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 T.A.G in on a -- " Oh My Gawd, It's Full of Roswell! " --
                  What-The-Pentagon's-Hal-2001-*Really*-Saw...... Tangent
                                                   October 28, 1996
 ** The Following Letter was sent to the Pentagon directly and cross-posted
    along related Fido and Internet forums during the week of March 18, 1996
    It is re-posted in its entirety, with additional NEW information provided
    to me tonight by an untraceable phone-call.
 (the call was made through the operator and according to the operator
  the call comes up with a "0" code and -even the operator- cannot
  trace where it came from under those circumstances)
 Preface: Information on U.S agencies and operations terms was provided
          by the caller, and only in hasty response to my posing a
          given question.  I cannot confirm the existence of these
          organizations or of their operations codes.
    The caller claimed to be affiliated with an arm of the S.N.S.A
    (an operations wing of the N.S.A - National Security Agency)
    Though I cannot authenticate the caller, he was in possession of personal
 information pertaining to an encounter I had shortly after sending the letter
 to the Pentagon.  The caller, when asked to identify himself, referred to
 himself in the third person and stated "his call sign is `Passport'"
 (though with the pronunciation it may have been `Past-Port')
 Passport intimated that my letter had unwittingly raised enough interest in
 "upper management" to mandate a level 3 inquiry, and that -someone- apparently
 got very nervous because it was immediately updated to a Level-1c and
 mandated to the I.N.S.A (the International operations wing of the N.S.A)
 - specifically, a Level-1c operation requires operatives make innocuous
   direct contact with individual being monitored.  -- In order to ween
   further information and assess probability of said individual containing
   additional information.
 An encounter with a twenty-something average looking `student-type' in which
 I was masterfully coerced into discussing the Roswell incident with a
 complete stranger, did indeed occur and Passport did reference many aspects
 of the I.N.S.A operations procedure that were startlingly consistent with the
 approach of this twenty-something student-type that I encountered.
 It is interesting to note that at the time of the encounter, a comment made
 by the twenty-something did contain a reference/veiled warning directly
 concerning the N.S.A.  Here is a brief excerpt of that encounter
 (to the best of my recollection):
  Him "do you know who the N.S.A are?"
  Me  "yes, the National Security Agency"
  Him "I've heard that they can make people disappear, I wouldn't fuck
       with them"
  Me  "I'm not worried"
  Him "Why did you write the letter to the Pentagon?"
  Me  "To shake the tree and seperate the bananas from the monkey"
  Him " Where did you get the information that you used in the
 [ it is interesting to note, that at this point, I had only said that
   I had sent a letter, I had not mentioned the details of what was in
   the letter, and his question does seem to imply knowledge of the
   contents of the letter itself, rather than the simple existence of.
   I remember this clearly because it struck me as odd that his first
   question wasn't "what was in the letter?" ]
 Me  "Personal information and I'm a bit of deconstructionalist"
 Him "What's a deconstructionalist?"
 Me  "putting a puzzle together by first taking it apart"
 Him "How do you know what deconstruction is?"
 Me  "ever since I was a kid I noticed that everything relates to
      everything else, there are only so many paths that anything
      can take, so if you work backwards starting at the end you
      can systematically eliminate the wrong paths until you work
      a path back to the beginning.  Then you have the whole picture
      from end to start."
 [ again, it is interesting to note, that his response implies he was
   well aware of what deconstruction is, and that the point of his
   question was simply to see how much I knew.  Additionally, Passport
   implied that this was asked because `deconstruction' is an
   N.S.A (standard intelligence operations) training procedure and the
   twenty-something was trying to discover whether I had previous
   intelligence training ]
 from here, the twenty-something turned the conversation to psychology
 with the intent of implying that "deconstruction" was a dangerous
 tool because "knowing too much about anything is always dangerous"
 (or words to that effect) - again, a possible veiled threat.
 Further details, following the re-printing of the original Roswell
 Incident letter, below, in addition to some NEW details provided
 by Passport.
   Msg#: 6                                            Date: 18 Mar 96  14:38:07
   From: Michael X. Maelstrom
     To: The Pentagon
   Subj: The Roswell Incident - Military Cover-Story
 T.A.G in on a -- "Oh My God, It's Full of Chemical Warfare" --
 To : You-Know-Who-You-Are c/o (fpi)
 via: The Pentagon scanner-boys
 re : The Roswell Incident
                                                   March 17, 1996
    Dear Pentagon,
              UFO - Ultimately Following Orders.
