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Apu Ollantay, by Clements Markham, [1910], at

Scene 6

Great hall in the palace of Tupac Yupanqui.

(The INCA discovered seated on the tiana. To him enter the UILLAC UMA, in full dress.)

  Tupac Yupanqui. I greet thee, great and noble Priest!
Hast thou no news of Rumi-ñaui.
  Uillac Uma. Last night, with guards, I wandered out
On heights towards Uilcañuta.

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Far off I saw a crowd in chains,
No doubt the Anti prisoners,
For they are all defeated quite.
The cacti 1 on the mountains smoke,
E'en now the fortress is in flames.
  Tupac Yupanqui. And Ollantay, is he taken?
Perhaps--I hope his life is saved.
  Uillac Uma. Ollantay was among the flames,
'Tis said that no one has escaped.
  Tupac Yupanqui. The Sun, my Father, is my shield,
I am my father's chosen child.
We must subdue the rebel host,
For that I am appointed here.

(Enter a CHASQUI with a quipu in his hand.)

  The Chasqui. This morning at the dawn of day,
Rumi-ñaui despatched this quipu.
  Tupac Yupanqui (to the Uillac Uma). See what it says.
  Uillac Uma. This knot, coloured burnt ahuarancu,
Tells us that Tampu too is burnt;
This triple knot to which is hung
Another which is quintuple,
In all of quintuples are three,
Denotes that Anti-suyu's thine,
Its ruler prisoner of war.
  Tupac Yupanqui (to the Chasqui). And thou. Where wert thou?
  The Chasqui. Sole King and Lord! Child of the Sun!
I am the first to bring the news,
That thou mayst trample on the foe,
And in thine anger drink their blood.
  Tupac Yupanqui. Did I not reiterate commands

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To spare and not to shed their blood--
Not anger but pity is my rule.
  The Chasqui. O Lord, we have not shed their blood;
They were all captured in the night,
Unable to resist our force.
  Tupac Yupanqui. Recount to me in full detail
The circumstances of the war.

  The Chasqui. For a signal thy warriors wait.
The nights passed at Tinquiqueru, 1
Concealed in the cavern below,
Yanahuara 2 men joining us late.

We waited within the large cave,
Thy men always ready to fight,
Behind foliage well out of sight,
Thy warriors patient and brave.

But for three long days and dark nights,
No food for the zealous and bold;
Feeling hungry, thirsty, and cold,
We waited and watched for the lights. 3

Rumi-ñaui sent orders at length,
When the Raymi 4 they carelessly keep,
And all of them drunk or asleep,
We were then to rush on with our strength.

Word came to surprise our foes,
Rumi-ñaui had opened the gate,
As cautious and silent as fate--
We were masters with none to oppose.

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Those rebels fell into the trap,
The arrows came on them like rain,
Most died in their sleep without pain,
Not knowing their fatal mishap.

Ollantay, still trusting, was ta'en,
The same Urco Huaranca befell;
Hanco Huayllu is captive as well,
We thy rebels in fetters detain.

The Antis by thousands are slain,
A fearful example is made,
They are beaten, crushed, and betrayed,
Their women in sorrow and pain.

  Tupac Yupanqui. As witness of what has occurred,
On Vilcamayu's storied banks,
No doubt thou hast told me the truth.
It was a well designed attack.

(Enter RUMI-ÑAUI followed by several chiefs.)

  Rumi-ñaui. Great Inca, I kneel at thy feet,
This time You will hear my report,
I beseech thee to deign to restore
The trust that I forfeited once.


  Tupac Yupanqui. Rise, great Chief, receive my regard,
I accept thy great service with joy;
Thou didst cast o'er the waters. thy net,
And hast captured a marvellous fish.
  Rumi-ñaui. Our enemies perished in crowds,
Their chiefs were captured and bound,
Overwhelmed by my terrible force,
Like a rook detached from the heights.
  Tupac Yupanqui. Was much blood shed in the assault?

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  Rumi-ñaui. No, Lord, not a drop has been shed,
To thine orders I strictly adhered.
Those Antis were strangled in sleep,
But the fort is entirely razed.
  Tupac Yupanqui. Where are the rebels?
  Rumi-ñaui. They are waiting with agonised fear,
For their fate, to perish by cords.
The people are sending up cries,
Demanding their deaths without fail.
Their women are now in their midst,
The children raise hideous cries;
It is well that thine order should pass
To finish their traitorous lives.
  Tupac Yupanqui. It must be so without any doubt,
That the orphans may not be alone,
Let all perish, not sparing one,
Thus Cuzco recovers her peace,
Let the traitors be brought before me.
In my presence the sentence they'll hear.

(Exit Rumi-ñaui, and re-enter followed by guards in charge of OLLANTAY, URCO HUARANCA, and HANCO HAUYLLU, bound and blindfold, followed by guards with PIQUI CHAQUI bound.)

  Tupac Yupanqui. Take the bands off the eyes of those men.
And now, Ollantay, where art thou?
And where art thou, O Mountain Chief?
Soon thou wilt roll down from the heights.

