, temperatures...), but at a different Ennead(!!).
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           BUT: at the same point  of space at the same time and Ennead, there is
           again  only  one  condition  (object  etc.)  possible! This  game  can
           theoretically  be  continued  forever, but  soon  gets  uninteresting,
           because everything becomes far-fetched.
           The step to  the next  dimension implies  several interesting  changes
           - first of all it calls for the parallel existence of different
           things and events, side-by-side and at the same spot of the
           space/time-paradigm. This sounds very much like the sometimes
           incomprehensible reports of mystic experiences, whether from
           contemporary times like the Seth-books, or long ago, like Meister
           Eckhart, Tauler or Seuse. It  is also similar to the picture of  the 4
           worlds of the Kabbala  which exists inside  one another, and it  makes
           certain Egyptian mysteries understandable.
           - it makes a huge number of connections possible that we normally
           would not think of. Numerous events inexplicable by rational
           thinking may have their roots here, because causality is only valid in
           the exact  space/time paradigm  and loses  its ultimate  character the
           moment a new dimension is brought in.
           - most probably, and here all thinking and imagination stops, it
           replaces  the time  continuum with  a ubiquitous time  dimension (like
           length, width and  height in our  paradigm) where  we can move  freely
           forwards and  backwards - but  always at the same  Ennead. Again, this
           dimension shift doesn`t  free us completely, it just  opens a gate and
           makes the next border visible.
           The question about the quality or sense of this new E-dimension
           remains  unanswered. But our familiar dimensions also have no state or
           sense or quality; they just exist and make us  feel that they exist by
           limitations of  our sense of  movement etc. Although  we live in  this
           system, we cannot  give a real definition  of it (should  we really?),
           only some more or  less mathematical explanations. We  just experience
           that  along  a  dimension  something changes.  Dimensions  let  things
           happen. We feel something has changed along a dimension and we measure
           it by looking for  regular changes. We  measure time by observing  the
           regular movements  of the sun and  the earth, but with  no feeling for
           their pure quality.
           Also, a new dimension E would not change our world radically; its
           only effect to our paradigm would be that some additional things
           happened - miraculously side-by-side in time. But as we have no
           sensors for this, it would be totally imperceptible. And should a
           short impression slip  through, it  would be instantly  erased by  our
           mind`s censor. Moreover, if some of us should get to this dimension it
           would  prove  nearly impossible  to explain  it  to others;  having no
           common language, comparisons or symbols for it.
           This mental experiment has done its job, if we have achieved a
           feeling for what supradimensionality could be. Our paradigm is not the
           ultimate possibility, others exist - in between!
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           Other Forms of Existence:
           Anyone used to observing nature from the heart, will have seen
           that it doesn`t like to have  jumps in it; especially when it  is only
           to  be fitted  into an  artificial theoretical  system   of  the human
           brain`s. Therefore, it is  not consequent to assume that  our paradigm
           of a space+time-continuum is  the only valid system. The  motto cannot
           be: "either you are with us in our system, or you are non-existent!"
           - a logical chain that we tend to follow  all too often.  If there are
           more  simple   dimensional  systems,  they  will   surely  have  their
           inhabitants.  However, the  creative amongst  you should  refrain from
           designing flat monsters  for a 2-dimensional  world now. As  explained
           before, this all exists in our world, one in the other!
           Again a  little mental experiment may  show us the  way. Let`s imagine
           the following:
           1, We put away all conditions related to the last dimension, the
           continuum. At  the same  time the  last-but-one dimension becomes  the
           continuum  automatically,  as  explained   before,  because  the  last
           dimension  always  is a  continuum (!!).  It  is interesting  that our
           time-continuum  physically is  related only  to movement,  which means
           that  everything able  to move  freely can experience  time.(As stated
           here, the gift  that our space+time  paradigm gives  to us is  motion.
           Now, in Ancient Egypt, a very important symbol was  the Ankh, meanings
           originally  a sandal`s belt (scientists  say). So, the  meaning of the
           respective  hieroglyph means "TO  WALK". On Egyptian  pictures, when a
           GOD gives life  to a HUMAN  he hands an ANKH  to him, i.e.  giving him
           LIFE = TO WALK = MOVEMENT.)