              Let's call these `potentially damaging profile-observations':
    You-Know-Who-You-Are, has risen to quite a position of power.  You enjoy
 it not simply because of the comfortable lifestyle, but more acutely because
 of the kick it gives to your id.  Back in 1947, you were young and already
 established within the rungs of power.  You were also unfortunately for your
 id, involved in the U.S-sales of chemical-weapons-to not-entirely-publicly
    The deal seemed simple enough, though it was quite obviously risky.
 It was to go down like this:
                          A modified "Wing" slash prototype Stealth
 was loaded with containers of chemical weapons.  These containers
 were adorned with foreign words/letters from said purchasing country.
 Why? to divert suspicion away from the U.S in the event these containers
 should ever be discovered by parties uninvolved in the transaction.
 A basic U.S intelligence safety-precaution.
 The containers however, were not properly sealed, and the all-too-human
 crew suffered serious horrible biological manifestations as a direct result.
 Another direct result, was that with the crew half dead, blind and
 writhing in agony, the aimless "Wing" crash landed at Roswell.
 Unfortunately for You-Know-Who-You-Are, security at Roswell, for the most
 part, despite its stringency, was not capable of smoldering what little
 the local civilian residents had seen.
 You had a problem.
 Intelligence reported that "UFO" (flying disc) had come up by way of an
 explanation by locals and you decided (initially) to run with it.  It seemed
 a fairly good cover-story and after-all anything was better than the truth.
 However, a new problem arose, you were young and had the power that money
 brought but didn't yet have the power that position brought.  Over-your-head
 the U.S top brass ordered that the UFO-story be killed at all costs.  You
 hadn't counted on this, but there was nothing you could do about it.  In 1947
 the U.S did not want even remotely credible UFO-stories circulating and
 causing panic and unrest and worse, public interest in military operations
 and national safety.
 With the UFO cover squelched, out came (what we now know as) the standard
 fallback military explanation: The weather balloon.
 Unfortunately, too many people knew otherwise, and over the years these
 bits and pieces came to surface.  People had seen `bodies', debris
 inconsistent with that of a weather-balloon, foreign symbols and a craft
 of some sort in the air.  Also over the years, your position grew
 until it, along with the power of your wealth, brought you the ability to be
 directly involved with top-brass decisions involving Roswell.
 This brings us up to 1994
 The Roswell incident over the last 46 years has not, unfortunately for
 You-Know-Who-You-Are gone away.  No, quite the contrary it has grown
 to such proportions that it now stands as _the_ flagship case of
 ufology.  Why? because when the original UFO cover-story was dropped
 the replacement weather-balloon explanation was so obviously fallacious
 that the only place to go, was back to the original UFO story.  Slam-Dunk
 for UFO buffs everywhere, handed on a flying silver platter.
 In 1994, the Pentagon carried its scrotum too low and decided it was time
 to deal with this bothersome Roswell case, once and for all.  If we say
 it actually was a UFO cover-story, top-brass reasoned, the people will
 demand proof and worse, more access to Roswell military records.  We can't
 have that, eventually the truth will come out.  The only option is to
 provide a "new" cover-story, this time one that people will believe so
 we can close inquiry into this case down, for good.
 Why? because though the Roswell "UFO" cover-story was a great cover-story
 that served you-know-who-you-are's purposes well in a small town, back
 in 1947, up in 1994 it was quite another ballpark.  In fact, instead of
 being the purview of an easily dismissed bunch of UFO crackpots, the
 Roswell incident, by 1994 had become of interest to a fundamentally larger
 group of people.  Why? because it played like a sensational Hollywood
 movie that manages to cross all cultures: It contained enough of everything
 to appeal to everyone (non-credible disprovability ergo potential credibility
 mysticism, intrigue, theology, military cover-ups, eye-witnesses, aliens
 paranoia, unsolved mysteries, intrigue intrigue and more intrigue, etc.)
 By now, the UFO cover-story had grown into a liability because in 1994, when
 faced with a question, people tended to press for answers; or rather the
 press tended to press for answers.  And the press tended to dig in enough
 backyards to eventually wind up with a few corpses and worse, answers
 that led to some more very incriminating questions.  And so on.  There is
 nothing worse than having a locked closet full of damaging secrets and
 having to open the door to your home to a houseguest locksmith.
 "Unfortunately" (yet again) top-brass made a drastic error in judgement
 here on two levels.  One, by making public statements on an incident over
 45 years old, the case received its widest exposure ever.  Two, top-brass
 are quite aged generians.  Individuals of 50 years and up, tend to have
 a limited grasp of modern culture.  The upshot of which was a terribly
 miscalculated mere re-working of the Weather balloon explanation broadcast
 across all media (Oprah even) in 1994.