(To the soldiers who bring in Piqui Chaqui.)

Whom have we here?
  Piqui Chaqui. Many fleas in the Yuncas abound,
And torment the people full sore,
With boiling water they are killed,

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And I, poor flea, 1 must also die.
  Tupac Yupanqui. Tell me, Hanco Huayllu, tell me,
Why art thou Ollantay's man?
Did not my father honour thee?
Did he not grant thy requests?
Did he ever have a secret from thee?
Speak also, you, the other rebels,
Ollantay and the Mountain Chief.
  Ollantay. O father, we have nought to say,
Our crimes are overwhelming us.
  Tupac Yupanqui (to the Uillac Uma). Pronounce
their sentence, great High Priest.
  Uillac Uma. The light that fills me from the Sun
Brings mercy and pardon to my heart.
  Tupac Yupanqui. Now thy sentence, Rumi-ñaui.
  Rumi-ñaui. For crimes enormous such as these
Death should ever be the doom
It is the only way, O King!
To warn all others from such guilt.
To stout tocarpus 2 they should be
Secured and bound with toughest rope,
Then should the warriors freely shoot
Their arrows until death is caused.
  Piqui Chaqui. Must it be that evermore
The Antis must all perish thus?
Alas! then let the branches burn
What pouring out of blood is here. 3
  Rumi-ñaui. Silence, rash man, nor dare to speak,

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(General lamentation outside.)

Having been rolled just like a stone,
My heart has now become a stone. 1
  Tupac Yupanqui. Know that tocarpus are prepared.
Remove those traitors from my sight,
Let them all perish, and at once.
  Rumi-ñaui. Take these three men without delay
To the dreaded execution stakes;
Secure them with unyielding ropes,
And hurl them from the lofty rocks.
  Tupac Yupanqui. Stop! Cast off their bonds.

(The guards unbind them. They all kneel.)

(To Ollantay, kneeling). Rise from thy knees; come to my side.


Now thou hast seen death very near,
You that have shown ingratitude,
Learn how mercy flows from my heart;
I will raise thee higher than before.
Thou wert Chief of Anti-suyu,
Now see how far my love will go;
I make thee Chief in permanence.
Receive this plume 2 as general,
This arrow 2 emblem of command. 3

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  Tupac Yupanqui (to the Uillac Uma). Thou mighty Pontiff of the Sun,
Robe him in the regal dress.
Raise up the others from their knees,
And free them from the doom of death.

(Urco Huaranca, Hanco Huayllu, and Piqui Chaqui rise, the latter looking much relieved. The Uillac Uma places the robe on Ollantay's shoulders.)

  Uillac Uma. Ollantay, learn to recognise
Tupac Yupanqui's generous mind;
From this day forth be thou his friend,
And bless his magnanimity.
This ring contains my potent charm,
For this I place it on thy hand.

(Gives him a ring, or bracelet.)

This mace receive, 'tis from the king,

(Gives him a mace (champi).)

It is his gracious gift to thee.
  Ollantay. With tears I shall nearly consume
That mace thus presented to me;
I am tenfold the great Inca's slave,
In this world no. equal is found,
My heart's fibres his latchets shall be;
From this moment my body and soul
To his service alone shall belong.
  Tupac Yupanqui. Now, Mountain Chief! come near to me,
Ollantay is given the arrow and plume,
Though to me he gave fury and war.
Notwithstanding all that has passed
He continues the Andean chief,
And will lead his rebels to peace;
Thee also I choose for the plume;

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From this day thou art a great chief,
And never forget in thy thoughts,
I saved thee from death and disgrace.
  Urco Huaranca. Great King and most merciful Lord,
But now, expecting my death,
I am ever thy most faithful slave.

(Uillac Uma gives him the plume and arrow.)

  Uillac Uma. O Urco, the Inca has made
A great and a powerful chief,
And grants thee with marvellous grace
The arrow and also the plume.
  Rumi-ñaui. Illustrious King, I venture to ask,
Will Anti-suyu have two chiefs.
  Tupac Yupanqui. There will not be two, O Rumi-ñaui
The Mountain Chief will rule the Antis;
In Cuzco Ollantay will reign--
As Viceroy deputed by me
His duties will call him to act
As ruler throughout the whole realm.
  Ollantay. O King! thou dost raise me too high,
A man without service or claim;
I am thy obedient slave--
Mayst thou live for a thousand years.
  Tupac Yupanqui. The mascapaycha now bring forth,
And to it the llautu attach.
Uillac Uma, adorn him with these,
And proclaim his state to the world.
Yes, Ollantay shall stand in my place,
Raised up like the star of the morn,
For Colla this month I shall start;
All preparations are made.
In Cuzco Ollantay will stay,
My Ranti 1 and Viceroy and friend.