           So we  ignore everything that has  to do   with motion. And  the space
           becomes continuum.
           2,  We look for forms  of existing lacking  exactly that last paradigm
           element, ie., (in our case) time and movement.
           That means we  are looking for something that fulfills  the picture of
           this reduced paradigm. In our previous example: something that
           doesn`t move, but spreads in space continuously and irreversibly.
           Just let the picture grow before thinking further; that`s it -
           GROWING! Anything that grows steadily and cannot shrink
           We may think of  plants growing, clouds rising, micro-organism,  fungi
           etc. For  example, a tree  starts from  an exact point  in space  (the
           seed)  and spreads evenly according to a distinct blueprint. Its size,
           especially the section rings  of its stem, correlate exactly  with its
           age;  that  means spatial  growing and  age  match exactly.  It cannot
           shrink definitely; it  is able to  drop leaves  or branches, but  they
           soon grow  back to make it fill  the same space occupied  before.  The
           process  of spatial growth is irreversible. A harrowing thought - most
           probably we "grow" through time  in the same manner! Maybe,  even like
           some  herbs or  grass that  die off in  Autumn and  grow again  in the
           Spring - a picturesque allegory of death and rebirth!
           For our next example we again take one dimension less. Now there is no
           free  (active) motion  and no  growth in space.  The continuum  is the
           surface. A  much more  tricky paradigm.  Something existing here  must
           have the tendency  to spread in surface as much  as possible and never
           contract  again deliberately.  Hmmm..  what`s the  biggest surface  on
           earth? Of course, water! Water, as a liquid, can be  formed freely, as
           it has no fixed form and will mould itself to fit any surface.  But it
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           cannot  be  compressed, and  has  the tendency  to fill  a  space from
           beneath with  the maximum of even  surface at the same  time. The gain
           with  this form  of existence is  in the  changeability of  form - its
           flexibility and adaptability. The  picture for this is the  ocean, the
           river, or organisms like lichens which exist in clumps or patches.
           Our  next move is  one more step  towards reduction  of existence. Now
           there  is no area  and no spreading  over a surface.  The continuum is
           dimension  1, the line, and everything else is fixed. In this paradigm
           all solid objects exist. Changes, if  any, are only allowed along  one
           line and  are irreversible as in  falling towards a center  of gravity
           for  example, or rolling down a slope.  This dimension 1 does not have
           to  be a  straight line,  but is  the most efficient  and best  way of
           coming nearer to the center of attraction. Irreversible.
           It`s interesting to see  that we humans still align our orientation in
           space  according to these same systems as described. The vertical line
           is  a  solid object  hanging  down,  the  plumb-rule;  the  horizontal
           surface, the level, is adjusted  by hydrostatic balance (with water!).
           And the  only  independent (ie.,  not geodetic)  system for  measuring
           height is an instrument derived from a barometer (the
           altigraph), which works on the basis of the expansion and reduction of
           a specific gas volume in a sealed shell.
           These thoughts  are certainly a  little bit hard  to chew on,  but I`m
           sure they give enough themes for meditation.
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           Here`s  an example for a  simple meditation; freestyle  of course. Get
           yourself  into  a  trance-journey  somehow.  You  may use  a  shamanic
           technique or jump through a Tattwa sign or whatever you prefer and are
           best used to. Let`s take the  water element for example.  According to
           classical technique,  you imagine  the horizontal  syrinx sign  and go
           through  it (but in silver and not in  green as usual when you want to
           explore the  water world) and become  the water yourself.   Try to let
           the feeling flow  freely. Flow  down, spread, split  into drops  while
           breaking on a stone that lies in the water way; flow down as a torrent
           etc.; trickle to the ground; evaporate  to the sky;  experience  total
           passivity in the  respect of  controlled growth or  active motion.  Be
           totally  passive!  It  is  important  to  collect  oneself  after this
           meditation  and   perform  a  thorough  earthing.   This  exercise  is
           comparatively easy with the water element. It is also possible with  a
           3-dimensional system (plant or  cloud), but more complicated,  or with
           1-dimensional  system (solid object), but the latter takes a long time
           in my experience.