 What was not counted on by the sheltered elite, was that public awareness
 and weariness towards any balloon-theory was at its peek.  Simply, no one
 bought it and worse, most people wondered why the military would even bother
 to attempt to deny a "crackpot UFO story" unless of course, someone had
 something to hide.  "Why bother? Unless.." was/is the question on everyone's
 This brings us to the "Alleged Alien Autopsy Film" purportedly containing
 live footage of Autopsies performed on those 6 fingered mutated-human
 appearing aliens at Roswell.  Anyone with an IQ now knows that this
 film is a fake.  This is the first happy happenstance to befall You-Know-Who
 You-Are since this mess began.  Why? because for the first time, the emphasis
 has shifted from what-Roswell-was over to what-Roswell-wasn't.  Additionally
 if people can be convinced to disseminate what-it-wasn't while at the same
 time beating the issue to death, Roswell can feasibly transform from an
 exponentially growing cult phenomenon requiring dangerous inquiry, into
 yesterday's-flash-in-the-pan hot topic, soon forgotten.  This is what
 You-know-who-you-are desperately wants, -if- it can be achieved.
 Quite simply, someone tried to make money on the high profile Roswell case by
 circulating/selling a glorified video production (which, as most of the world
 will soon be aware of, actually contains the word `video' not-so-hidden
 within it) - Why? basic production megalomania psychosis: simply put, the
 video director created the autopsy film with the initial attempt of
 pitting his ability against world scrutiny.  To attempt this, you have to
 hold 2 basic tenets to be true 1. That people are easily fooled, 2. More
 importantly that you are capable of fooling them because you are superior.
 This well-documented psychosis virtually always gives rise to:
 3. Over-confidence, resulting in the `planting' of well-hidden clues.  The
 reasoning is the same that gave rise to taking the `challenge' of creating
 the film in the first place: you believe that because people are so easily
 fooled and because you are so vastly superior, that therefore you are
 capable of proving both at the same time by leaving what you feel are
 superiorly hidden clues/jabs.  A glorified megalomaniacal modus operandi.
 There's little point in dissecting the Autopsy tape any further
 within this document, public access to the various discrepancies within
 the video, is widely available.
 But more effectively still, is the damaging growing public association of
 the film with the actual Roswell event.  Though they are two entirely
 separate issues, some damage to the credibility of the actual Roswell
 case has been publicly achieved via the exposure of the film as a hoax.
 "Unfortunately" yet again, the top-brass has decided to once-again try
 to close the book on the case by circulating yet another "new" cover-story
 on Roswell (due out in the next few months) to proverbially hammer the final
 nail into the Roswell coffin following the Autopsy-scandal and its associative
 damage.  Once again, You-know-who-you-are are not able to leave-well-enough
 Why? because the Pentagon has gotten itself into a game of squash
 with the media and once again, its carrying its scrotum too heavily.
 More importantly, endemic military-thinking leans towards the concept
 of throttling an opponent when it's weakened rather than backing off.
 The rational is this: If we (the military) leave the situation as it is
 (with the Autopsy film scandal associatively damaging the actual Roswell
  incident story) we may only temporarily have the upper hand.  It is likely
 that the Roswell case will drop out of public interest _today_ but it will
 most likely resurface at a later date once people realize disproving the
 Autopsy film does not actually disprove that something happened at Roswell
 and wham, we're right back at square 81.  Ergo, our best bet is to hit hard
 and fast, bring out some "new" evidence quickly and kill the story once and
 for all while negative momentum is rolling.
 Between 1994 and 1996, the Pentagon scanner-boys have been amassing public
 opinions on the Roswell case, with one goal in mind: to discover precisely
 which story todays generation will most-likely be willing to accept
 concerning Roswell.  The data has been accumulated and the conclusion
 is that most people will accept a combination of the following factors:
 1. High ranking U.S official covering up shady activities involving:
    a. inhumane experiments
    b. nuclear related
    c. sales of illegal weaponry
    d. incompetent/dangerous use of highly volatile material
 *** The story given above is a variation on the sort of story the U.S
     will try to release to the public in order to convince us all
     once and for all, the Roswell case was not an UFO.
     The truth is, it was.
                                      ((To Be Continued))
                                      Michael X. Maelstrom
                                      The Avante Guardian
                                Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Earth
 ... Yes, TAGMINISTER: We must ensure that if they cannot stand up to
                       outside scrutiny, we will make them top secret.

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