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  Ollantay. I would fain, O magnanimous King,
Follow thee in the Chayanta war;
Thou knowest my love for such work.
Peaceful Cuzco is not to my taste,
I prefer to be thy Cañari1
To march in the van of thy force,
And not to be left in the rear.
  Tupac Yupanqui. Thou shouldst find the wife of thy choice,
And with her reign happily here
In Cuzco; repose without care;
Rest here while I'm absent in war.
  Ollantay. Great King, thy sorrowful slave
Already had chosen a wife.
  Tupac Yupanqui. How is it I know not of this?
It should be reported to me.
I will load her with suitable gifts;
Why was this concealed from my eyes?
  Ollantay. In Cuzco itself disappeared
That sweet and adorable dove;
One day she did rest in my arms,
And the next no more to be seen.
In grief I made search far and near,
Earth seemed to have swallowed her up,
To have buried her far from my sight;
O such, mighty King, is my grief.
  Tupac Yupanqui. Ollantay! afflict not thyself,
For now thou must take up thy place
Without turning thy eyes from thy work.

(To Uillac Uma.)

High priest, obey my command.

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(The Uillac Uma goes to the wings (R.) and addresses the people outside.)

  Uillac Uma. O people, hear what I say:
The Inca, our King and our Lord,
Thus declares his imperial will:
Ollantay shall reign in his place.
  People outside. Ollantay Ranti! Ollantay Ranti!

(Shouts and acclamations.)

  Tupac Yupanqui (to Rumi-ñaui and other chiefs.) You also render him homage.
  Rumi-ñaui. Prince Ollantay! Incap Ranti!
Thy promotion gives me joy.
All the Antis now released,
Return rejoicing to their homes.

(He and all the Chiefs bow to Ollantay.)

  Guards without. You cannot pass. Go back! go back!
  Voice without. Why, is this a festive day?
Let me pass. I must see the king;
I pray you do not stop me,
Do not drive me from the door;
If you stop me I shall die.
Have a care. You will kill me.
  Tupac Yupanqui. What noise is that without?
  Guard. It is a young girl who comes weeping
And insists upon seeing the king.
  Tupac Yupanqui. Let her come in.

(Enter Yma Sumac.)

  Yma Sumac. Which is the Inca, my lord,
That I may kneel down at his feet?
  Uillac Uma. Who art thou, charming maid?
Behold the King.

(Yma Sumac throws herself at the King's feet.)

  Yma Sumac. O my King! be thou my father,

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Snatch from evil thy poor servant.
Extend thy royal hand to me.
O merciful child of the Sun,
My mother is dying at this hour
In a foul and loathsome cave;
She is killed in cruel martyrdom--
Alas I she is bathed in her own blood.
  Tupac Yupanqui. What inhumanity, poor child!
Ollantay, take this case in hand.
  Ollantay. Young maiden, take me quickly there;
We will see who it is that suffers.
  Yma Sumac. No, sir. Not so. It is the King himself
Should go with me.
Perhaps he may recognise her;

(To Ollantay.)

For you, I know not who you are.
O King, arise, do not delay,
I fear my mother breathes her last,
At least may be in mortal pain;
O Inca! Father! grant my prayer.
  Uillac Uma. Illustrious King, thou wilt consent;
Let us all seek this luckless one--
Thou canst release from cruel bonds.
Lot us go, O King!
  Tupac Yupanqui (rising). Come all! Come all!
In midst of reconciliations
This young maid assaults my heart.



392:1 A kind of cactus, of which they make needles, grows abundantly on the mountains round Ollantay-tampu. It is called ahuarancu. They set fire to the cacti as a war signal. Zegarra calls it a thistle. The word in the Justiniani text is ahuarancu.

393:1 See note, p. 371.

393:2 Yanahuara, a ravine near Urubamba, where some of the troops of Rumi-ñaui had been posted.

393:3 Signal lights.

393:4 Ccapac Raymi, the great festival of the Sun. December 22.

396:1 Piqui Chaqui is literally 'flea foot.' He is punning on his name.

396:2 Tocarpu, a pole or stake used at executions. Condemned prisoners were fastened to a tocarpu before being hurled over a precipice.

396:3 Piqui Chaqui had an inkling that the Inca had expressed dislike at the shedding of blood. He ventured to say these words in the faint hope that they might remind the Inca of this dislike.

397:1 Rumi-ñaui at it again: for ever ringing changes on his name rumi, a stone.

397:2 The plume and the arrow were the insignia of a general.

397:3 Rather a staggerer for Rumi-ñaui! Perhaps, too, the change is too sudden, and infringes the probabilities. Tupac Yupanqui may have thought that his father had been unjust and that there were excuses. It is known that the young Inca was indignant at some other cruelties of his father. As a magnanimous warrior he may have despised the treacherous methods of Rumi-ñaui. He may have valued Ollantay's known valour and ability, and have been loth to lose his services. All these considerations may have influenced him more or less. The rebels were the best men he had.

399:1 Ranti, a deputy.

400:1 Cañari, a warlike tribe of Indians, in the south part of the kingdom of Quito. They were first conquered by Tupac Yupanqui, and they became devoted to him.

Next: Scene 7