           The purpose of this exercise is to get a feeling for the structure and
           physical  reality of  other dimensional  existence and  their relation
           with other systems, and to comprehend that these need not be projected
           to distant universes,  but really exist in our world  and that we meet
           them every day.
           For people dealing with magic it is of immense value to get the
           right feeling of the existence of one universe in the other, and to be
           able  to shift  from a  low dimensional  system to  a supradimensional
           system and vice versa. This is because we face many phenomena reaching
           into our paradigm from other systems. For  example, severe distortions
           of  reality go  hand-in-hand  with  deep  trance, (lucid)  dreams  and
           precognition. These  all make our  reality and our  normal environment
           appear  more or less different  from normal experience:   for example,
           when  we experience our home in dream  reality or on a mental journey,
           the table in the room isn`t where it normally used to  be or maybe the
           window  is on another wall and  looks into a different landscape etc..
           All this is due to distortions along the 5th dimension  (the Ennead as
           I named it provisionally).
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           Let`s continue our little mental experiment, but this time in the
           forward direction. At first we see no differences, when we go from our
           paradigm to a  4+1 dimensional system. Obviously we  have no sense and
           no feeling for what`s happening when we go beyond our 3+1 (space+time)
           system. So  the new mental experiment leads nowhere.  It`s worth it to
           demonstrate that no practical model comes  from mental speculations in
           this direction. But we can derive a description from our "experiences"
           with  low-dimensional systems.  Keeping the last paradigms in mind and
           adding  a new dimension, the Ennead, we can formulate the new paradigm
           by same method as follows:
           "At the same place in space at the same time there ARE different
           conditions possible at different E-dimensions."
           Exactly  like the  addition of a  "new" time-dimension to  the old 2+1
           (area+space) paradigm makes free movement possible for the first time,
           so also the addition of a new dimension E to our 3+1 paradigm makes it
           possible (at least theoretically) for the following to exist:
           - the one-inside-the-other-existence of different entities and
           - parallel worlds
           - events occurring simultaneously in time
           - time travel (forward and backwards).
           The key  to all this seems  to be the existence  of "parallel worlds",
           and I want to take  a little look into how our ability  to distinguish
           objects function. If different  things exist on the  same spot at  the
           same time this implies that the  same things exist in different worlds
           (systems,  universes etc., it`s  all the  same!). The  explanation for
           this you will find in the section Other Forms of Existence. Things are
           distinguishable for  us by their presence (POSITION in space+time) and
           their QUALITY  (that we  check by our  senses). They are  different if
           they  have different position and/or  quality. Example: sheep  A is as
           dull as sheep B, looks the  same, sounds the same, smells the same.  I
           know  they are  different  as one  stands  beside  the other  (ie.  at
           different positions at the same time). If there are enough sheep  that
           are so  similar and  they  run among  each  other, I  can  distinguish
           nothing. That  is unless I mark  them to make them  look different; or
           one  has changed its appearance, by having been sheared, for instance.
           Then it looks different at a different time,  but still is essentially
           the same. In  all these cases  we orient according to  differences and
           coherence of existence,
           and not very reliably at that.  I want to show with this  shaggy sheep
           tale that  the question  of continuous existence  throughout different
           positions  and  qualities is  not  easily resolved,  and  therefore we
           should  be carefully before we discount all talk of "double existence,
           parallel worlds etc.".
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           Existence is hard to imagine and contradicts with experience and
           commonsense  unless we postulate  the existence of  parallel worlds in
           which all possibilities at least potential exist. But only one
           possibility becomes  reality. By taking  this thought further,  we see
           that  all these parallel worlds contain the possibilities of life, and
           we move  through all  this, making  reality out  of one  of them  - by
           DECISION or free  will, call it  as you like.  A picture that we  also
           find in some of Castaneda`s books.
