[Numbers enclosed within parenthesis belong to the last group and are not strictly Jamaica folk riddles]
Ackee, 46, 68, 121, 174.
Andrew, 206.
Annata, 45.
Anne, (205), (209).
Ants, 192.
Ants' nest, 81.
Ashes, 98.
Axe, 100.
Bag, 27.
Baking-pan, 125, 171.
Bald head, (2,96).
Bamboo, 109
Bammie, 122, 125, 171.
Banana leaf, 20, 113.
Banana shoot, 114.
Bananas, bunch of, 13.
Baptism, (264).
Bed, (240).
Bird, 128.
Birth, 9, 88, 180.
Blacking, 196.
Boot, 151, 170, 183,
Bottle, 96, 133, 187.
Bottle of ale, 148
Bottle and cork, 37.
Bottles packed in straw, 49.
Bridge, (260).
Broom, 191, 197.
Brush, 195, 196.
Butter, 155.
Can, 108.
Candle, (228).
Castor-oil bean, 14, 48, 95, 153.
Cat, 178.
Chickens, 182.
Child, 159.
Clock, 72, 97.
Cloud, 57, 134.
Cloud and stars, 46.
Cocoanut, 63, 83,135, 175, 188, 200.
Coco leaf, 18.
Coffee, 111, 172.
Coffee-pot, 51, 116.
Coffee-pulper, 10.
Cooking-pot,, 42, 50, 110, 123, 124, 130, 139, 161, (229).
Cord, 23.
Cork, and bottle, 37.
Corn, and rat, 177,
Corn-ear, 103.
Corn-grain, 66.
Cow, 181, 184.
Crow, 102, 127.
Daughter, (266).
Debt, 118.
Dew and sweat, 79.
Dog, 8, (202).
Dog-flea, 30.
Duckanoo, (236).
Ear, 60.
Ear of corn, 103.
Earth, 134.
Earthquake, 82.
Egg, 25, 26, 70, 86, (230), (237), (244), (265).
Equal, (255).
Eve, (238).
Eye, 17, 168.
Eye-lashes, 168.
Feather, 127, 128.
Fingers, 16, 80.
Fingers catching lice, 67.
Finger-nail, 163.
{p. 220}
Fire, 39, 65, 98, 123, 124, 125, 141, 171.
Fire-stones, 139.
Flea, 30, 190, (241).
Fly, 129.
Foot, 151.
Frying-pan, 28, 167.
Goat, 199.
Grass-quit, 1.
Grater, 69.
Grave, 22.
Griddle, 122, 125, 171.
Guitar, 137.
Gum, 126.
Gun, 7, 146.
Gungo peas, 43.
Hawk, 119.
Heaven, 134.
Hen, 182.
Hole, 64, 179, (231).
Horse-shoe nail, 90, 179.
Hunger, 117.
Ink on paper, 71, 120.
Jigger, 160.
Jonah and the whale, (239).
Kasava, root, 85.
Key, 189.
Ladder, 99.
Lamb, 201.
Lamp, 166.
Letter M, (254).
Lice, 41, 67.
Lock, 189.
Lot's wife, (263).
Mat, 165.
Match-box and match, 35.
Mile-posts, 94.
Mill-rollers, 138.
Moon, 53, 58, 78, 106, 107, 152, (257).
Nail, finger, 163.
Nail, in a house, 47, 101.
Nail, horse-shoe, 90, 179.
Needles, 52.
Needle and thread, 3, 4, 33, 34, 140, 193, 194.
Newspaper, 144.
Nipples, 180.
Nothing, (267).
Onion, 173.
Orange, 76.
Ox, (246).
Paper, 71, 120.
Parrot, (232).
Peas, Gungo, 43.
Pepper, 131.
Pig, (202), (203), (204).
Pingwing, 19.
Pipe, 5, 73, 142.
Pot, coffee, 51, 116.
Pot, cooking, 42, 50, 110, 123, 124, 130, 139, 161, (229).
Pumpkin-vine, 15, 115, 147, 162.
Purse, 154.
Rainbow, 176.
Rat, and cat, 178.
Rat, and corn, 177.
Riddle, (243).
Ring, 62, 158, (242),
Road, 156, 198.
Roof, 2.
Rooster, 77, 143.
Saddle, 91, (234).
Saw, 157.
Scissors, 12, 38.
Sea, 105, 136.
Secret, (259).
Ship, at sea, 136.
Sieve, 21.
Smoke, 98, 141, 164, 185, 186.
Snail, 36.
Soil, 87.
Spark, 98.
Stars, 54, 55, 56.
Steelyard, 6.
Stockings, 169.
Stove, 11.
Strings, of a guitar, 137.
Stump, 187.
Sugar-cane, 61, 149, 150.
Sun, 104 (245)
Sunshine, (235).
Sweat, and dew, 79.
{p. 221}
Talking-machine, 112.
Teats, 181.
Teeth, 31, 32, 126~
Thunder, 145.
Tin can, 108.
Tobacco, (247).
Toes, 183.
Tongue, 32.
Tooth, 126.
Train, of cars, 89.
Trash, 75.
Tree, 40.
Tree, climbing a, 74, 135, 188.
Trousers, 84.
Tumblers, 29.
Turn-stick, 130, 161.
Umbrella, 59.
Water, (233).
Wheel, buggy, 24, 92, 93.
Wife, 9, 88, 159, (258).
Wife, Lot's, (263).
Witch, 209.
Women, (261).
Woodpecker, 44, 132.
{p. 223}