           The question remains unanswered is:  What makes these parallel  worlds
           manifest  (ie. how  often do  "I" exist)  or just  remain hypothetical
           assumptions. But this is without importance for us at the moment. In a
           simple  and subjective  way, only  that which  we experience  actually
           manifests.  For me  it  appears  dimly that  out  of Ennead  only  the
           parallel worlds  through which we  pass by our  subjective experience,
           our  acting and our reality  become reality and  sharply outlined. All
           else remains dim  and unreal but  may be experienced  by others -  who
           knows? This is  similar to a widespread network of  rails in a railway
           shunting  station, with  numerous railtracks  linked by  switches, but
           only ONE track being used by a train. The switches stand for important
           decisions which open  this or that way. According to  our decisions we
           pass a  track leading more "up" or "down", more "ahead" or "back" (all
           seen from Ennead), or we just shuttle back and forth in the middle. To
           help to understand this we can look at certain games, like chess, that
           show how  the chain of events  is predetermined by  decisions that lie
           far back in  the past. By  playing chess you  can get  an idea of  the
           reality of fate, and that some errors taken in the past can  hardly be
           set right whilst some may  easily be. These causal chains may  be very
           long in any case.
           The previously described Ennead system could work in a similar
           fashion  to this: exactly like  our space+time paradigm  enables us to
           move,  so the jump into the space/time+ennead paradigm opens the gates
           to potentiality  and its  network of connections.  Although we  cannot
           take part  in this because of  our limited senses, and  we cannot jump
           into the next dimension and its  adherent paradigm, we can take a peek
           behind  the  curtain and  at  least  get a  feeling  for  the kind  of
           interference  therein. It  may  open a  new  view on  things  hitherto
           believed  to be inevitable:  the passing of time,  all our actions and
           interactions, and  on fate  itself. Are  we just  "programmed" towards
           another  target or direction, that  can only be  seen from above, from
           Ennead, from  the next  dimension? Do  we "move"  in  Ennead with  our
           decisions (and  this implies things like  character, mental attitudes,
           views and opinions, by which we decide on this or that way)?
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           However, for a  being fixed and rooted  in his/its paradigm, there  is
           not  much difference how  it decides. A  root or a  branch can grow in
           this  or that way, and reacts to  certain stimuli like light or water,
           but remains fixed and not suited for free movement. The more simple an
           animal is organized, the more unidirectional its reactions are:
           "lurk  - snap - gorge"  and suchlike. The  (occasionally) more complex
           motivations of  men lead me conclude  that we may be  on the threshold
           before   the  door  to  the  next  paradigm.  (Similar  to  plant-like
           organisms,  corals for example, that  are fixed to  the ground but can
           push out and pull in their tentacles... Hagazussa already?).
           We can "move" in this way - and this is certainly the most noble
           expression of  "do what thou  wilt" and Thelema  - by  influencing our
           position  in  Ennead consciously  and  constantly,  and without  mercy
           giving our decisions a  certain orientation and thereby  "moving" with
           this  through  Ennead  and  the  parallel  worlds.  (If  our  personal
           "thelema" was not a nonsense ie. Choronzon.) I`m sure many of you have
           experienced that  after somebody changed their  attitude and opinions,
           sometimes their  environment also  begins to  change, but  without any
           causal  reasons! Just the right people appear; some lucky (or unlucky)
           opportunities  open up; old friends  seem to withdraw  and appear more
           and more  strange... Maybe a  new parallel  world has opened,  and you
           move in? But besides these speculations and as a last consequence this
           means we bring  all that we face  by our own  decisions, and we  blame
           nobody else  but our own  good selves for  "all the bad luck  and hard
           days we  suffer from". On  the other  hand we are  not responsible  to
           anything/anybody/anygod for all the shit we are in... its our own hard
           way! All that has to do  with character building starts here. Here and
           now and in our own earthbound and mortal life and in our own paradigm,
           we have the  chance to move  in a certain  direction, perhaps "up"  or
           "down"  or maybe  recognized only  from aside/above/from  Ennead. Even
           from the next paradigm maybe. But
           we have the chance NOW. Possibilities are numerous. Let`s use them for
           maximum experience.
                          Last amended June 11, 1989  --  Page NEXTRECORD 

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